All Industry News articles – Page 177

  • Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson

    Iceland calls for a fair solution on mackerel


    Carly Wills interviews Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, following his call for an early meeting of the Coastal States to find a solution to the ongoing dispute over mackerel catch in the North Atlantic.

  • News

    UK ratifies Maritime Labour Convention


    The United Kingdom has ratified the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006).

  • Frinsa is ranked top in the Greenpeace report, but it is still not 100% sustainable in all of its tuna products

    No ‘green’ canned tuna in Spain


    Greenpeace Spain has published the first Spanish tinned tuna ranking, joining the global Greenpeace campaign for improved sustainability and transparency in the industry.

  • Plaice, lemon sole, monkfish and megrim have been tagged around Shetland

    NAFC undertakes fish tagging


    As part of a project on data deficient fish species, the NAFC Marine Centre’s Science and Technology department has tagged and released a range of different demersal fish species at various locations around Shetland.

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    Seafish appoints two new directors


    Seafish has recently appointed two new directors, who joined the organisation in July to help deliver and implement the group’s new corporate plan.

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    Morpol closes US sales office


    Salmon processing company Morpol has announced that the US sales office, Morpol America, will close on 30 August 2013.

  • The NFI Crab Council has announced Ed Rhodes as its new executive director

    New executive director for NFI Crab Council


    Ed Rhodes has been announced as the new executive director of the NFI Crab Council.

  • Scallops. ©Yaroslav Osadchyy/

    Extra fishing days for UK scallopers


    In exchange for observing area closures the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has issued fishing vessel licence variations allowing UK scallop fishing vessels extra effort in the English Channel.

  • The students were presented with certificates last week

    Fishing course success


    A new three week fishing course designed to introduce people to the fishing industry has been well received by the local community in Looe, Cornwall, UK.

  • News

    Fish stock advice


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has published a popular version of its fish stock advice for 2014.

  • The bottom grown blue mussel sector if a key contributor to the aquculture sector in ROI and NI

    MSC for cross-border Irish mussels


    The bottom grown blue mussel sector in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) has received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • The Pacific Clam is under threat from rising acidity along with oysters, scallops and crabs

    NOAA acidification study


    The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is conducting a survey of the Pacific Ocean to determine how bad the problem of acidification is for the shellfish industry.

  • Full details will be released upon adoption by the Commission. Credit: Claus Ableiter/ CC BY-SA 3.0

    Trade sanctions against the Faroe Islands supported


    The Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture has backed the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation adopting trade measures with regard to the Faroe Islands.

  • Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson

    Iceland calls early Coastal States meeting to resolve mackerel dispute


    Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson has written to Iceland’s fellow Coastal States (EU, Norway and the Faroe Islands) to propose new negotiations to find a solution to the ongoing mackerel dispute.

  • From 1st May 2015 those taking part in the Faroe Island’s whale hunts must possess the relevant pass certificate

    Faroese whalers will need a license from 2015


    The first whale ''grind'' of the year has taken place in the Faroe Islands - a total of 125 pilot whales were killed last week (Monday 22 July) in the bay of Viðvík.

  • Around 70 people in south east England have reported shellfish poisoning symptoms

    Shellfish poisoning outbreak


    A number of shellfish harvesting sites in Scotland have been closed, following the detection of unusually high levels of toxins which can cause acute food poisoning.

  • News

    New York bans shark fin trade


    Fourteen animal welfare, environmental and conservation organisations have applauded Gov. Andrew Cuomo for signing a law that bans the possession, sale, trade and distribution of shark fins in New York.

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    SPPA: Approve sanctions against Faroe Islands


    The EU Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture is meeting to discuss the proposal for trade sanctions on the Faroe Islands on 31 July, and the Scottish Pelagic Processors Association (SPPA) is urging the EU to approve the proposal, blocking the export of herring and mackerel to the EU.

  • Andy Giles will tweet a typical day in the life of a fisherman

    Fishermen ‘Tweets from the Deep’


    UK fisherman, Andy Giles, is set to document a day’s fishing through a series of tweets as part of a new initiative to raise awareness of the complex and dangerous nature of life at sea.

  • Steamed pompano. Credit: Mk2010/CC BY-SA 3.0

    Chinese processor first to offer one-star pompano


    Guangdong Gourmet Aquatic Products’ processing plant in Wuchuan, Guangdong, China, has attained Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.