All Industry News articles – Page 117

  • Full recovery of cod stocks in the North Sea will take 10-20 years, according to Professor Colin Bannister. Credit: Seafish

    North Sea fish stocks still far from recovery


    The ‘top heavy’ European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has been largely ineffectual for most of its life, according to Barrie Deas, CEO of the UK National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations.

  • Close up of prototype robot after 600 m test dive. Credit: Ronnie N Glud

    Robots to explore the deepest ocean


    Scientists from the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) will use custom-built robots to explore the deepest parts of the ocean in a bid to discover how life is sustained thousands of metres below the surface.

  • The funds will be used to add 150 Argo floats to the project's

    EU funds floats for better data


    The European Commission has awarded a grant of almost €4m to the European research infrastructure for observing the oceans.

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    FoS launches school awareness project in Hong Kong


    Friend of the Sea, in cooperation with Lily Huang of MM FreshTM, organised Friend of the Sea awareness days at the Australian International School of Hong Kong.

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    Sea Pact announces request for grant proposals


    Sea Pact has opened its fourth Request for Grant Proposals.

  • PNA consists of eight Pacific Island countries that control the world’s largest sustainable tuna purse seine fishery

    Planning urged over possible tuna revenue decline


    The CEO of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) is urging its members to plan ahead for the damaging effects of possible tuna revenue decline.

  • Christian Allard MSP and Richard Lochhead MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food, and Environment

    Have your say on Scottish MPAs


    SNP MSP Christian Allard is reminding organisations and individuals that it is their last opportunity to provide further written representations on the Scottish Marine Protected Areas to Scotland’s Fishing Minister Richard Lochhead by 12 July 2015.

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    Project Fish SCALE awarded


    The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) ongoing integration of forensic science as a way of combating seafood fraud and mislabelling is paying off.

  • The aim of the initiative is to grow Ghana's aquaculture industry

    New initiative to grow Ghana


    Norwegian aquaculture company, MoreFish AS, is teaming up with Nofima and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute to transfer knowledge and technology to Ghana with the aim of strengthening West African aquaculture.

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    New Sea Pact chairman


    Sea Pact has elected Guy Dean as the new chairman for its advisory council.

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    Annual economic fleet survey launched


    UK authority Seafish has launched its 11th annual economic survey of the UK fishing fleet.

  • The meeting adopted recommendations to conserve a further three species and one habitat in the ocean

    Protecting the North-East Atlantic


    At the recent OSPAR Commission meeting in Oostende, Belgium, a key step was taken to further protect the North-East Atlantic by the adoption of recommendations to conserve a further three species and one habitat in the ocean.

  • Telemetry data have revealed the often-mysterious migrations of endangered marine animals. Photo: Nathan Furey

    Advances in aquatic animal tracking research


    Advances in aquatic animal tracking over the past 30 years has broadened our knowledge of movements, migrations, interactions and survival, according to a new paper.

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    'State of Europe's Seas' report


    Human activities and climate change are threatening the productivity of European seas as well as our wellbeing, according to the new European Environment Agency (EEA) report.

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    MSC and ASC sign MOU


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further collaboration for partners handling both ASC and MSC certified products.

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    WWF: Tuna fishery certification is impossible


    WWF has said it believes that the Echebastar Indian Ocean purse-seine tuna fishery cannot be certified to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard for sustainable fisheries yet, due to increasing catch levels of yellowfin tuna and the lack of any effective control of fishing effort by management.

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    Job creation in South Africa


    Masifundise, the NGO for fishing communities in South Africa, and Coastal Links South Africa are embarking on a project that aims to create 2,000 jobs in 20 fishing communities, over the next three years.

  • Glass sponges (Asconema setubalense) and lost fishing lines © OCEANA

    Increase in marine litter


    Scientists from CCMAR (University of the Algarve) and Oceana have found an abundance of litter in the São Vicente submarine canyon, located in the south west of Portugal.

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    RSPCA Assured label replaces Freedom Food


    The new RSPCA Assured ethical food label is replacing the organisation’s existing label, Freedom Food.

  • Fresh headed and gutted cod is the raw material used in traditional outdoor production of stockfish

    Indoor dried stockfish research


    New research has been carried out by Nofima to find out whether indoor dried stockfish can be produced at a more consistent high quality than outdoor dried stockfish.