Analysis – Page 24
Hungry killer whales, night-flyers, cold pollock & warm humans…
"During the mid-20th century, killer whales (orcinus orca) frequently scavenged from the carcasses produced by whaling. These carcasses were primarily species of large whale, preferred by killer whales, but which normally sink to the bottom after death, possibly putting the carcass beyond the diving range of killer whales," they say ...
Ecosystem management
Lip service or reality? - For some time now, ecosystem management has become the fashionable phrase among fisheries scientists and managers. Soon everyone will be saying we must manage the whole ecosystem and the way we operate fisheries must be ecosystem-based.
Haddock and cod keep warm in Icelandic waters
THE SEA around Iceland is getting warmer. Since 1997 an increased flow of Atlantic waters has been observed around Iceland resulting in higher sea temperature and higher salinity. At present, however, this has not had any visible effect on cod recruitment. Cod being the most important fish species in Iceland, ...
Fish scientists cast doubt on costly warming calls
“Seventy years of warming may be followed by cooling as it used to be before. …we should pay more attention to the relative influence of management steps and climatic variations on fish stocks,” said Dr. Svein Sundby of the Bergen Institute of Marine Research, speaking on the long-term effects of ...
Science flies kites over acid ocean & biodiversity
The world fishing industry ought to be shaking in its gumboots at the latest strategic moves by scientists on two areas - their estimates of the loss of global biodiversity and the suggestion that marine life is under threat from rising levels of acidity in the oceans caused by carbon ...
New Zealand faces new challenges
It has certainly won a lot of goodwill. However, there are critics, for example over exactly what the orange roughy situation is and will be in the future. New Zealand says it is one of the best managed, yet some suggest, for example, that there is a basic contradiction in ...
Cheap labour
Foreign crew members on board fishing vessels should be assured decent minimum wages and employment conditions
Norway in a fish stew - and tasty in parts...
It seemed the whole of the Norwegian seafood industry had turned up in the northern town of Tromsø to eat farmed halibut, chat and... celebrate at its annual, Spring get together. After three years of low prices, a strong Krone killing export markets and no profits in the fish bank, ...
Seabird and mammal bycatch still targeted
the pressure from the ‘green’ lobby on the catching and gear manufacturing sides of the industry remains relentless.In March Greenpeace took direct action against French and British vessels engaged in seasonal mid-water pair trawling for seabass in the Channel, with the campaigners claiming that they were saving dolphins. This led ...
USA fisheries, too many casualties?
Lack of regulations and the pressure to catch a boat''s allocated quota can lead to accidents at sea
Pacificic tuna faces new era
The initiative is due for implementation at a time when the European Union fishing fleet, in particular French and Spanish vessels, is about to enter western and central Pacific waters, increasing the number of fishers competing to catch valuable tuna stocks.Tuna fisheries have become of increasing importance to Pacific island ...
Is selectivity wrong?
Fisheries scientists now doubt that traditional selectivity fishing helps to improve fishing populations
GFC for the Med has new home
FAO's General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) announced that it has selected Palazzo Blumenstihl in Rome as the site of its new headquarters, following a decision during the GFCM's extraordinary session there in late February. GFCM is the intergovernmental organisation in which all the countries bordering the Mediterranean and ...
Ghostbusters needed
We know the seabed threatens trawlermen with mustard gas shells dumped after the war. Yet fishermen have now presented themselves with a serious problem of their own making. The number of lost and abandoned nets and pots which keep on "fishing" after the boats have gone home. - When the ...
Traceability means more demanding marketplace
Vigo Fish MarketAfter the European Union (EU) legislation on food traceability came into force on 1 January, fisheries, one of the last major remaining commercial hunter-gatherer activities, is now liable to the same legal food safety requirements as farming. It will also face the same pressures in the marketplace as ...
North American seafood producers prepared for EU tracability laws
Torunn Halhjem at Trident Seafoods Corp, a Seattle, Washington based company processing primarily Alaskan seafood products says that companies have already been providing virtually all the required information."It didn't have much impact. We only had to add two lines to our invoice and on the label that the product was ...
Managing the conflict alone
A missed opportunity with missing stakeholders - One of several fashionable concepts that affects fisheries management and the fishing industry in many countries is "integrated coastal zone management" (ICZM). Born as a tool to prepare nations for a possible rise in the level of the sea, it is now being ...