All Industry News articles – Page 186

  • Melanie Laurent © Alan Gelati/Fishlove

    Fishlove’s new collection


    A new collection of Fishlove images are now on display at the baudoin lebon gallery in Paris.

  • WWF: “European negotiators must agree on effective and enforceable commitments to stop overfishing”

    European Parliament “bullied” into allowing overfishing


    According to WWF, certain European Countries with large fishing industries are using bullying tactics to push members of the European Parliament into accepting a deal that will allow overfishing to continue until 2020.

  • Bluefin tuna. Credit: NOAA/Marine Photobank

    EU committed to tuna recovery plan


    The European Commission has said that it has reaffirmed its commitment to the sustainable management of bluefin tuna during the 2013 main fishing season in the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic.

  • Most of Indonesia's fisheries production is artisanal © FAO/Jim Holmes

    FAO and Indonesia to strengthen cooperation


    A three-year Memorandum of Agreement strengthening cooperation in the field of marine affairs, fisheries and aquaculture, has been signed between Indonesia and FAO.

  • Atlantic halibut is in high demand in North America

    Canadian halibut MSC certified


    The Atlantic Halibut Council''s Canadian Atlantic halibut fishery has become the first of its kind to receive Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • News

    ISSF bycatch project in the Pacific


    As part of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation’s #BycatchProject a group of scientists and fishers will embark on a weeks-long journey through the Pacific in search of techniques to reduce bycatch.

  • High Liner is investing $6.6m in expanding its Newport News manufacturing facility

    High Liner announces $6.6m expansion


    North American seafood supplier High Liner Foods Inc has announced that it will invest $6.6m to further modernise and expand its manufacturing facility in Newport News, Va., creating 57 new jobs.

  • The importance of iodine for pregnant women and breast feeding mothers has been highlighted in new research

    Iodine important for pregnant/breast feeding women


    The importance of iodine for pregnant women and new mums who are breast feeding their children has been highlighted in new research from Surrey and Bristol Universities.

  • The decline of prawns the in Fladens fishery appears to be due to environmental and biological factors

    Environmental factors affecting prawn fishery


    Marine Scotland has published a report outlining the environmental factors affecting the key Fladens prawn fishery in the North Sea.

  • Western tuna salad is the 20,000th MSC-certified product

    MSC celebrates 20,000 sustainable products


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is celebrating its 20,000th certified product.

  • Squid jiggers at night. Credit:Ryan Murphy, AFMA

    Jigging trial to take place in Australian waters


    A jigging trial in the Commonwealth Small Pelagic Fishery (SPF) has been approved by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).

  • News

    Cermaq votes against Copeinca bid


    Despite 62.5% of Cermaq’s shareholders voting in favour of the bid for a controlling interest in Copeinca, it was not enough for the required two-thirds majority.

  • The sea lice issue has raised its head again in Scotland

    Scottish sea lice argument


    The Scottish sea lice issue has reared its head again with one of the largest seafood companies in the world, Marine Harvest, facing renewed calls to move its farms away from wild salmon populations to prevent transmission of parasites.

  • Thanks to a tracking code on the packaging, Iglo fish products can be traced back to the original catch area

    Iglo Austria 100% certified


    The entire range of Iglo Austria’s ocean caught fish is now Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified.

  • Klaksvík harbour in the Faroe Islands. Credit: Vincent van Zeijst/CC BY-SA 3.0

    Commission warns Faroes about herring sanctions


    The Faroe Islands have been formally notified by the European Commission that the Commission intends to adopt measures in support of the sustainability of herring fisheries.

  • News

    Group presents deep-sea fishing recommendations


    A group of deep-sea fishing professionals have presented a set of key recommendations to policy makers, which aim to achieve sustainable fisheries management in the North-East Atlantic.

  • News

    Weak outcome of GFCM meeting


    As the 37th annual session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) closed last week, Oceana said that it was appalled by the failure to take action in addressing the state of Mediterranean fish stocks.

  • The Catchbox scheme helps support local fishermen and ensure they get paid for their whole catch

    Fish scheme up for ethics award


    The UK’s first “community supported fishery”, the cooperative Catchbox scheme, has been nominated for an Observer Ethical Award in the Big Idea category.

  • Dams have led to a decline in the abundance of long distance migratory fish. Photo: Finetooth

    PIANC report advises on fishways


    The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) has published a new report on the construction and operation of fishways, which it says can minimise the negative effect of dams on migratory fish.

  • The MCS has rated Icelandic mackerel as 'least sustainable'

    Iceland responds to MCS mackerel claims


    The Iceland Ministry of Industries and Innovation has responded to the Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS) rating of Icelandic pelagic caught mackerel as ‘least sustainable’, which has been based on seven justifications.