All Industry News articles – Page 161

  • High Liner achieved 100% of its goal for Atlantic haddock, cod, sole/flounder and pollock, among others

    High Liner Foods achieves sustainability goal


    Nova Scotia-based High Liner Goods Incorporated achieved 99% of its goal to source all its seafood from “certified sustainable or responsible” fisheries and aquaculture by the end of 2013.

  • News

    Maryland introduces fraud bill


    The Maryland Seafood Authenticity and Enforcement Act has been introduced to provide Maryland residents with more information about the seafood they purchase.

  • Aquaculture will provide close to two thirds of global food fish consumption by 2030. Credit: Marine Harvest

    Two thirds of fish to come from aquaculture by 2030


    A new report predicts that aquaculture will provide close to two thirds of global food fish consumption by 2030, as catches from wild capture fisheries level off and demand from an emerging global middle class, especially in China, substantially increases.

  • The campaign aims to introduce viewers to Friend of the Sea certification

    Friend of the Sea TV campaign reaches millions


    Friend of the Sea (FOS) has launched a TV campaign in Italy and Switzerland to introduce viewers to FOS certification, highlighting companies engaging in environmental conservation and social accountability.

  • Greater amberjack, a species with great potential for the Mediterranean aquaculture. Photo: Hellenic Centre Marine Research (HCMR)

    EC works to ‘diversify’ aquaculture


    The European Commission (EC) has begun a five-year long project, ‘Diversify’, to identify a number of new and emerging finfish species that have the potential to expand the EU aquaculture industry.

  • R/V Shinsei Maru will work for the recovery of marine ecosystems and fisheries in post earthquake disaster coastal Japan

    Underwater winch package for research ship


    Denmark headquartered MacArtney has supplied a major consignment of high performance oceanographic winches to JAMSTEC, the Japanese Agency of Marine-Earth-Science and Technology.

  • Seagrass seedlings growing underwater in the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research at Swansea University

    Seagrass restoration could reverse marine biodiversity decline


    Researchers at Swansea University are developing a means of restoring endangered seagrass meadows in the UK by growing mats of these marine plants to replace previously damaged habitat.

  • Supermarkets including Waitrose will see an increase in sales of mussels © Waitrose

    Valentine’s Day boom for Scottish mussels


    The Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) is predicting that sales of Scottish mussels will double in the run-up to Valentine’s Day on Friday.

  • News

    Core fishing grounds aid marine planning


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is calling on fishermen to comment on the benefits and difficulties when it comes to marine spatial planning zones.

  • Nutreco is moving closer to its core businesses

    Nutreco drives growth


    Nutreco is looking to drive sustainable growth and expand its operations in Latin America, Russia, Asia and Africa after reporting solid results in 2013.

  • Partners of Unimak Maritime Group's sockeye salmon fisheries have been certified sustainable. Photo: Lloyd Guenther/Marine Photobank

    Russian salmon verified sustainable


    Partners of Unimak Maritime Group have been certified as sustainable by Friend of the Sea for sockeye and pink eye salmon fisheries in Kamchatka, Eastern Russia.

  • The RFS will be redefined to keep in line with the ever changing industry needs

    Industry works to update UK fishing standards


    A certification scheme created to raise standards in the UK catching sector is to be refreshed to “bring it in line with the ever changing needs of the industry” and ensure a transparent supply chain.

  • News

    True North salmon BAP certified


    True North salmon from Atlantic Canada and Maine is now ‘three-star’ certified to the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standards.

  • Oceana says the seismic surveys will 'harm' several species including cetaceans, sea turtles and fish. Photo: OCEANA/Carlos Suárez

    Oceana warns of seismic surveys damage


    Oceana is fighting proposed oil and gas seismic projects between Catalonia and the Balearic Islands that it says will “harm” more than 17 million marine hectares, 82 protected areas and almost 200 protected or regulated species.

  • Currently, 154 fishing vessels from across the south west are "Fishing for Litter"

    Fishing for Litter project


    The UK’s hugely successful Fishing for Litter South West marine litter project has landed £45,000 of funding from The Crown Estate.

  • Sainsbury's has joined M&S in joint top spot when it comes to sustainable seafood

    UK supermarkets prove sustainability


    UK supermarkets Sainsbury’s and Marks and Spencer have come out on top of the Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS) Supermarket Seafood Survey.

  • News

    Modelling the threat of the salmon louse


    SINTEF, the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia based in Norway has developed a detailed chart of marine currents along the coast of Nordland.

  • Nofima researchers have developed Virgin herring. Photo: Ragnhild Skåra/Nofima

    Nofima reinvents North Sea herring


    Norway''s Nofima is taking advantage of the increase in North Sea herring stocks to create a new product, Virgin herring.

  • Bloomberg Philanthropies believes that the factors that led to mismanagement must be addressed now

    Bloomberg Philanthropies launches Vibrant Oceans


    Bloomberg Philanthropies has announced the launch of the Vibrant Oceans initiative, a commitment of $53 million over five years to promote reforms to boost fish populations in Brazil, the Philippines and Chile.

  • More than 350 species have been identified so far at Gorringe Bank Photo: OCEANA/Juan Cuetos

    Oceana interactive viewer


    International marine protection organisation, Oceana, has launched an interactive viewer of the Gorringe Bank, a group of seamounts south-west of Portugal.