All Industry News articles – Page 154

  • News

    Scottish marine survey


    Marine ecologists and oceanography experts from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) embarked on a four week survey on 19 May, as part of ongoing work to improve scientific understanding of Scotland’s natural marine environment.

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    Ireland receives €1m boost


    Ireland’s inshore fisheries sector is to receive €1m in funding to develop sustainable, environmentally friendly fishing practices.

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    Cooke closes Scottish deal


    Canada’s Cooke Aquaculture has bought Marine Harvest’ fully owned subsidiary Meridian Salmon Farms, Scotland’s leading salmon farming company.

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    Commission calls for driftnet ban


    The European Commission is calling for the banning of the use of any kind of driftnets for fishing in all EU waters as of 1 January 2015.

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    Deep-water rose shrimps now Friend of the Sea


    Manno''s Brothers (Fratelli Manno) has become the first Italian company to achieve Friend of the Sea certification for it deep-water rose shrimps, which are caught in the Tyrrhenian Sea (GSA 9).

  • The farms have taken the total number of ASC-certified salmon farms to eight

    More ASC-certified salmon for the market


    Three more Lerøy Aurora farms have been certified against the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Salmon Standard and were awarded at the Seafood Expo Global last week.

  • News

    SFF voices concerns over EU fishery access


    In a letter to First Minister Alex Salmond, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) has voiced its concerns on fishery access to Scottish waters, should there be independence.

  • Lerwick Harbour

    Fishing industry to benefit from Lerwick Harbour development


    A large new jetty at Lerwick Harbour in the Shetland Islands, Scotland, is due to begin in the third quarter this year, which will benefit the fishing industry.

  • News

    Marel’s new Fish MD


    Sigurdur Olason has been appointed managing director of Marel’s Fish Industry Center.

  • Last year, the grants were spent on lifejackets, hand-held radios and other safety equipment

    NFFO commits £50,000 to training


    The UK''s National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations’ (NFFO) Training Trust is committing £50,000 for fishermen’s training, safety equipment and general education about the fishing industry in 2014.

  • Baltic Sea species like Butterfish are under threat. Photo: Oceana/ Carlos Minguell

    Baltic Sea under threat, says Oceana


    As the number of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat continue to increase, little work is being done to actually protect them, leaving the area open to threat, says Oceana.

  • News

    ISSF researchers work towards bycatch mitigation


    A team of International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) researchers and fishers are to embark on a journey through the Pacific in search of better fishing practices as part of the ISSF Bycatch Project.

  • The funding is in place to ensure the effective implementation of the CFP. Photo: Mark A Coleman

    Europe commits €5.7bn for CFP


    Around €5.7bn in funding has been pledged to ensure the effective implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) after the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) was adopted by the European Council.

  • The new site will enable the company to supply Scottish salmon all year round. Photo: Roy Lathwell

    New £2.5m fish farm site for Orkney


    Wyre in Orkney, UK, is set for a new Scottish Sea Farms site that will significantly increase production of the quality farmed product.

  • NOAA Ship Rainier and its six small survey boats return to Alaska for a summer of hydrographic surveys. Credit: NOAA

    Ships set sail for NOAA survey season


    NOAA ships, small boats, and hydrographic services contractors will be surveying more than 2,000 square nautical miles in US coastal waters this year, collecting data that will strengthen the foundation of the nation’s environmental intelligence.

  • Filleting waste is an "unexploited gold mine", says Sissel Albrektsen

    Phosphorus production gold mine


    Limited access to global reserves of phosphorus, a vital mineral added to salmon feed, means the industry must increase its use of current sources, says Nofima.

  • Even a minor cut could threaten the economic viability of many Australian fishing operations. Photo: Tim J Keegan/Flickr

    Oz tax increases opposed


    The Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA) is opposing the Australian Coalition Government’s proposal to increase tax for professional fishermen.

  • The MSC certified tuna is sourced from the Maldives from fishermen using the pole and line technique

    Sainsbury’s launches sustainable sandwich


    Sainsbury’s is the UK’s first retailer to launch a Marine Stewardship Council certified sustainable tuna sandwich.

  • The Granville Bay whelk fishery has become the first whelk fishery worldwide to enter MSC certification. Photo Marine Stewardship Council

    Whelk fishery enters MSC programme


    The Granville Bay whelk fishery has become the first whelk fishery worldwide to enter Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • News

    Russia plans to make quota changes


    The Russian government plans to tighten fishing conditions in the country, reports Eugene Gerden.