All By-product solutions articles
‘Know your fish, understand your side-stream potential’
Regal Springs’ Petra Weigl shares insights from the world’s leading tilapia producer’s full fish utilisation journey
Harnessing the power of fish waste – creating solutions in Kenya
With sustainability and resource optimisation more crucial than ever, one entrepreneur is making great strides in the blue economy
High-value collagen from fish by-products
A researcher in Australia hopes to add value to the global seafood industry by reducing the amount of waste from fisheries and fish farms and extracting a key protein
Revolutionising fishing – the valorisation of waste and by-products
A new EU-funded project is turning waste products from the industry into a series of valuable resources
Healthy returns from by-product pathways
Recent industry discussions demonstrate that an increasing number of blue-food-based biomed ventures are transitioning from innovative ideas to market-ready solutions
Waste not, want not
The Great Lakes St Lawrence region is determined to optimise the value and utilisation of its commercial fishery
An innovative new use for shrimp waste
Turning the shells of shrimp into chitin brings significant benefits
Upcycling to expand the food mix
Norwegian researchers are working to develop new hybrid foods that combine plant-based proteins with fish by-products and other novel ingredients
From problem to solution
Increasing small-scale fisheries incomes is about raising the value that fishers can get from their work, says the FAO
‘The world needs protein’
Oregon’s new zero-waste fishmeal plant has been built to fully-utilise local fishery resources
Healing powers
Seafood by-products are making huge contributions to sectors such as food, feed and even medicine
Potential aplenty
There are endless opportunities for seafood by-product utilisation, Matís’ Jónas Viðarsson tells WF
Viewpoint: What’s landfill material in other countries is creating $110m in Iceland
Icelanders have created a business culture of making use of the whole fish