All Industry News articles – Page 139

  • Numbers of Pacific bluefin tuna, which is considered overfished, have declined to historic lows. Photo: NOAA

    Countries vote to protect bluefin tuna


    A joint proposal by the United States, Mexico and Japan to reduce the catch limit of Pacific bluefin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2015 and 2016 has been accepted by member nations at the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC).

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    ISSF calls for better tuna monitoring


    The International Seafood Sustainability Fund (ISSF) is calling for the use of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) by regional tuna fisheries management organisations and national governments globally.

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    Further action to protect seabirds


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has introduced new seabird protections for scalefish auto longline boats in the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery.

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    A taste of the sea


    Europêche and the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, Alain Cadec MEP, co-hosted a triumphant Seafood Showcase Cocktail Reception on Wednesday evening, displaying an abundant array of sustainably-caught produce.

  • It's estimated that 640,000 tonnes of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in the oceans each year Photo: NOAA

    Tackling abandoned fishing gear


    The charity World Animal Protection has launched a new global initiative to tackle lost and abandoned fishing gear in the oceans, which it says will save the lives of millions of marine animals and create safer, cleaner seas.

  • Árni Geir Pálsson

    Management changes at Icelandic Group


    Icelandic Group has announced that Magnús Bjarnason is stepping down as CEO and will be replaced by Board director Árni Geir Pálsson.

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    Ocean Way trawler incident


    The search operation for two missing crewmen of the UK based ‘Ocean Way’ fishing trawler, which ran into problems off the Northumberland coast at the weekend, has been called off.

  • Waveglider and C-Enduro in Plymouth Harbour

    Robot vehicles on a fish tracking mission


    Three marine ‘robot’ vehicles have been launched from Plymouth, UK, to undertake a fish tracking mission in and around new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

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    Scottish delegation to China


    A delegation of Scottish fish and seafood suppliers are arriving in China today to participate in the China Fisheries & Seafood Expo 2014 in Qingdao.

  • Guests watching 'The Business of Processing'

    Seafish premiere’s processing film


    UK industry authority Seafish premiered its new film exploring the multi-billion pound seafood processing industry on 3 November in London to an invited audience from the industry.

  • Greenpeace has named and shamed some of the “monster boats” which it says are responsible for the depletion of oceans around the world Photo: Pierre Gleizes/Greenpeace

    Greenpeace highlights “Monster boats”


    Greenpeace has blasted 20 “monster boats” which it says are examples of the most destructive and oversized fishing vessels operating under European flag, ownership or management.

  • Sea ice in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Credit: NOAA

    Southern Ocean protection efforts blocked


    Global efforts to protect key areas in the Ross Sea and East Antarctica have been blocked by China and Russia, after the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) failed to reach an agreement.

  • The Icelandic cod fisheries have been recertified to the IRF Specification. Credit: IRF

    Icelandic cod fishery recertified


    The Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua) fisheries have been recertified to the FAO Based Icelandic Responsible Fisheries Management Specification.

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    Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet enters assessment


    The Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet (ATF), one of the biggest fishing industry companies in the Pomorye region of Russia has entered its cod and haddock fishery into assessment for MSC certification.

  • Researchers are working to develop a dipstick test to check for toxic algae

    Researchers tackle toxic algae


    Researchers at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK, are working hard to develop a dipstick test to check for toxic algae – a move that could make huge improvements to fish farming around the world.

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    UK fishermen push for fair quotas


    The UK government is pushing for a fair deal for European fishing quotas after meeting with fishermen ahead of the EU December Council.

  • Mediterranean swordfish is presently fished without any catch limits by more than 12,000 authorised vessels, 90% of which are EU-flagged Photo: Oceana

    Illegal swordfish fishing


    Oceana says that despite overfishing, the EU is still “refusing” to take action to protect stocks of Mediterranean swordfish.

  • Pew has condemned the proposal to allow continued overfishing of a number of other stocks including cod, for which scientists recommend a zero TAC

    Controversial TACs proposed for 2015


    The European Commission proposed fishing limits for 2015 have received a mixed response by some who say that many exceed safe limits specified by scientific advice.

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    Chat app for fishermen


    Mobile satellite company, Inmarsat, has launched a new chat application for fishermen on board Chinese coastal fishing vessels to keep in close contact with colleagues and family.

  • The GSI has highlighted its approach and progress towards the sustainability of the salmon farming industry with its first report ‘Building the Foundation for a Sustainable Future’

    GSI unveils first progress report


    The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) has highlighted its approach and progress towards the sustainability of the salmon farming industry with its first report ‘Building the Foundation for a Sustainable Future’.