All Industry News articles – Page 123

  • News

    Major increase in sustainable stocks


    New scientific research shows that 18 times as many commercial species are now fished at safe biological limits compared to 12 years ago.

  • Maliangan Besar Village in the proposed Tun Mustapha Park, Sabah, Malaysia. © James Morgan / WWF-US

    Malaysia awarded for marine park plans


    WWF has presented its Leaders for a Living Planet Award to the state government of Sabah in recognition of its effort to create the largest marine park in Malaysia.

  • Micro-plastic fragments from the western North Atlantic, collected using a towed plankton net. Photo: Giora Proskurowski, Sea Education Association (SEA)

    Plastic particles threaten marine life


    Micro-plastics entering the food chain are increasingly being found in the oceans and could prove to be as harmful to marine life as larger debris like plastic bags, a new report suggests.

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    Ocean acidification measurement competition


    Five finalist teams have been selected to compete for the US$2m Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE, a global competition to create pH sensor technology to accurately measure ocean acidification.

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    MEPs vote for sustainable Baltic fishing


    A multiannual plan for managing Baltic cod, sprat and herring stocks has been approved by the European Parliament.

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    Marist College earns MSC certification


    Marist College, located in Poughkeepsie, New York, in conjunction with dining services partner, Sodexo, has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Chain of Custody certification.

  • Fishermen will have until 2017 to adapt to the new discard ban rules ©BELGA/dpa/C.Charisius

    MEPs delay discard sanctions


    The European Parliament has agreed to give fishermen two years to ‘adapt’ to the new discard ban before sanctions for failing to comply take effect.

  • Greenpeace has accused the UK government of contravening the reformed CFP with regards to quota allocation

    UK fishing quota war


    A full judicial review into the UK government’s decision on how to allocate the UK fishing quota has been given the green light by the High Court.

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    Primefish project gets EU funding


    The Primefish project, led by MATIS, has received €5m in funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to help improve the competitiveness of the European fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

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    Íslandsbanki releases US market report


    Iceland-based corporate bank, Íslandsbanki, has released its ‘United States Seafood Market Report’ that provides an insight into key trends and issues shaping the industry.

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    French herring achieves MSC ecolabel


    FROM Nord has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for its herring, following a year of rigorous science-based assessment by independent auditors.

  • FishKind Protein could reduce the industry’s reliance on unsustainable fish stocks

    Sustainable fish feed alternative unveiled


    US-based sustainable life science firm, Calysta Inc, is set to launch a new fish feed ingredient that it says could reduce the industry’s reliance on unsustainable fish stocks.

  • Kathryn Stack: "There is a huge disparity between the level of support provided to the agricultural and fishing sectors and what’s important now is that governments recognise this"

    Europeans fish for government support


    The lucrative fishing industry that plays a vital role in feeding the world’s growing population needs more support from European governments, according to a recent Europêche survey.

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    Sanford confirms facility closure


    Sanford has confirmed that it is closing the company’s Christchurch mussel processing facility.

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    EU Ministers endorse Baltic Plan


    The Council of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers has endorsed a common approach to the multiannual Baltic Plan.

  • Companies certified by Friend of the Sea must also be certified Dolphin-Safe by the Earth Island Institute. © Annabel Smithers

    Tuna fleets not a Friend of the Sea


    Friend of the Sea has said that it has received requests for certification from two major Latin America tuna shipowners whose vessels set nets on dolphins to catch tuna.

  • Karmenu Vella is urging Thailand to join the European Union in the fight for sustainable fisheries

    Yellow card for Thailand


    Thailand has been put on formal notice by the European Commission for not taking sufficient measures in the international fight against illegal fishing (IUU).

  • News

    Greenpeace highlights fishing’s ‘Risky Business’


    Greenpeace is warning investors of the “high risk” that recent changes to EU fishing and seafood legislation brings for financing fishing operations reliant on overexploited stocks, or the use of destructive or unselective methods.

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    Australia bans supertrawlers


    The Australian government has banned supertrawlers – vessels of more than 130m in length – from fishing in Australian waters.

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    WTO rules against ‘dolphin-safe’ labels


    The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has ruled against dolphin-safe labels for canned tuna following Mexico’s complaint that amended US labelling rules are discriminatory.