All Industry News articles – Page 114

  • News

    SFPA unveils new sustainable strategy


    Ireland’s Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) has launched a new three-year strategy to help the State’s sea fisheries and seafood sectors meet upcoming environmental regulations.

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    Overexploitation of stocks


    Worldwide global fishing fleets are two to three times larger than the oceans can sustainably support, says a new European Commission study published in the journal ''PLOS One''.

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    Calais disruption plan announced


    North-East MSP, Christian Allard, has welcomed the announcement of a ‘quick to market’ route for fresh produce caught up in delays at the Channel Tunnel – which will protect Scotland’s vital seafood export sector.

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    Illegal fishing operation fined over AUD $2m


    The crew of the illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing vessel Perlon - detained by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) in May this year - has been convicted of offences under the Malaysian Fisheries Act.

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    Human trafficking solutions discussed in Thailand


    Thai Union Group executives, together with Lisa Rende Taylor, director of the Issara Institute Foundation met with Police General Somyot Poompanmoung, Commissioner General, Royal Thai Police to discuss possible solutions on human trafficking problems in the Thai seafood and fishing industry.

  • Researchers have developed a new UV blocking material out of naturally occurring molecules found in algae and fish slime

    Sunscreen from fish slime and algae


    Researchers have developed a new UV blocking material out of naturally occurring molecules found in algae and fish slime that can be used to make more effective sunscreen, bandages and contact lenses.

  • News

    IPNLF: Integrity of MSC under threat


    The International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) is warning that the integrity of the MSC sustainability standard is under threat, due to the “flawed determination” to certify the Echebastar Indian Ocean purse seine skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna fishery.

  • The 6ft Seagliders can spend months at sea collecting data

    Robotic gliders enhance ocean survey work


    The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) has reached a major milestone, gathering the equivalent of five years of oceanographic data using robotic underwater Seagliders.

  • Yalelo specialises in sustainably produced tilapia from Lake Kariba for the domestic market

    New Zambian aquafeed mill


    Yalelo Ltd has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Famsun Co Ltd, formerly Muyang Co Ltd, to supply a new turn-key dedicated aquafeed mill in Zambia.

  • The study used simulated trawling with schools of wild minnows

    Is trawling driving evolutionary change?


    Scientists at the University of Glasgow investigating whether commercial trawling is driving evolutionary change in fish have found that fitter fish are better at evading capture.

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    MAIB accident stats reiterates need for training


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) says that the new Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) accident statistics underlines why fishermen should advantage of funded training.

  • The BioMar Group will present a donation to the Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR) at Aqua Nor 2015

    A new research fund to be presented at Aqua Nor


    AWR’s objective is to secure a sustainable management of the living marine resources in the Antarctic, and to stimulate human understanding of the marine ecosystem and animal life in the region.

  • The PZJA is gathering to discuss the productive future of the Torres Strait. Photo: Mark Roy

    Industry gathers to safeguard Torres Strait


    The Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA), responsible for the management of commercial and traditional fishing in the Australian area of the Torres Strait, are set to meet this week to discuss the productive future of the Torres Strait.

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    Investment package for Slovenia


    The European Commission has adopted a key investment package for the Slovenian maritime, fisheries and aquaculture sectors worth €32.6m for the period 2014-2020.

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    Omega-3 fatty acids may help cancer patients


    A new study by researchers at the University Hospitals of Leicester, UK, has found that adding omega-3 fatty acids to anti-tumor medications may improve treatment response and quality of life for cancer patients.

  • This year's World Seafood Congress takes place from 5 to 9 September

    WSC to examine industry regulations


    The programme for this year’s World Seafood Congress (WSC) will include an in-depth examination of trade legislation and food safety regulations affecting the global seafood industry.

  • The SPPA is opposed allowing Norway duty free exports of mackerel and herring to EU member countries Photo: Wikipedia Podknox/CC-by-2.0

    Opposition against duty free exports for Norway


    Representatives of the Scottish Pelagic Processors Association (SPPA) are calling on the Scottish and UK Governments to oppose an agreement to allow Norway duty free exports of mackerel and herring to EU member countries.

  • Momentum is gathering in the fight to stop IUU fishing

    Industry takes action on IUU fishing


    The fight to put an end to illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is growing, with more countries ratifying an international agreement on ‘Port State Measures’.

  • SNP MSP Christian Allard and Will Clark of the Scottish Seafood Association are calling for action to be taken

    Scottish concerns over Tunnel delays


    As migrants head for the UK, disruption to the Channel Tunnel continues and the Scottish seafood industry has raised concerns about the impact of delays on their businesses.

  • Young’s is “considering alternatives” for its Fraserburgh facility

    Young’s working to save its Fraserburgh facility


    Young’s Seafood Ltd has held its third formal consultation meeting with staff at its Fraserburgh and Spey Valley facilities, following the announcement of the company’s intention to close them earlier this month.