All Industry News articles – Page 14

  • A last-minute objection has halted the MSC certification of the South African hake trawl fishery Photo: SADSTIA

    Hake re-certification stalled by objection


    A last-minute objection has stalled the anticipated re-certification of the South African hake trawl fishery by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • A recent study has shown that Scottish pelagic fish have a low carbon footprint

    Scottish fish an eco-choice, says study


    Scottish caught pelagic fish such as herring and mackerel have a low carbon footprint compared to other types of food production, finds a new study.

  • Icelandic fleet gets capelin quota

    Icelandic fleet gets capelin quota


    After months of uncertainty, speculation and acoustic surveys carried out around Iceland under challenging conditions, Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries Kristján Thór Júlíusson has signed off the regulatory requirements for a 61,000 tonne capelin quota for this season.

  • NFI Chair’s focus on data and expert insight

    NFI Chair’s focus on data and expert insight


    Seattle Fish Co President and CEO Derek Figueroa, is the new Chair of the National Fisheries Institute and will speak at the Virtual Global Seafood Market Conference with his state of the industry address.

  • Cabaz do Peixe

    Boost for Portuguese sales platform


    New interest in online sales since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has boosted a Sesimbra, Portugal-based virtual platform that sells fish to the public from the local artisanal fishing fleet.

  • The SeaTrace project aims to define a traceability system for the marine by-products industry Photo: Karen Murray

    Study into marine by-products traceability


    HSSMI and MarinTrust have begun a three-month feasibility study, funded by the UK Seafood Innovation Fund’s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), to define a traceability system for the UK’s marine by-product supply chain.  

  • Nueva Pescanova proposes to increase available capital Photo: Nueva Pescanova

    Nueva Pescanova proposes capital increase


    The board of directors of Nueva Pescanova will call its shareholders and creditors to a voluntary debt to equity swap in a bid to secure the future viability of the company and accomplish its business plan.

  • The Russian Crab Company increased its catch five-fold in 2020

    Russian Crab five-fold increase in catch


    The Russian Crab Company Group caught more than 13,000 tonnes of crab in 2020, 19% of the total regional catch and five times the previous year’s catch.

  • Crab fishermen prove resilient to climate shocks Photo: NOAA

    Overcoming the effects of climate shocks


    Access to alternative fisheries, ports and grounds helps fishermen overcome the effects of climate shocks, suggests research conducted by NOAA.

  • Fishmeal and oil production steady

    Fishmeal and oil production steady


    There was an improved availability of raw materials in November 2020, but cumulative production in 2020 remains in line with the previous year’s, according to IFFO’s analysis on marine ingredient market trends, January-November 2020.

  • #FishToYourDoor scheme runs through lockdown

    #FishToYourDoor scheme runs through lockdown


    Despite a bitterly disappointing Brexit deal for UK fisheries, and lockdown 3.0 looming over the country, Cornwall’s fishermen and Seafood Cornwall’s #FishToYourDoor scheme – running continuously since lockdown 1.0 in March 2020 – is into a third wave of contact-free delivery activity, across the UK.

  • Snapper boost for South Australia

    Snapper boost for South Australia


    The South Australian Government has announced 300,000 snapper fingerlings will be released in Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent this year.

  • UK fishing sector protest

    NFFO slams Boris Brexit deal


    The NFFO (National Federation of Fishermen''s Organisations) has urged UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to concede that he has failed to strike a Brexit deal with the EU that gives the UK fishing sector independence.

  • Brim catches down, values up

    Brim catches down, values up


    According to figures released by Icelandic fishing and processing company Brim, catches were down 11,000 tonnes in 2020, while the company reports an ISK525 million increase in revenues.

  • Sustainable fishing in the key to resilience, says the EU

    Fishing resilient despite Covid, says EU


    Sustainable fishing has helped the EU fishing fleet remain profitable in 2020 despite the challenges of the global Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report by the European Union.

  • Ghost gear is one of the major causes of marine pollution

    Ghost gear retrieval in Canada


    The Canadian government has invested CAN$8.3 million to retrieve and remove lost, abandoned and discarded fishing gear, one of the largest causes of marine pollution.

  • Thai Union has created a bone health supplement using tuna bone Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union creates bone health supplement


    Thai Union Ingredients, a subsidiary of Thai Union Group, has launched a new dietary supplement produced from tuna bones which can help promote healthy bones and teeth.

  • Climate change linked to Arctic charr decline

    Climate change linked to Arctic charr decline


    Climate change is proving a major risk to one of Canada’s vital fish species according to new research published in Nature Climate Change.

  • Norway, EU and UK start 2021 negotiations

    Norway, EU and UK start 2021 negotiations


    The first negotiations on shared fisheries between Norway, the EU and the UK began earlier this week. Under normal circumstances, talks would have taken place and been concluded at the end of last year – but 2020 has been anything but a normal year.

  • MarinTrust has developed a tool giving assurance that products are MSC-certified Photo: MarinTrust

    New tool gives extra MSC assurance


    MarinTrust has developed a new tool to help ensure continuity and traceability within the seafood value chain.