All Industry News articles – Page 155

  • Oceana says the abundance of large Baltic Sea cod is crucial

    Oceana questions Baltic Sea discard ban


    Oceana is questioning Baltic Sea fisheries directors’ adopted proposal to decrease the size of cod allowed for human consumption, stating it risks opening up a market for undersized fish.

  • Black sea bass is one of the species rebuilt to target level in 2013, according to a new NOAA report. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA reports show positive trends


    US commercial and recreational saltwater fishing generated more than $199 billion in sales in 2012, a gain of 7% over the previous year, with the economic impact of fishing jobs increasing 3% from 2011 to 2012, according to a new NOAA Fisheries economics report.

  • The countries will work together on projects in Sumatra and other locations. Photo: Fabio Achilli/Flickr

    Dutch-Indonesian partnership to improve fish products


    Indonesia and The Netherlands are entering a partnership to develop €4.5m worth of joint projects to improve fish products for Indonesian consumers.

  • The new agreement allows 38 EU vessels to once again operate in the Senegalese EEZ. Photo: Forbes Johnston/Flickr

    EU and Senegal extend partnership


    The European Union and the Republic of Senegal are extending their sustainable fisheries partnership following a third round of talks.

  • News

    HB Grandi on the main market


    NASDAQ OMX has announced that the shares of HB Grandi hf are now being traded on the Main Market of NASDAQ OMX Iceland, under the ticker symbol GRND.

  • For North Sea stocks of haddock, scientific advice is being followed very closely. Credit: NOAA

    Seafish analyses 2014 TACs


    Seafish has published its latest summary document showing the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) agreed by the European Union for 2014, compared with the scientific recommendations made by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

  • The 'map' provides a window into the evolution of rainbow trout. Photo: Eli Cureton/USFWS/Flickr

    Researchers look at rainbow trout genome


    An international team of researchers has mapped the genetic profile of the rainbow trout, focusing on the rate at which genes have evolved since a rare genome doubling event occurred around 100 million years ago.

  • News

    Fishmeal factory opens in Vietnam


    The Thuy Hai Seafood Processing Co., Ltd fishmeal factory opened in Vietnam on 19 April.

  • The EDA has welcomed the rejection of a new farm in New Zealand's Marlborough Sounds

    Progress made on new NZ salmon farms


    New Zealand Pacific salmon producer, King Salmon, is making progress on new farms in Marlborough Sounds after receiving the go-ahead from the Supreme Court.

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    Workshop on ocean industry data collection in Canada


    The World Ocean Council (WOC) and Canada’s Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) Network are organising an international workshop to advance ocean industry data collecting and sharing in Canada.

  • News

    FOS-certified Calamari Oil


    Australian NaturalCare has launched Friend of the Sea (FOS) approved Calamari Oil 1000, which contains Calamarine® concentrated squid oil produced by Pharma Marine.

  • Steve Hall biopsy sampling a ‘Short Sunfish’ or ‘Southern Sunfish’ (Mola ramsayi) caught and released. Credit: AFMA

    Ocean sunfish sampling


    Researchers at Perth’s Murdoch University have been conducting a biopsy sampling programme on ocean sunfish for the past 12 months.

  • Eastern Tuna longliners have been catching SBT in the Great Australian Bight for the first time in nearly 20 years. Credit: AFMA

    Tuna fishing in the Great Australian Bight


    For the first time in almost 20 years, Eastern Tuna longliners have been catching Southern Bluefin tuna (SBT) in the Great Australian Bight.

  • Illegal fishing activity has significantly decreased in Australia since 2005

    Oz Coalition stands up to illegal fishing


    The Australian Coalition is standing strong against illegal fishing in the Australian Fishing Zone following the apprehension of a suspected illegal vessel with 500kg of fish onboard.

  • The gulper shark exclusion device. Photo courtesy of SETFIA

    Sydney bycatch trials


    Australia’s South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) and Sydney fisherman Vince Bagnato are due to trial a bycatch reduction device that excludes gulper sharks from Royal Red Prawn nets, from late April.

  • Iceland has set its 2014 mackerel catch quota at 147,574 tons

    Iceland announces 2014 mackerel quota


    The Icelandic Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture has set Iceland''s 2014 mackerel catch quota at 147,574 tons.

  • The Thermolicer method takes the fish and pumps them in to a lukewarm bath where the lice die from a sudden temperature change

    Ocea and Bremnes work on ‘green’ delousing


    Norway’s Ocea and Bremnes Seashore are to further develop the Ocea Thermolicer, scaling it for Norwegian and North Sea conditions.

  • Scottish fishermen want to know what independence will mean for them. Credit: Paul Farmer/CC BY-SA 2.0

    SFF seeks clarity on independence


    The Scottish fishing industry is seeking answers from the Scottish and UK fisheries ministers on exactly what it will mean for fishermen in Scotland if the country votes ‘yes’ to independence.

  • The 2013 Annual Report for Dolphin Safe Tuna has been released. © Stephanie Smithers

    EII releases Annual Report on Dolphin Safe tuna


    The Earth Island Institute’s (EII) International Monitoring Program has released its 2013 Annual Report on Dolphin Safe Tuna.

  • The ARRANIA project has made progress in finding fish feed alternatives

    EU project finds fish feed alternatives


    An EC-funded research project is working hard to find alternative fish feeds that retain the nutritional properties of fish.