Bakkafrost's year-end performance tails off

Bakkafrost has achieved the GlobalG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance Standard

Bakkafrost Group has reported a total operational EBIT of DKK 280 million (€37.53 million) for Q4 2024, a decrease from DKK 356 million (€47.72 million) during the same period in 2023

In the Faroe Islands, revenues reached DKK 1,184 million (€158.72 million), down from DKK 1,478 million (€198.13 million), while operational EBIT fell to DKK 310 million (€41.56 million) from DKK 461 million (€61.8 million).

In contrast, Scotland saw a substantial revenue increase to DKK 286 million (€38.34 million) from DKK 84 million (€11.26 million), but operational EBIT remained negative at DKK -31 million (€-4.16 million), though an improvement from the previous -DKK 104 million (€-13.94 million).

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