Feed & Nutrition – Page 8
Sustainable aquaculture to feed the world
Microalgae-based feeds could avoid depleting the wild fish that farmed seafood consumes, steering aquaculture in a new direction
Pioneering tech to improve Artemia production
INVE Aquaculture’s latest technologies aim to further improve the production of Artemia cysts and maintain product quality
Feed optimisation through digitalisation
Over the last few decades, IT has advanced significantly, with profound impacts on industries including aquaculture
Sustainable feed for Nile tilapia
Despite significant progress over the years, aquaculture still poses concerns, such as over-reliance on wild fish and terrestrial plants such as soy. Now a US team of scientists has created an alternative feed for Nile tilapia using a marine microalga co-product
Growing interest in alternative feeds
Despite the limited supply of fish stocks, aquaculture continues to depend on wild-caught fishmeal and fish oil. By interacting with ingredient providers, researchers, fish farmers and feed companies, one collaborative effort, the Future of Fish Feed (F3), is working to offer some innovative solutions
First feed mill in Ecuador BAP certified
GISIS – part of the Nutreco Group - has become Ecuador’s first feed mill to attain Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.
Project to optimise feed efficiency
Scientists and industry are joining forces in a new project to improve feed for commercial fish farming in order to improve protein digestibility.
GLOBALG.A.P. launches sustainability module for feed mills
GLOBALG.A.P. has announced that a new voluntary GLOBALG.A.P. Add-on has been published.
Automated salmon feed barge
The latest of four 150 tonne automated feed barges being built for Scottish Sea Farms Ltd has been completed by Macduff Shipyards Ltd.
Using plants to produce fish feed
Scotland’s University of Stirling is using genetically modified plants to replace fish oil in fish feeds with the aim of preserving wild fish stocks and maintaining nutritional value of farmed fish for humans.
Bell Aquaculture opens new aqua feed mill
America’s Bell Aquaculture LLC has opened its new Bell Farms Aqua Feed Mill in Indiana representing the last major step toward completion of a vertically integrated aquaculture farm that has long been in development.