All Industry News articles – Page 138

  • News

    Rebuilding the Atlantic cod stock


    Canada has announced the development of a rebuilding plan for the southern Newfoundland Atlantic cod stock in NAFO Sub-Division 3Ps.

  • News

    European outrage at ICCAT results


    The results of the 14th International Conference for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) have been slammed by the EU fishing industry, which it says are “ill-thought out”.

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    Asian carp processing plant planned


    Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear has announced that Riverine Fisheries International LLC plans to build a fish processing operation in Fulton County, Kentucky, USA.

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    New NFI Crab Council member


    The NFI Crab Council has welcomed Ocean Source Group as its latest member.

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    Farmed yellowtail kingfish FoS


    Yellowtail kingfish producer Clean Seas has been confirmed compliant with Friend of the Sea’s criteria for aquaculture at sea.

  • Seaweed- Ireland's newest farming activity to bring export and job opportunities. Credit: Sebastian Nils/CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Seaweed farming brings opportunities to Ireland


    Seaweed farming offers Ireland the opportunity to become a producer of one of the EU''s fastest growing food categories that could boost Irish seafood sales by an additional €10m per year by 2020.

  • News

    NEAFC makes improvements on shark management


    The North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) has adopted shark conservation measures, including a ‘fins-attached’ requirement, but has failed to agree on other commercial species like mackerel and herring.

  • The PEI lobster trap fishery has been MSC certified. Credit: Sven Kullander/CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    PEI lobster trap fishery certified


    The Prince Edward Island (PEI) lobster trap fishery has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • Greenpeace has blocked the departure of 'Insung 3'

    Greenpeace blocks S. Korean vessel


    Greenpeace is protesting against South Korea''s "lack of control over its illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) activities" by blocking the departure of fishing vessel ''Insung 3'' from Busan.

  • News

    Patagonian tootfish TAC increased


    The total allowable catch for Australia’s Patagonian toothfish has been increased by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).

  • Signing the ChAFTA

    Australia and China sign free trade agreement


    A free trade agreement has been signed between China and Australia in a deal that is Australia’s biggest-ever and that has taken a decade to finalise.

  • Increases to catches of Atlantic bluefin tuna are "too rapid", says WWF. Photo: Wild Wonders of Europe/Zankl/WWF

    ICCAT bluefin tuna quota a cause for concern


    The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas’ (ICCAT) decision to approve 20% annual increases in catches over three years of Atlantic bluefin tuna has come under fire from conservationists.

  • News

    Tuna broker FoS certified


    Taiwanese tuna broker F.C.F. Fishery Co. has achieved Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification for a number of its purse seine fleets.

  • The WFFP is calling for action to support communities devastated by Ebola. Credit: Trvincanity15/CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Call for support for communities struck by Ebola


    The World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) has called for accelerated action to support West African communities devastated by the scourge of Ebola.

  • Deep-sea stocks pushed to the limit [1008759]  -  2 Linkid : 2109215

    Atlantic bluefin tuna: counting the numbers


    A new US$145,694 grant is being used to design and carry out the first autonomous aerial vehicle surveys of Atlantic bluefin tuna that will help provide regional estimates of their numbers.

  • Haukur Gestsson

    Icelandic marine industry generates up to 30% of GDP


    According to a new report published by the Iceland Ocean Cluster, ocean industries generate 25-30% of Iceland''s gross domestic product and between 15-20% of employment.

  • News

    Next step for shark and ray conservation


    Member countries at the Conference of Parties (CoP) agreed to grant strict protection to 21 species of sharks and rays under the Appendices of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

  • Cepesca and Oceana are calling for legal loopholes allowing some fleets to carry out illegal finning of sharks to be closed. Credit: NOAA

    Call to eradicate shark finning


    Cepesca and Oceana have called upon the 49 Contracting Parties to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) to close legal loopholes that still allow some fleets to carry out illegal finning of sharks.

  • The Council did agree to maintain the prohibition on retention of depleted orange roughy. Credit: CSIRO/CC-BY-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Deep-sea stocks pushed to the limit


    Fishing opportunities for deep-sea species for 2015 and 2016 have been reduced by the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the European Union, but for 63% of stocks, catch limits have been set higher than scientifically advised.

  • News

    Scots call for common sense


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) is calling for a common sense approach to the consultation on the management of 11 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Scotland.