All Industry News articles – Page 148

  • Knut Nesse speaking at Nutreco’s biennial AquaVision conference in Stavanger, Norway Photo: Blue Planet

    Half year high for Nutreco


    Global feed expert, Nutreco, reports a first half year high in 2014 with a revenue of €2.460m, up 2.6% when compared with the same period last year.

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    New Zealand mining application questioned


    New Zealand’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is concerned over Chatham Rock Phosphate’s (CRP) mining application and says alarm bells should be ringing.

  • Supertrawler 'Abel Tasman' has been previously banned from operating for two years because of its affect on the dolphin population

    Commercial fishers fight back


    The Commonwealth fishing industry has expressed its dismay at learning that the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) is considering a motion to lobby major political parties to oppose large processing vessels in Australian waters.

  • Curaçao, Ghana and Korea have been given an extra six months to improve the illegal fishing situation in their countries. Credit: oneVillage Initiative/CC BY-SA 2.0

    EC extends IUU deadline for Curaçao, Ghana and Korea


    The European Commission has given Curaçao, Ghana and Korea an extra six months to improve the illegal fishing situation in their countries.

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    Scots voice issues of concern


    Scottish fishermen are to meet with the UK Fisheries Minister George Eustice this week to voice their concerns over catching opportunities for 2015.

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    Call for Australian fishing vessel ban


    The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) has express its concern that the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) is considering a motion from the Break O''Day & Northern Midlands councils to lobby the Australian Government to ban certain types of Australian flagged fishing vessels from Australia waters.

  • IATTC failed to adopt any conservation measures on bluefin tuna. Credit: NOAA

    European Commission worried about IATTC failure


    The European Commission has expressed its disappointment with the outcomes of the 87th Annual meeting of the Inter American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), which finished on 18 July in Lima, Peru.

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    Coalition formed to combat illegal fishing


    To combat illegal fishing in the European Union (EU), Oceans 5 has announced the formation of a coalition of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with a grant of over $1 million per year for three years.

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    Bristol Bay commends EPA proposal


    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its proposed determination in the Clean Water Act 404(c) process, issuing draft protections for the Bristol Bay watershed related to the proposed Pebble Mine.

  • The fishing industry has been working hard to reduce accidents Photo: Wiki/Sensor

    UK fishermen fatalities decline


    The recent publication of the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s (MAIB) annual report shows that there was reduction in fishermen fatalities in 2013, indicative of the wide reaching work of the industry to reduce accident rates.

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    Global conference to be held Scotland in 2016


    Aberdeen has been announced as the host of the next International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET) conference in 2016.

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    Oceana exposes illegal fishing


    Oceana observers, together with Italian journalist Sabrina Giannini from Reportime, have gathered evidence of fishing boats using illegal driftnets in southern Italy’s port of Bagnara Calabra.

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    AOA reports on Weddell region protection


    The Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) has released a new report to contribute towards protection of the Weddell Sea Region, located south of the Atlantic Ocean.

  • KinOmega manufactures and supplies ultra-pure Omega-3 for nutritional and pharmaceutical purposes

    Friend of the Sea expands in China


    Friend of the Sea (FoS) is expanding in China as KinOmega, global manufacturer and supplier of ultra-pure marine Omega-3, concludes the audit.

  • Víkingur AK leaves Akranes. Photo/HB Grandi: Garðar Svavarsson

    HB Grandi bids vessel farewell


    HB Grandi‘s top catcher, ''Víkingur AK-100'' has been sold to a company in Grenaa, Denmark.

  • Montserrat is embracing VMS technology to support the management and protection of coastal and marine resources

    Montserrat at the forefront of Caribbean marine management


    The UK Overseas Territory Government of Montserrat Fisheries Division is proactively embracing cutting edge VMS technology to support the management and protection of coastal and marine resources.

  • Fishing boats in Essaouira, Morocco. Credit: Daniel*D/CC BY-SA 3.0

    EU-Morocco agreement to enter into force


    The European Commission has welcomed Morocco’s ratification of a Fisheries Protocol which is set to open the door for European vessels to begin fishing in Moroccan waters again for the first time in more than two years.

  • Signal crayfish. Credit: David Perez/CC BY 3.0

    Researchers discover new crayfish disease


    Crayfish researchers have discovered a new disease plaguing female signal crayfish - eroded swimmeret syndrome (ESS).

  • NUFTA and Greenpeace are calling for UK coastal waters to be reclaimed for low impact, local fishermen

    Foreign fishing rights


    At a parliamentary meeting on Monday, UK MPs agreed to back a call for the rights of foreign vessels to fish in UK coastal waters to be revoked and reclaimed for the use of low impact, local fishermen.

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    Australia to combat IUU fishing


    During a visit to the Tenth Annual Session of Pacific Fisheries Ministers last week, Australian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister to Agriculture, Senator Richard Colbeck, renewed commitment to combat illegal fishing and support sustainable fisheries management in the Pacific.