All Industry News articles – Page 140

  • North-East Atlantic mackerel is healthy, but the Coastal States failed to agree on comprehensive management of the stock

    Mackerel stays strong but States divide


    Scientific advice from ICES on total allowable catch for 2015 between Coastal States reveals a strong status of mackerel stock in the North-East Atlantic.

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    Commonwealth not overfished


    The latest Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) Fishery status reports show that no Commonwealth managed fisheries are subject to overfishing.

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    Marine Harvest revenues on the rise


    Marine Harvest is set for an overall strong 2014 after recording an operational EBIT of NOK 912 million (US$139m) in the third quarter, compared to NOK 793 million (US$121m) in Q3 2013.

  • Self-sampling relies on a high degree of trust and cooperation between fishermen and scientists

    The Norwegian Reference Fleet


    It is very important that the research scientists who give advice on fisheries management issues have sound knowledge about the different fisheries; how and where the fleets operate during the season, and what and how they fish.

  • Jersey Sea Farms, Jersey Oyster Ltd and Seymour Oysters have all been certified to the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Bivalves Standard

    First oyster farms certified to ASC


    Three oyster farms have become the first in the world to enter assessment against the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Bivalves Standard for responsible aquaculture.

  • Karmenu Vella

    Karmenu Vella in charge of delivering healthy oceans


    The new European Commission, headed by President Jean-Claude Juncker, has been confirmed by the European Parliament vote.

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    Plans to save the European eel


    A report on the measures taken by EU countries to ensure the recovery of European eel has been issued by the European Commission.

  • The EC has adopted plans to prepare for the discard ban. Credit: Tony Hisgett/CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    EC adopts discard plans


    The European Commission has adopted a series of discard plans to prepare for the discard ban to come into operation on 1 January 2015.

  • If agreed upon, the proposals to make the Ross Sea and East Antarctica MPAs will create some of the world’s largest marine protected areas Photo: Antarctic Ocean Alliance/John Weller

    Honouring Antarctic conservation commitments


    The Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) is calling on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to honour its conservation commitments and agree to “lasting and significant” Southern Ocean protection.

  • Quoc Viet was the first shrimp farm to apply for and receive ASC Shrimp Standard certification

    First Asian shrimp farm ASC certified


    Vietnam’s Quoc Viet is the first Asian shrimp farm to be certified to the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Shrimp Standard.

  • Leonardo DiCaprio. Credit: Siebbi - BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    DiCaprio donates $2m


    The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has donated a $2m grant to Oceans 5, dedicated to stopping overfishing and establishing marine reserves in the world’s five oceans.

  • The new stern trawler will be of Rolls-Royce design type NVC 372

    Stern trawler design and equipment


    The Armon shipyard in Gijón, Spain, has entered into a contract to build a new £6.5m stern trawler for Norwegian fishing company, Ramoen, which will both be designed and equipped by Rolls-Royce.

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    New EU project looks at aquaculture challenges


    A new research project is being carried out by Malta-based AquaBioTech Group and the University of Istanbul to look at the environmental and fish health challenges faced by the European aquaculture industry.

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    $3.8m funding for Canadian salmon genome project


    A genome project being carried out by the Canadian University of Guelph that could help improve the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry, is to receive CAD$3.8m in federal and industry funding.

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    Bringing students and fishermen together


    On 7 October, the UK based Chef’s Forum arranged for eight Cornwall College trainee catering students, led by Head Chef, Phill Oakes, to join members of the Newlyn fishing fleet at Cornwall’s largest fish market.

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    New API executive director


    Dr Hawis Madduppa has been announced as the new executive director for the Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association (APRI).

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    MSC appoints Developing World Working Group chairman


    Professor Eyiwunmi Augustinee Falaye has been appointed as the new chairman of the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) Developing World Working Group.

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    Another certification for Omega Protein


    Omega Protein has received a second Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification, this time for its sustainable fish meal and fish oil derived from Gulf menhaden caught in the Gulf of Mexico.

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    Cornish shellfish back on the menu


    Since May 2014, shellfish production was banned on Cornwall’s river Fal and the Helford after mussels and oysters were discovered heavily contaminated with human sewage and agricultural farmyard effluent, reports Bryan Gibson.

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    FCI to certify Responsible Fishing Scheme


    The UK’s revised Responsible Fishing Scheme aims to attain full ISO 17065 accreditation for the first time, and FCI (Food Certification International) has been awarded the role as the scheme’s certification body.