All Industry News articles – Page 131

  • News

    King mackerel fishery closes 5 Feb


    The southern subzone of the Gulf of Mexico will be closed to commercial hook-and-line fishing for king mackerel from 12:01am on 5 February 2015, as the commercial quota of 551,448 pounds for this subzone has be reached.

  • The menhaden fishery is apparently having less of an impact on stocks today than at any point in its modern history

    Atlantic menhaden assessment


    The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) has received the completed 2014 Atlantic Menhaden Benchmark Stock Assessment which finds that the menhaden fishery has less of an impact now than in its modern history.

  • News

    New BAP programme to improve aquaculture


    A new programme is being launched by the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) to help aquaculture farmers achieve Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.

  • SARSAT helped in 112 sea rescues in 2014. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA satellites help rescue 240 people last year


    NOAA’s fleet of weather satellites helped save 240 people last year from potentially life-threatening situations throughout the United States and its surrounding waters.

  • Sainsbury’s has been top of the table since 2010

    UK supermarkets urged to sell more sustainable fish


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has said that UK supermarkets need to step up to the mark to make it easier for their customers to buy sustainable seafood.

  • News

    VMS terminal grants


    The UK Marine Management Organisation is now accepting applications for replacement Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) terminals for English fishing vessels over 15m.

  • The Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries have been re-certified

    Icelandic haddock and saithe re-certified


    The Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries have been re-certified to the Icelandic FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management Specification (Version 1.1).

  • The SFF is working with the Academy to encourage a new generation of fishermen or women to go to sea

    Injecting new life into Scottish fishing


    A new training scheme is being launched in secondary schools in Scotland with the hope of encouraging youngsters to consider a career in the £430m industry and help secure the future of the region’s fishing.

  • Fishing trawlers in Porto Colom have moved on since 1949 ©OCEANA/Javier Pastor Quijada

    Overfishing in the Balearics


    Oceana warns that half of all the catches in the Spanish Balearic Islands over the last 60 years have not been declared - meaning that actual catches from the fisheries are 2.3 times higher than official figures.

  • European Commissioner Karmenu Vella, said: "Today's deal between the European Parliament and Council on the new landing obligation for fishermen brings legal clarity for our fishing community. Photo: European Parliament

    EU delays discard sanctions


    The European Parliament and Council are delaying sanctions for failing to comply with the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) discard ban, giving fishermen two years to ‘adapt’.

  • News

    Biodiesel from algae


    A common algae commercially grown to make fish food holds promise as a source for both biodiesel and jet fuel, according to a new study published in the journal Energy & Fuels.

  • The companies will look to strengthen their research and development capacity in the areas of fisheries, agriculture, aquaculture, biotechnology and food

    Nova Scotia and Iceland join forces


    An agreement has been signed by Nova Scotia’s Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc. and Iceland’s Matis Ltd to support agri-food and seafood growth in Nova Scotia.

  • News

    OLVEA fish oils re-certified


    OLVEA Fish Oils has successfully completed the renewal of its Friend of the Sea certification.

  • Fishing into the Future has been officially launched as a charity. Credit: Mary and Angus Hogg/CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    Fishing into the Future launched


    UK initiative ‘Fishing into the Future’ has been officially launched as a charity, and will serve to showcase what fisheries and fishermen can achieve when shared ambition and a pioneering spirit deliver benefits across the whole of society.

  • News

    Korea takes action to combat IUU fishing


    Korea has taken measures to proactively prevent, deter and eradicate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, following the ‘yellow card’ warning given by the European Union in 2013

  • News

    Aqua-Spark invests in industry-changing technology


    Aqua-Spark, the first investment fund focused on sustainable aquaculture, is making two important investments that could help transform the booming aquaculture industry.

  • Jervis Bay’s long history of aquaculture which began in the 1930’s with oysters Photo: Wiki/Chris 73

    Oz aquaculture leases


    Australia’s New South Wales government has approved 50 hectares of aquaculture leases on the state’s south coast to assist NSW in meeting the increasing demand for quality seafood.

  • Operation Stack. Credit: Barry Davis/CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    MSP calls for priority to be given to fresh produce hauliers


    Following transport delays in the UK after a Eurotunnel fire last week, North East MSP Christian Allard has called for a rethink over Operation Stack – the system used to park haulage vehicles bound for Europe in the event of cross-channel services being disrupted.

  • Sea bass stocks are in serious decline

    EU sea bass measures


    The European Commission has announced new measures to avert the collapse of declining sea bass stocks and implemented an emergency ban on fishing stocks during the spawning season which runs up until the end of April.

  • Salmonid site in Fortune Bay. Credit: Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture

    Newfoundland and Labrador aquaculture brings in the money


    A new report on the economic benefits generated by Canada’s Newfoundland and Labrador aquaculture industry reveals its positive effect on provincial GDP, employment and labour income.