Business & Finance – Page 35

  • Beyond Brexit

    Beyond Brexit


    Despite all the current uncertainty about how Britain and the EU will part ways, the UK’s seafood sector should still seek pathways to future market growth

  • Keeping the fish moving

    Keeping the fish moving, as seafood sector faces Brexit uncertainty


    No matter what the final Brexit scenario is, it’s vital that every effort is taken to ensure that trade disruptions in seafood supply chains are kept to a minimum

  • Russia in transition

    Russia in transition; why any future trade with the Russian Federation will be on very different terms to those of the past


    The trade embargo that was introduced by Russia in response to economic sanctions against Moscow over the Ukrainian conflict is now into its fourth year after being extended twice. The ban has disrupted markets all over the world, with seafood supply chains particularly affected as producers and exporters sought alternative markets for the fish that continued to be caught and harvested.

  • News

    Ghana pilots life insurance scheme for fishermen


    Ghanaian Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Sherry Ayittey, has advised fishermen in the country to take advantage of the government’s Fishermen Life Insurance policy.

  • Tom Rutter

    Marine insurer appoints new CEO


    Tom Rutter has been appointed chief executive officer of North P&I Club’s subsidiary Sunderland Marine, a leading international insurer of fishing vessels, small craft and aquaculture risks.

  • News

    New board member for The Shipowners’ Club


    The Shipowners’ Club, P&I insurer in the smaller and specialist vessel sector, has announced the appointment of Steve Randall to the board of the Shipowners’ Protection Limited (SPL) as commercial director.

  • News

    Insurance services at IceFish


    Tryggingamiðstöðin hf. (TM) is an Icelandic insurance company offering comprehensive insurance services to individuals and businesses.

  • Katherine Hawes

    An introduction to aquaculture insurance


    Katherine Hawes gives a brief overview of the aquaculture insurance business.

  • The new IUU regime will tackle one of the CFP's greatest bug bears. Credit: Mark A Coleman (Beer), CC-BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    IUU fishing – a new regime for the CFP


    Andrew Oldland QC, partner at UK solicitors Michelmores, looks at illegal fishing from a legal perspective.

  • News

    Compulsory insurance of shipowners


    In the past there has been no legal requirement for shipowners to have third party liability insurance - if a shipowner did not take out insurance, the third party would only recover damages if there were sufficient assets.

  • The Shipowners’ Club has produced the handbook ‘Fishing vessel safety’. Credit: Stephen McGowan, 2006/Marine Photobank

    Insurance provider advises on fishing vessel safety


    A comprehensive handbook, ‘Fishing vessel safety’, has been produced by mutual insurance provider The Shipowners’ Club, which aims to make crew members more aware and assist crew and owners in recognising potential dangers and operating hazards.

  • News

    Shipowners’ announces no increase in premiums


    P&I insurance provider, The Shipowners’ Club, has held its premiums to the previous year’s levels, and has reported an increase of 7.3% in earned premiums for the half-year ended August 2011.

  • A dispute has begun between two conservation bodies and the MMO relating to the relationship between fishing and obligations under EU Habitats legislation. Credit: Wiki/Pauline Eccles

    UK dispute over European Marine Sites


    The first rounds have been fired in what may be a lengthy dispute between two conservation bodies and the UK Marine Management Organisation relating to the relationship between fishing and obligations under EU Habitats legislation, writes Andrew Oliver, partner and specialist in sea fisheries and marine environmental law, at solicitors ...

  • News

    The impact of subsidies


    A new study, The Impact of Subsidies on the Ecological Sustainability and Future Profits from North Sea Fisheries, has examined the impact of subsidies on the profitability and ecological stability of the North Sea fisheries over the past 20 years.

  • "Insurance coverage is something that has been missing from our domestic industry for far too long"

    Insurance brokerage for North American aquaculture


    Meslee Insurance Services Inc., an insurance brokerage located in Los Angeles, has announced the formation of a new specialty insurance brokerage unit, Aquaculture Insurance Exchange (A.I.E.), catering to aquaculture risks located in North America.

  • The tide of marine planning cannot be held back

    The control of fisheries through marine spatial planning?


    Will marine spatial planning and the increasing use of the sea for renewable energy do more for the conservation of fish stocks in than Common Fisheries Policy ever has?

  • News

    Fivium to modernise UK marine licensing processes


    IT company Fivium has been awarded a contract to deliver an IT system to support the modernisation and consolidation of UK marine licensing processes.

  • News

    New provisions for releasing detained vessels


    A number of recent vessel detentions have meant that new provisions under the UK’s Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 relating to the lodging of bonds to secure the release of vessels have been put into practice.

  • The regulation of marine resources has passed into the hands of the Marine Management Organisation. Credit: Daplaza

    Revised enforcement regime within English waters


    The regulation of marine resources has passed into the hands of the Marine Management Organisation. Credit: DaplazaThe regulation of marine resources has passed into the hands of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) which will be based in Newcastle upon Tyne. The MMO has whole raft of new powers in respect ...

  • Credit: Roger Kidd/Wikimedia

    CFP consultation reignites the debate on quota ownership


    Credit: Roger Kidd/WikimediaThe consultation saw an increasing number of calls for the UK Government to take back control of national quotas and to distribute these to the industry on a geographical or regional basis. Such a course of action would be consistent with the official Governmental position that quotas are ...