All Industry News articles – Page 115

  • Pew says that the Pacific Bluefin tuna is in worse trouble than first thought Photo: NOAA

    Bluefin tuna outlook worse than first thought


    It’s widely acknowledged that stocks of Pacific bluefin tuna are in a dire state, but now new analysis reveals the population may be in worse trouble than was first thought.

  • Global Frozen Food now holds FoS certification for its skipjack and yellowfin tuna Photo: Taro Taylor /CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    FoS certification for sustainable tuna


    Global Frozen Food (Thailand) Co Ltd has obtained Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification for its skipjack and yellowfin tuna.

  • The report looks at the actions taken by countries across the world to tackle the ongoing problem of modern slavery and trafficking

    Thailand remains at tier-3 level in TIP report


    The US Department of State’s annual Trafficking in Persons report has been released and Thailand remains at tier-3 level for the second year.

  • Freshwater prawns may by the solution to stopping the spread of a deadly disease in West Africa

    Prawn solution prevents spread of deadly disease


    Freshwater prawns may be the solution to stopping the spread of a deadly disease in Senegal, West Africa, according to a Stanford-led study.

  • Minister Ritz has announced CAN$93million of funding into genomics research projects Photo:

    Major Canadian research investment


    Canada is making a major investment in eleven new genomics research projects which will help address challenges and opportunities for Canadian agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture.

  • News

    New Maori aquaculture agreements signed


    New Zealand’s Government Ministers have signed three new regional agreements for Maori commercial aquaculture in Auckland, Tasman and Marlborough.

  • Glenn Reed, president of PSPA

    PSPA takes over MSC certificate for Alaska salmon


    The Pacific Seafood Processors Association (PSPA) and the Alaska Salmon Processors Association (ASPA) have mutually agreed to transfer the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) sustainability certificate for Alaska salmon from ASPA to PSPA.

  • Tom Pickerell: “As part of the scoping project, we will continue to work closely with the ports and supply chain to develop a set of objectives that this standard will achieve”

    Developing a responsible fishing standard


    The British Ports Association (BPA) and Seafish are working together to develop a Responsible Fishing Port Standard certification programme for UK fishing ports, with the aim of improving seafood transparency in the supply chain.

  • News

    Fishermen in Shetland join Europêche


    The Shetland Fishermen’s Association (SFA) plans to make sure its voice is heard in the EU by becoming Europêche’s 13th member association.

  • Chair of the Working Group, John Leech (chief executive, Irish Water Safety) and Minister Simon Coveney pictured at the launch in Castletownbere

    Ireland commits €5.6m to fishing industry training


    A new report by the Working Group on Safety, Training & Employment in the Irish Fishing Industry has been welcomed by Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney.

  • MMO’s report revealed low levels of cod discards

    North Sea cod catch quota trials


    The UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has released its North Sea cod catch quota trials final report for 2014 which reveals very low levels of cod discards, but high levels for saithe and hake.

  • Guðlaugur Jónsson and Helgi Geir Vilhjálmsson. Photo/HB Grandi: Kristján Maack.

    HB Grandi hands ‘Ingunn’ over to new owners


    Last week, HB Grandi vessel ‘Ingunn AK’ was handed over to its new owners, Vinnslustöðin í Vestmannaeyjum (VSV).

  • LIFE™ Nutrition is one of the first companies to use eco-friendly aluminium packaging

    More Omega-3 supplements FoS certified


    Omega-3 fish oil supplements from LIFE™ Nutrition and Santé Naturelle have been certified by Friend of the Sea.

  • Volume of catch in fixed prices

    Icelandic fish catch up on last year


    The total fish catch of Icelandic vessels was close to 73,000 tonnes in June 2015, an increase of 16,400 tonnes compared to June 2014, according to data compiled by the Directorate of Fisheries and published by Statistsics Iceland.

  • Senator Murkowski is opposed to ‘Frankenfish’

    ‘Frankenfish’ labelling amendment


    Senator Lisa Murkowski’s amendment to require the labelling of genetically-engineered (GE) salmon, if given the go-ahead for sale to consumers in the United States, has been approved.

  • L-R: Charge d’Affaires, Renato Caldart, Canada; Ambassador, Torben Brylle, Denmark; Director General, Margit Tveiten, Norway; Ambassador, Vyacheslav Pavlovskiy, Russia; and Charge d’Affaires, Robert Bradtke, USA. Credit: M.B. Haga, MFA

    Combating unregulated fishing in the Arctic Ocean


    Norway, Canada, Denmark, Russia and the US have signed a declaration on research cooperation and measures to combat unregulated fishing in the international part of the central Arctic Ocean.

  • Eskild Kirkegaard: “It is my hope that it will serve its purpose and make the process even more transparent”

    ICES advice on fishing opportunities


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has issued advice on fishing opportunities in 2016 for southern horse mackerel, anchovy, and sardine stocks in the Northeast Atlantic.

  • The plan is to use the simulator as a tool to promote the Norwegian fish farming industry Photo: Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland/NTNU

    Aquaculture simulator


    The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has developed an aquaculture simulator which allows users to virtually visit a fish farm.

  • News

    Lumar and SFP join forces


    Spanish seafood processing company, Lumar Seafood International, and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) are joining forces to improve the sustainability of seafood and responsible supply chains.

  • Credit: SEFSC Pascagoula Laboratory; Collection of Brandi Noble, NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC

    Tuna and swordfish confirmed Friend of the Sea


    Sri Lankan seafood processing company Global Sea Foods (Pvt) Ltd. (Fresh and Frozen) has successfully completed its Friend of the Sea renewal audit for yellowfin tuna and obtained a second certification for swordfish.