All Industry News articles – Page 157

  • News

    Better rules equal better opportunities


    Better rules could mean better opportunities for British Colombia’s salmon farmers, a Canadian senate committee has been told by representatives from the sector.

  • East Coast software schemes are claimed to obtain better prices for locally caught fish

    Traceability technology getting higher prices for local US fishermen


    Software schemes have been developed in the north east of the USA which are claimed to obtain better prices for locally caught fish.

  • Japan has killed around 3,600 minke whales since 2005 under JARPA II. Credit: NOAA

    Ban on ‘scientific’ whaling


    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Japan must stop its whaling programme in the Southern Ocean.

  • News

    Tributes paid to Jean Morgère


    World Fishing & Aquaculture is saddened to report the passing away of Jean Morgère, the man who ensured that Morgère trawl doors became renowned around the world for their superior performance.

  • More than half of the proposals were submitted by fishermen and scientists from New England and the Mid-Atlantic

    Federal funding for NOAA research projects


    America''s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research projects that directly benefit the US fishing industry look set to receive US$5.6m in federal funding.

  • The P-Trap entangles the propeller causing the engine to stall. Photo Westmark

    New strategy to minimise maritime criminal activity


    Netherlands-based Westmark BV is testing a combination of legal techniques aimed to protect fishing vessels in the Gulf of Guinea, where maritime criminal activity has increased in recent years.

  • The limit for crayfish at the Bay of Plenty has been reduced. Photo: Fuadounet

    New catch limits set for NZ


    New Zealand’s Primary Industries Minister, Nathan Guy, has set new limits for commercial fish stocks in a bid to ensure their sustainable future.

  • News

    Swedish prawns FoS certified


    Swedish company SeaSam Food AB has completed a Friend of the Sea audit for its greasy back shrimps, Indian white and giant tiger prawns.

  • The FSA is inviting tenders for a research study to improve norovirus removal from live oysters

    Oyster research call


    The UK Food Standards Agency is inviting tenders to design and execute a research study to identify and evaluate possible enhancements to improve norovirus removal from live oysters during shellfish depuration processes.

  • The report has found that bycatch remains a significant problem in US fisheries. Credit: ProjetoTamar Brazil/MarinePhotobank

    Oceana launches campaign to stop wasted catch


    Oceana has released a report that exposes nine US fisheries that, combined, throw away almost half of what they catch.

  • For each species, oil exposures caused serious defects in heart development and abnormalities in cardiac function. Photo: University of Miami

    New study looks at oil spill impacts


    Several Gulf of Mexico fish embryos developed serious heart abnormalities following exposure to crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, according to a new study carried out by the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science.

  • News

    Friend of the Sea cert for Croda


    Global chemical expert Croda’s range of omega-3 fish oil concentrates has been awarded Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification.

  • The consortium's goal is to enable a broad-based use of national resources and open access to information

    New marine research consortium


    The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE is to coordinate the consortium for Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure, FINMARI, selected for the national roadmap of research infrastructures.

  • News

    New website for Crab Council


    The NFI Crab Council’s new website - – has been launched to provide information and updates on the Council’s sustainability projects in Southeast Asia.

  • Primary school children in England will now learn about the importance of eating fish as part of the national curriculum

    Seafish reaches out to primary schools


    An education resource pack that supports primary school teachers to deliver healthy eating lessons has been distributed to every primary school in England.

  • AZTI-Tecnalia has developed a new method of authenticating canned tuna. Credit: AZTI-Tecnalia

    Authenticating canned tuna within 24 hours


    R&D centre AZTI-Tecnalia has developed a new method of authenticating canned tuna - which makes it possible check if a product is albacore, yellowfin, bigeye or another tuna species within 24 hours.

  • The SAM is proving popular with fishermen looking to better manage fisheries

    DTU Aqua statistical model proves popular


    A statistical model developed by DTU Aqua, which contributes the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) work, is proving popular with fishermen looking to better manage their fisheries.

  • Linda Cornish, executive director of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership

    Industry invited to donate to US health campaign


    The Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) has nearly reached its goal of $7.5 million in contributions from the seafood industry – half of what is ultimately needed to underwrite a three-year national public health campaign that would begin in 2015.

  • A joint statement committing to tackling global fleet overcapacity has been signed

    Joint commitment to tackling overcapacity


    A joint statement committing to adopt measures to tackle global fleet overcapacity has been signed by the EU and major fishing nations including the United States, Colombia, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia.

  • Ms Bellinger says hatcheries may no longer be of use for conservation of trout. Photo: Shelly Hanks, WSU Photo Services

    Wild trout win the race


    A recent study by researchers at Washington State University (WSU) suggests trout hatcheries could be interfering with the appearance and behaviour of domestic trout, making them inferior to their wild relatives.