All Industry News articles – Page 179

  • Oceana will use its findings to push for more marine protected areas. Photo: Oceana/Carlos Minguell

    Oceana completes expedition


    Oceana has completed its third annual Baltic Sea expedition, aiming to expose the weaknesses of the current network of marine protected areas.

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    Ireland announces €8m in new investment


    Simon Coveney , Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine has announced that €2.4m in grant aid will go to 25 seafood processing companies under the 2013 Seafood Processing Business Investment Scheme.

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    EMFF reaction


    The first reading of the €6.5bn European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) by the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament has been received with mixed reaction.

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    Trawling prohibited in Cabrera


    The Spanish government and other involved parties have reached an agreement to prohibit trawling over the coralligenous communities and rhodolites beds on the seamounts of the Mallorca Channel and the area East of Cabrera.

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    IUU vessel list


    The European Commission has adopted an updated list of vessels that cannot land or sell their fish in the EU as they have been identified as taking part in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

  • Albion Fisheries has become Canada's first full line seafood distributor to receive BAP certification

    BAP certification for Canadian distributor


    Albion Fisheries Ltd has become the first Canadian full line seafood distributor to earn Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.

  • The Îles-de-la-Madeleine lobster trap fishery in Canada is now MSC certified. Credit: Benson Kua/CC-BY-SA-2.0

    Canadian lobster fishery achieves certification


    The Îles-de-la-Madeleine lobster (Homarus americanus) trap fishery in Canada has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • IMO Secretary-General, Koji Sekimizu, with Ms Ida Skard, Director General, Maritime Department, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Norway, who is signing the Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on Monday 15 July 2013

    Norway first to sign safety agreement


    Norway has become the first State to sign the Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977.

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    WCSAM conference kicks off


    The World Conference on Stock Assessment Methods for Sustainable Fisheries (WCSAM) is taking place in Boston this week, and more than 200 fishery scientists are discussing fish stock assessment methods – both challenges to their development and needs for future evaluation.

  • The EC will impose trade sanction measures against the Faroe Islands at the end of this month. Credit:  Atle Grimsby/CC-BY-2.0

    Sanctions deadline set


    The European Commission will impose trade sanction measures against the Faroe Islands at the end of this month due to the overfishing of Atlanto-Scandian herring, and similar measures will also be brought forward for Iceland.

  • The Prince of Wales has praised the work of British fishermen. Credit: Paul Burns

    Prince of Wales praises British fishermen


    The Prince of Wales has praised the work of British fishermen in taking steps to reduce the impact of their industry on the marine environment.

  • The plan aims to protect and bolster blue swimming crab. Photo: NFI

    Philippines crab management


    A crab management plan has been approved by the Philippines’ department of agriculture, department of interior and local government (DA-DILG) to conserve and regulate blue swimming crab.

  • Sea ice in the Ross Sea. Credit: Brocken Inaglory/CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0

    Antarctic MPA talks fail


    The Pew Charitable Trusts reports that Russia, with some support from the Ukraine, has stalled progress on establishing marine reserves in the Antarctic.

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    Smart Fishing Vessels


    During the World Seafood Congress, the World Ocean Council (WOC) has organised a workshop on ‘Smart Fishing Vessels’.

  • New Zealand has launched review of fish stocks. Credit: Emily Walker/CC BY-SA 2.0

    NZ stock consultation


    New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is releasing Initial Position Papers for a range of fish stocks which outline proposed changes to sustainability measures and management controls for the 1 October 2013 fishing year.

  • England’s first draft marine plans have been launched. Credit: Snapshots Of The Past/CC-BY-SA-2.0.

    England marine plan consultation


    England’s first draft marine plans for the seas from Flamborough Head in the north to Felixstowe in the south have been launched by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).

  • Scottish salmon has a ready market in China

    Marine Harvest exports up


    Marine Harvest Scotland has inked up a successful second quarter in 2013 – no doubt helped by the boom its experiencing from Scottish salmon exports to China.

  • Micanti's Thorn-D prevents macro fouling on fish farm cages. Photo: Marine Harvest/Steinar Johansen

    Micanti antifouling success


    Dutch antifouling provider, Micanti, enjoyed success at this year’s Seawork Exhibition with its Thorn-D antifouling technology.

  • Raymarine's Dragonfly uses CHIRP sonar technology to capture underwater imagery

    Raymarine Seawork success


    Raymarine’s new Dragonfly Sonar/GPS, a dual channel advanced CHIRP sonar and GPS chartplotter, generated a flurry of interest at the UK’s Seawork Exhibition.

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    BAP for salmon processor


    Canadian salmon processor, Walcan Seafood Ltd, has achieved a Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.