IFFO, the Marine Ingredients Organisation, have joined the growing list of supporters of the Fish Waste for Profit Conference 2020.
IFFO is an international trade organisation that represents and promotes member companies in the fishmeal and fish oil industry worldwide.
Enjoying global respect and recognition, IFFO represent their members at all relevant international forums, including holding observer status at the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the EU Commission and Parliament and work with leading NGOs in responsible management of fisheries.
Acting on behalf of the fishmeal and fish oil producers and their trade associates, IFFO works to strengthen the global standing of the industry, while supporting responsible supply worldwide. Their network reaching across 55 countries, with members account for over 60% of world production and 80% of the fishmeal and fish oil traded worldwide.
Although their members’ core products are fishmeal and fish oil, IFFO are cognizant of similar emerging products from the marine environment and consider these to be relevant to their scope.
Join companies like IFFO at Fish Waste for Profit 2020 for one and a half days of knowledge sharing, insightful presentations and discussions from 24-25 September in Kópavogur, Iceland.
For further information about speaking, sponsoring or attending as a delegate, contact the Events team on +44 1329 825335 or email info@icefishconference.is.