All Industry News articles – Page 128

  • =Agroittica Lombarda is doing its bit to help preserve wild stocks of sturgeon Photo: Wiki/Cacophony CC BY 2.5

    Calvisius Caviar remains Friend of the Sea


    Italy’s Agroittica Lombarda’s farmed sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus and Acipenser baerii), branded Calvisius Caviar, has passed its third full Friend of the Sea audit since approval in 2008, underlining its commitment to sustainability.

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    Cod compromise reached in US


    A sector examination request to preserve 30 tonnes of cod in exchange for relaxing some of the Gulf of Maine cod Interim Management Measures enacted in November 2014 has been approved.

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    ASL shortlisted for awards


    Scottish seafood specialist, Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL), has been shortlisted for two awards at the forthcoming Grampian Food Forum Innovation Awards 2015.

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    Walmart sustainable shopping portal


    Walmart has announced the debut of its Sustainability Leaders shop, an online shopping portal on that helps customers identify and purchase products from suppliers that are leading in sustainability.

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    Fish farming equipment supply


    Denmark’s AquaProcess is a newly established company offering solutions and equipment to the fish farming industry, providing everything from water-based antifouling to complete recirculated aquaculture systems (RAS) systems.

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    US scientists explore ecosystem-based management


    Scientists from throughout the United States met in Honolulu from 23-25 February to explore ways of incorporating climate, ecosystems and other of areas uncertainty into the sustainable management of US fisheries.

  • The project aims to strengthen Africa’s great potential for increased trade in fish. Credit: WorldFish

    Pan-African project to focus on fish trade potential


    A new pan-African project has been launched to strengthen the continent’s great potential for increased trade in fish.

  • The aim is to fully implement the technology in the PNA skipjack tuna fishery. Credit: NOAA

    PNA to initiate full scale eCDS trials


    The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) have decided to initiate full-scale trials of an innovative catch documentation system (eCDS) for onboard fisheries observers in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

  • Ms Pulkkinen says using Bayesian statistical models can help improve fisheries stock assessments. Photo: Jaakko Huikari

    New methods to improve stock assessments


    New mathematical methods used to carry out fisheries stock assessments could help provide more reliable reviews to support decision-making, says Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).

  • Champion sustainable fishing and take a #fishface selfie this #EarthHourUK

    #fishface challenge this Earth Hour


    WWF has teamed up with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for Earth Hour to challenge people to support sustainable fishing and healthy oceans by sharing a #fishface selfie on social media.

  • HB Grandi upgrades fleet [1028525]  -  1 Linkid : 2143639

    HB Grandi upgrades fleet


    HB Grandi is upgrading its fleet this year with two new pelagic vessels to be built by Turkish shipyard, Celiktrans Deniz Insaat Ltd.

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    Tuna workshop to ensure Eastern Pacific future


    A recent ‘tuna workshop’ is set to help coastal states ensure the effective management of the shared tuna stocks in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.

  • Export sales now account for 42% of SSC’s revenue

    SSC continues strong performance


    The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) has continued its strong run with revenues of £30.8m during the last quarter of 2014, a 43% improvement on Q4 2013.

  • Fishermen from Wales will be visiting Newlyn Harbour in Cornwall as part of a study tour organised by Cywain Fisheries. ©

    Welsh fishermen to visit Cornwall for study tour


    A group of 11 fishermen from Wales will be travelling to Cornwall in England next week to look at ways to add value to their catch and bring more Welsh caught fish and seafood to the marketplace.

  • Consumers can be confident that many species fished in the SESSF - such as whiting - are from a sustainable, well managed fishery. Credit: AFMA

    Catch limit increased in Australian fishery


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Commission has approved the sustainable catch limit increase of 2000 tonnes for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF).

  • Acidifying waters make it more difficult for creatures with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons to grow and survive Credit: NOAA

    The US ocean acidification threat


    The first nationwide vulnerability assessment for ocean acidification shows that coastal communities in 15 American states which depend on the nation’s US$1bn shelled mollusc industry are at long-term economic risk from ocean acidification.

  • The new research could significantly reduce problems caused by the disease in white shrimp. Photo: Nofima

    Tackling shrimp disease with genomics


    New research on markers for genes that determine how well shrimp resists white spot syndrome could significantly reduce problems caused by the disease in the aquaculture industry.

  • For many African coastal communities, smoked fish a vital source of food and income

    New fish drying technology unveiled


    New fish drying technology developed by Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) is set to reduce health hazards and food losses in West African fishing villages and improve food safety, quality and working conditions.

  • Marcus Jacklin: “The implementation of the landing obligation will likely have a far-reaching impact on the entire supply chain, from vessel to wholesalers"

    Seafish landing obligation analysis


    Seafish, industry authority on seafood, is commissioning a project to analyse the impact of the planned phased implementation of the landing obligation on the UK supply chain.

  • A scalloped hammerhead shark, one of the species recognizable by FAO's new software.

    New iSharkFin software to identify sharks


    A new digital technique has been developed by FAO to quickly identify shark species.