All Industry News articles – Page 175

  • News

    Listeria health scare


    Scotland’s Loch Duart Artisan Smokehouse has recalled several batches of its oak smoked salmon after detecting listeria in the product posing a health risk.

  • The toothfish fishery in the southern Indian Ocean has been MSC certified

    Toothfish fishers MSC certified


    French toothfish fishers in the Kerguelen plateau have been granted Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • IMR scientists have given a record high abundance estimate of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock

    Record mackerel stock


    Following an ecosystem survey in the Norwegian Sea and surrounding waters this summer, Institute of Marine Research scientists have given the Northeast Atlantic mackerel stock a record high abundance estimate.

  • Dr Alistair Becker at Narrabeen Lagoon

    Australian fish surveillance


    University of New South Wales researchers are using high-resolution sonar equipment to monitor the fish that swim in and out of Narrabeen Lagoon on Sydney’s northern beaches.

  • Last year, exports of Scottish salmon in China alone increased by over 100%. Photo: istockphoto

    Scotland seeks eastern opportunities


    A project to raise awareness of Scottish seafood in key Asian cities is being implemented to help companies gain new business.

  • Following a successful 2012 event, the Offshore Mariculture Conference will take place in Naples, Italy in 2014

    Offshore Mariculture Conference 2014


    Following a successful event in 2012, the fifth Offshore Mariculture Conference will be held from 9 to 11 April 2014 in Naples, Italy.

  • News

    Righting ocean wrongs


    The Global Ocean Commission is seeking views on how to reverse degradation of the ocean and restore it to full, sustainable productivity.

  • The report stated that a supermarket was selling wings from the thornback ray, a declining species. Credit: Peter van der Sluijs/CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0

    Skate and ray report challenged


    A recent report from the University of Salford, which was perceived to suggest that some skate and ray sold in UK supermarkets are from declining species, has been challenged by the UK fishing industry.

  • Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture

    Mackerel meeting to be held 7-8 September


    The Coastal States will meet from Saturday 7 September to Sunday 8 September in an effort to resolve the dispute over coastal states'' shares in mackerel fisheries.

  • The Faroese are refusing to set a new quota level. Photo: Vincent van Zeijst/CC BY-SA 3.0

    Faroese dispute continues


    The dispute over quota shares of Atlanto-Scandian herring continues after the EU, Norway, Iceland and Russia failed to come to an agreement with the Faroese at talks in London yesterday.

  • The scale of the problem in the Thai fishing sector was unknown. Photo: ILO/John Hulme

    ILO reports on Thai fishing abuse


    A new report co-authored by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on working conditions in the Thai fishing sector – the largest survey to date – has highlighted “severe labour shortages”.

  • Maldives yellowfin tuna is more valuable when caught using the handline method

    Ocean Fresh certified sustainable


    Maldives’ Ocean Fresh Pvt Ltd has received Friend of the Sea certification for its yellowfin tuna caught using the handline method.

  • The MSC aims to improve Polish fisheries' performance in the Baltic Sea. Photo: Macieklew/CCBYSA25

    MSC sets sights on Poland


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is helping Polish fisheries improve their performance as it teams up with the BalticSea2020 foundation to launch its programme in the country.

  • Cermaq has seen a good Q2 2013 thanks to strong salmon prices

    Cermaq benefits from strong salmon prices


    Cermaq is benefitting from a tighter salmon market and stronger prices, with earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) pre fair value of NOK 229m (US$37.5m) for the Q2 of 2013.

  • Mackerel wars – the EU ban on imports has come into force against the Faroes

    Faroese sanctions kick in


    European Union sanctions are now in force banning all imports of Faroese herring, mackerel and associated products, if caught in Atlanto-Scandian waters.

  • China's Yellow River is sinking which is bad news for aquaculture

    Chinese sea level worry


    New research in the Chinese Yellow River Delta has suggested that fish farming may be associated with subsidence and rising sea levels – which could be bad news for the industry.

  • The Salmon Council aims to improve US marketing of the fish

    NFI looks at US salmon consumption


    The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) Salmon Council is to improve salmon marketing in the US after carrying out a US$60,000 research study on salmon consumption.

  • Kimagro's sea bass and sea bream has been Friend of the Sea certified

    Kimagro brand certified


    Kimagro Fish Farming''s Lavantina sea bass and sea bream are now certified as sustainable in line with Friend of the Sea standards.

  • The Commission has recommended a 15% cut in Baltic cod quota, despite scientific advice. Photo: FAO

    Oceana questions 2014 quota


    The European Commission’s 2014 Total Allowable Catches (TAC) recommendations for the Baltic Sea fall short of already agreed upon international targets, says Oceana.

  • Nutreco’s strategy is to improve profitability by focusing on a higher value portfolio of premixes, including fish feed

    Joint Ukrainian feed venture


    Nutreco has announced that it has entered into a joint venture with distribution partners in the Ukraine to take advantage of the second largest animal feed market in Eastern Europe.