All Industry News articles – Page 130

  • Ghana continues to cooperate closely with the EC. Credit: hiyori13/Wiki/CC BY-SA 2.0

    Six month extensions to address IUU activities


    The Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Ghana have been granted six month extensions by the European Commission as they work towards eradicating illegal fishing in their countries.

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    Oz vessel nominated to fish small pelagic fishery


    An Australian flagged and operated vessel has been chosen, under the Fisheries Management Act 1991, to fish the small pelagic fishery within the Australian fishing zone.

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    Chinese strategic investment agreement


    Fujian Provincial Pingtan County Ocean Fishing Group Co Ltd, part of Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd, has entered into a RMB400m (US$64m) investment agreement with China Agriculture Industry Development Fund Co Ltd, with the latter acquiring a 8% equity interest in the company’s operations.

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    NZ seabed mining request overthrown


    New Zealand’s Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has refused permission for a bid to mine phosphate from the Chatham Rise’s deep sea bed – a decision welcomed by environmental groups who opposed the scheme.

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    MSC “received no evidence” of illegal fishing in certified fishery


    Following accusations of illegal fishing activity in a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified Swedish lobster fishery, the MSC has said that it did not receive any evidence of illegal fishing during the assessment.

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    IUU vessel banned


    Oceana has said that the inclusion of factory vessel ''Damanzaihao'' - formerly and most commonly known as ''Lafayette'' - on the list of fishing vessels engaged IUU fishing activities is a great step forward.

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    Discard ban consultation tour


    UK Fisheries Minister George Eustice has announced a series of meetings around the English coast to gather views from those who will be affected by the demersal discard ban.

  • Over 100 inspections were carried out at Swedish fishing ports. Photo: Chrius Grodotzki

    Illegal fishing spotted in ‘sustainable’ Sweden


    A Swedish lobster fishery has gained a sustainable fishing label through the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), despite illegal fishing activities being found at the fishery just four months ago.

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    Save the oceans, feed the world


    Twenty chefs from some of the world’s best restaurants are backing OCEANA’s global campaign, Save the Oceans: Feed the World, which aims to tackle the decline of wild fish stocks in the global oceans.

  • The European Seabird Task Force is being launched to tackle the problem of accidental seabird bycatch. Credit: Sarah Lelong/Marine Photobank

    European Seabird Task Force launched


    Fondation SEGRE and BirdLife Europe are launching the European Seabird Task Force to tackle the problem of accidental seabird bycatch.

  • Six nations have been identified as engaging in IUU fishing. Credit: Mike Markovina/Marine Photobank

    NOAA identifies IUU countries


    NOAA has identified six nations as engaging in illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) in its 2015 biennial report to Congress.

  • The guide encourages action to prevent IUU fishery products entering UK supply chains. Credit: EJF

    Industry guide to prevent pirate products


    A new industry guide has been issued to help ensure illegal fish, or ‘pirate’ products, is kept out of UK supply chains.

  • Generale Conserve has renewed FoS certification of its Asdomar brand

    Generale Conserve a Friend of the Sea


    Generale Conserve, an Italian company specialising in canned food, has renewed the Friend of the Sea certification of its Asdomar brand, following a positive audit.

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    Funding available for Scotland’s processing industry


    The Scottish Seafood Partnership is launching a new fish technology and innovation project to help Scotland’s processing industry to increase their offering of added value products, whilst also reducing the costs of production and route to market.

  • The RFS scheme was created so that so seafood buyers can be confident that they are sourcing responsibly harvested products

    Responsible fishing standards


    New standards underpinning the Seafish Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) have been unanimously signed off by the board widening the scope of the scheme to include new social responsibility requirements.

  • Senator Richard Colbeck: “Australia’s fisheries are world class and sustainably managed and we will continue to make any decisions regarding Australian fisheries based on sound science"

    Science update for Oz pelagic fishery


    New science for the Commonwealth Small Pelagic Fishery (SPF) has been released, which will help determine the total allowable catch limit for the 2015-16 seasons.

  • Hy-Vee is aiming to sell 100% responsibly sourced fresh and private label frozen seafood by the end of 2015

    Hy-Vee meets sustainability goal


    US-based supermarket chain, Hy-Vee Inc., is committing to providing responsibly sourced and traceable seafood for the second year in a row.

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    Processors cheating at the request of customers


    On the last day of 2014, the Vietnamese government announced that it was delaying the implementation of Decree No 36 until next year, following a petition by pangasius processors.

  • The new injectable acoustic fish tag is set to make tracking fish and understanding how they swim through hydroelectric dams easier

    Fish tagging develops in Pacific Northwest


    Tracking fish and understanding how they swim through hydroelectric dams is set to get easier thanks to a new injectable acoustic fish tag.

  • RV Endeavour will be under an 18 day charter to the Government of the Netherlands organisations Rijkswater (RWS) and the Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies (IMARES) Photo: RHaworth/Wiki CC BY-SA 3.0

    Netherlands bottom trawl survey


    The UK’s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) 74m research vessel RV Endeavour has been mobilised to perform Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) operations in the North Sea under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).