All Industry News articles – Page 146

  • ASC certified seafood is growing in popularity across Hong Kong and Asia

    ASC certified pangasius now in Hong Kong


    Seafood shoppers in Hong Kong can now buy Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified fish in their local supermarket following Market Place by Jasons’ launch of ASC labelled responsibly farmed pangasius in its stores.

  • Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway opened Nor-Fishing 2014

    Women dominate Nor-Fishing


    For the first time in the history of the exhibition, Nor-Fishing 2014 was officially opened by a female member of the Norwegian royal family, Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway.

  • News

    Oceana calls for expanded Balearic protection


    Oceana is calling for expanded marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Balearics to defend the islands from the threat of oil drilling.

  • The new fish vaccine has been developed to help protect tilapia against the biotype 1 strain of Streptococcus agalactiae Credit: Allen Timothy Chang/Allentchang/CC BY-SA 3.0

    New fish vaccine to protect tilapia


    MSD Animal Health (Merck Animal Health) has introduced a new fish vaccine to help protect tilapia and other fish against the biotype 1 strain of Streptococcus agalactiae.

  • News

    Scottish showcase in Japan


    Scottish producers are coming together for the first time this week to showcase Scottish seafoods at the Japanese Seafood Expo.

  • Dr Williams: “This formulation of the Ethics Working Group is a clear indication of a strong and clear commitment to enact positive change and make a difference”

    New ethics working group


    The UK seafood industry has united in favour of a new all-stakeholder working group set up in response to unethical practices within the global seafood market.

  • Blue whiting for human consumption is becoming more popular. Photo: Mikko Heino

    MSC ‘first’ for North Atlantic blue whiting


    A group of Dutch, German, French, English, Lithuanian, Danish and Irish pelagic fisheries has entered the first North Atlantic blue whiting fishery into Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment.

  • Oceana says marine litter in the Baltic Sea is getting worse. Photo: Oceana Europe/Flickr

    Oceana joins litter research expedition


    Oceana is joining a research expedition to study marine litter in the Baltic Sea, as the problem worsens.

  • Despite a trawling ban being enforced in 2006, ecosystems in the Channel are still under threat

    Oceana calls for Spanish trawling ban


    Oceana is urging the Spanish government to put a stop to trawling in the Minorca Channel, which although banned in 2006, is still carried out with impunity.

  • The new factory will produce surimi from 'grey' fish, rather than 'white' fish. Photo: Hermes-Sojitz

    New surimi factory for Senegal


    International investment fund Hermes-Sojitz is funding the launch of a surimi factory in Senegal, Africa - said to be the world''s first high-tech factory of its kind.

  • News

    IFFO sets the record straight


    The International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO) has hit back at claims that overfishing of sandeels and krill in the Atlantic Ocean are causing a decrease in size and weight of Scottish salmon.

  • Vietnam's GODACO is promoting sustainable pangasius

    Vietnam promotes sustainable pangasius


    Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)-certified GODACO farm in Vietnam is promoting its pangasius this week as part of an EU-funded project.

  • Greenpeace says that Bigeye tuna is heading down the same track as Bluefin tuna Photo: NOAA

    Bigeye tuna on overfished list


    Greenpeace says that new figures from the tenth meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Scientific Committee (WCPFC), reveal that bigeye tuna is now officially overfished and is in danger of heading down the same track as Bluefin tuna.

  • Delegates networking at the previous Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition

    IceFish Conference to be launched in September


    The largest commercial fishing exhibition in the Northern Hemisphere, the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, is launching the inaugural Icelandic Fisheries Conference.

  • According to Hatz, the engine sets new standards in its class in terms of power to weight ratio, size and fuel efficiency

    Hatz in the ring


    Hatz Diesel, a German manufacturer of small industrial diesel engines, is planning to present a concept study of the new 4H50TIC as a marine version at the SMM exhibition in Hamburg.

  • The Association of Seafood Producers will develop a shrimp information booklet. Credit: Philip Chou/SeaWeb/Marine Photobank

    New shrimp information booklet


    The Newfoundland and Labrador government has announced $27,300 to the Association of Seafood Producers, to assist with development of an information booklet which will provide product handling guidelines to the shrimp industry.

  • News

    GB Aqua new Crab Council member


    GB Aqua has become the newest member of the NFI Crab Council.

  • The research used new methods to track Atlantic Ocean bigeye tuna. Photo: NOAA

    Bigeye tuna on the move


    Northwestern Atlantic Ocean bigeye tuna movements are wide-ranging, with pronounced north-south movements from Georges Bank to the Brazilian Shelf, according to a new, first-of-its-kind study.

  • Bluefin tuna catches are continually being tightened and there has been a 50% reduction in haul limit

    Bluefin tuna hatchling agreement


    Japan’s Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Kinki University have signed an agreement to promote the production of bluefin tuna hatchlings in Japan as well as explore various business opportunities overseas.

  • Catch of Atlantic herring. Credit: NOAA FishWatch

    Irish Sea herring fishery MSC certified


    The Northern Ireland Pelagic Sustainability Group (NIPSG) Irish Sea herring fishery has become the first Irish Sea fishing fleet to gain Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.