All Industry News articles – Page 181

  • Brazil is fish farming using the Norwegian aquaculture industry as a model Photo: Atle Mortensen/Nofima

    Amazonian fish farming


    Nofima, the Norwegian Institute of Food, Fishery and Aquaculture, says that Brazil has chosen Norway as its collaborative partner to help modernise its aquaculture industry because it is a forerunner in fish farming technology.

  • ACE Winches has successfully put robust management systems in place to manage HSE matters

    Double ACE for winch manufacturer


    Scotland based deck machinery specialists ACE Winches has been recognised for its strong performance with regard to health and safety and environmental standards.

  • The Smartfind S20 sends alert messages, GPS position and identity codes to AIS receivers

    McMurdo extends portfolio


    McMurdo, part of the Orolia Group, was at this year’s Seawork Exhibition to introduce the latest edition to its product range, the new Personal Automatic Identification System (AIS) beacon, Smartfind S20, which generated interest from a wide range of markets.

  • Mark Begich has urged Michael Duke to rethink his decision to only sell seafood certified by the MSC

    MSC programme a ‘burden’ to Alaska


    U.S. Senator Mark Begich has sent a letter to Wal-Mart president and chief operating officer Michael Duke, urging the company to re-evaluate its decision to only sell seafood certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • News

    Big fine for black market snapper trading


    A man from Auckland, New Zealand, has been fined a total of $42,000 for possessing snapper that had not been reported.

  • Trawlers at Milford Docks. Credit: Port of Milford Haven

    Regeneration plans for Welsh fishing port


    Wales’ largest fishing port, Milford Fish Docks, is set for a major redevelopment plan as part of the Port of Milford Haven’s £60 million Milford Dock Master Plan.

  • Pink coral at Rose Atoll in National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA seeks input on process for new marine sanctuaries


    NOAA is seeking public input on a proposed process and associated criteria to evaluate potential new national marine sanctuaries in the USA’s marine and Great Lakes environments.

  • Looe’s new facilities

    Looe’s new loos


    Looe Harbour Authority on the south coast of Cornwall, UK, opened its brand new £250,000, luxuriously appointed harbourside toilet and shower facilities for fishermen and visiting sailors on 30 May.

  • News

    Scottish herring sustainably fished


    The latest advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) shows that herring caught off the west coast of Scotland is being sustainably fished.

  • Scientists are urging the NZ government to take immediate action to ensure ‘full protection of Maui’s in all areas throughout their habitat’ © WWF-New Zealand

    Maui’s could be extinct in 20 years


    The International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) 2013 report acknowledges that New Zealand’s Maui’s dolphins will decline to just 10 adult breeding females in six years and become functionally extinct in less than 20 years, unless they are protected from gillnetting and trawling.

  • News

    SFF comments on latest ICES advice


    Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) chief executive Bertie Armstrong has said that although the latest advice from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) on fishing opportunities for 2014 contains mixed news, it is only the start of the decision-making process for next year’s quotas.

  • News

    Another rise in North Sea cod stocks


    According to the latest International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) figures, cod stocks in the North Sea have risen for the seventh year in a row and there are indications that reduced discarding, and improved fisheries management have played a key part.

  • The JCB J444NA naturally aspirated engine and Hydragen generated quite a bit of attention at Seawork this year

    Mermaid Marine success at Seawork


    Mermaid Marine, based in Poole UK, was at Seawork this year to promote its range of marine engines to the tug, ferry and fishing vessel markets - and it secured more interest than last year.

  • Ian Gatt, Sean O’Donoghue, Commissioner Maria Damanaki, Esben Sverdrup-Jensen, Armando Astudillo (DG MARE), Gerard van Balsfoort, Andreas Papaconstantinou (DG MARE), Bernhard Friess (DG MARE)

    Trade sanctions against the Faroe Islands within a month


    Representatives from the pelagic fishing industry are very confident that trade sanction measures will be put in place against the Faroe Islands within a month.

  • The team (Professor Xu Jianxin, Fan Lupeng and Dr Ren Qinyuan) with the robot fish. Credit: National University of Singapore

    Robot carp with 3D movement created


    Researchers from the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering have developed a robot fish that mimics the movements of a carp.

  • Around 130 million children work in agriculture, livestock and fisheries © FAO/Abdelhak Senna

    Countries urged to protect children


    A guidance document published jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) says that although almost every country has signed international conventions to protect children, many have not translated these agreements into national legislation.

  • S&TAS says that salmon netting should only be exercised if individual river stocks being exploited are sustainable Photo: AGS

    Salmon netting quota


    Greenland is increasing its landings of salmon from 20 to 50 tonnes by introducing a new 35 tonne fish factory internal quota and this may have implications for Scottish salmon populations.

  • News

    Blue Growth strategy gets further backing


    The European Commission has welcomed the backing from the EU''s General Affairs Council for the progress made in delivering the EU''s Blue Growth Strategy, which aims to create sustainable economic growth and employment in the marine and maritime economy to help Europe''s economic recovery.

  • Queens Panga & Shrimp Noodles Red Curry is the first product to carry both the ASC and MSC logos © Nils van Houts/ASC

    First ASC and MSC labelled product available in The Netherlands


    Queens Panga & Shrimp Noodles Red Curry, combining farmed pangasius and wild-caught shrimp, has become the first product to carry the ASC logo for responsible aquaculture and the MSC ecolabel for sustainable wild-catch.

  • Fish transhipment at sea. © Environmental Justice Foundation

    Belize bans transhipments of fish at sea


    The Belize Fisheries Department has announced a moratorium on unmonitored transhipments of fish at sea for Belize-flagged vessels, effective immediately.