All Industry News articles – Page 184

  • The public have shown their support for low impact fishing. Photo: Markel Redondo/Greenpeace

    Public support for UK fishing quota


    The British public are showing their support for the ‘reshuffle’ in distribution of the UK’s fishing quota with a 110,000 strong petition.

  • It is estimated that less than 200 vaquitas currently survive. © National Geographic Stock/Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures / WWF

    Mexico approves measure to save vaquita


    The Mexican government has approved a new regulation to save a threatened porpoise, the vaquita, and to promote sustainable fishing in the upper Gulf of California.

  • Pink salmon

    Russian salmon fishery re-assessment


    The Iturup pink salmon and chum salmon fishery, the first Russian fishery to be MSC certified, has started the re-assessment process.

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    GAA responds to Thai abuse accusations


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance has said that it is taking the accusations of labour abuse in a Thai processing plant, documented in a recent report, very seriously and is determining a corrective course of action.

  • ‘The Business of Fishing’ film has proved hugely successful

    Seafish film ‘The Business of Fishing’


    Following screening success throughout the UK and Europe, Seafish will be making its ‘The Business of Fishing’ film available to schools, higher education institutes and other stakeholder groups.

  • North Sea herring has been confirmed by the ICES as sustainable

    North Sea herring confirmed sustainable


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea’s (ICES) latest scientific advice has confirmed North Sea herring as sustainable as a result of the responsible fishing practices of Scotland’s pelagic fishermen.

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    Icelandic ocean technology sector grows by 13%


    According to a new study by the Icelandic Ocean Cluster, the Icelandic ocean technology sector experienced a ISK66bn (€414m) turnover in 2012, a 13% increase from 2011.

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    Cod liver oil Friend of the Sea certified


    Friend of the Sea has announced the certification of Axellus-group cod liver oil, sourced from approved wild arctic cod.

  • Cod stocks in the North Sea continue to show a strong recovery

    North Sea cod nearly ready for MSC certification


    A new report that uses the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) sustainability standard as a common benchmark has found that North Sea cod stocks are nearly ready to be MSC certified.

  • LaPerla mackerel, pilchard and skipjack tuna can now carry the ecolabel

    FOS certification for Otto Franck


    Tuna, sardines and mackerel under the LaPerla brand canned for German importer, Otto Franck Import KG, have been certified by Friend of the Sea.

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    Fines for inaccurate logbook keeping


    The owner and skipper of Irish vessel ‘Lia Jan’ have been fined for inaccurate logbook keeping.

  • The CFP reform has caused mixed feeling among the sector. Photo: Iolaire

    CFP reform causes mixed feelings


    The recent agreement between the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the new basic regulation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has caused a flood of mixed feelings amongst European fisheries and aquaculture professionals, says EU institutions Europêche and Copa-Cogeca.

  • Whole Foods Market will sell Anglesey Sea Bass from 10 June 2013

    Whole Foods Market to sell Anglesey Sea Bass


    Anglesey Sea Bass will be sold in Whole Foods Market UK stores from 10 June 2013.

  • The number of visitors to Mercator Media website from tablets and smart phones has risen by 90% in the last year

    New investment in World Fishing & Aquaculture ‘responsive’ website


    Mercator Media, publisher of World Fishing & Aquaculture, has made another significant investment in its online offering by redesigning all 14 of its magazine and event websites.

  • Shark fins. Credit: NOAA

    Shark finning banned


    The European Council of Ministers has signed off on the official regulatory text on an EU ban on shark finning.

  • Mahi mahi. Credit: Hans Hillewaert/CC-BY-SA-3.0

    Pacific mahi stock assessment needed


    An overview of Pacific mahi mahi stocks by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has found that the species may face a higher risk than was previously understood.

  • Omega Protein Corporation is the world's largest producer of omega-3 fish oil

    Omega Protein fined $5.5m


    Omega Protein, Inc., producer of omega-3 fish oils, has been fined $5.5 million for polluting Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean with fish waste and oil-fouled water from it fish processing plant and through its menhaden fleet based in Reedsville, Virginia.

  • Robert Morgan, chairman of Acoura

    New face of specialist assurance


    A new face of specialist agriculture and fisheries assurance, Acoura, has been launched in Scotland in a bid to maintain the country’s place within international certification.

  • Researchers have concluded that radioactivity found in tuna contaminated by the Fukushima disaster is not a health risk. Credit: Julie Bedford/NOAA

    Fukushima radioactivity not a health risk


    New research has shown that radiation found in tuna contaminated by the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident poses the same threat to consumers as from one dental x-ray.

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    Measures adopted for key Mediterranean and Black Sea stocks


    The FAO’s General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has approved a number of historic conservation and management measures to guarantee the sustainable exploitation of key fish stocks in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.