All Iceland articles – Page 6
Icelandic catch trebles
Thanks to a bumper capelin catch, Iceland’s fishing fleet landed 220,032 tonnes of fish and shellfish in January 2022
New Icelandic longliner
Háey ÞH-295 has been built for processing company GPG Fiskverkun, based in Húsavík in the north of Iceland
Fishing gains fuelled by capelin
One of Iceland’s largest seafood companies reported fishing gains of 19,000 tonnes in 2021
Icelandic fleet landed more fish in 2021
The volume of fish and shellfish landed by Iceland’s fishing fleet increased by 13% last year.
Ice Fish Farm edges closer to owning Laxar
The majority shareholders at Ice Fish Farm AS and Laxar Fiskeldi ehf have agreed to the former’s acquisition of Laxar and its subsidiaries and the merger of the two Icelandic salmon farming companies.
All the content of IceFish – presented online
Exhibitors and visitors can this year take part in the online IceFish Connect
Gearing up for capelin
Iceland’s pelagic sector is looking forward to what is hoped will be the largest capelin season for a couple of decades