All Industry News articles – Page 187

  • Conference participants developed 128 recommentdations for improving US fishery sustainability. Photo: NOAA

    Industry speaks up at conference


    The ‘Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries 3’ conference has ended on a positive note, with conference participants developing 128 recommendations covering nine focus topics for improving US fishery sustainability.

  • Rolls-Royce winches for handling sound sources

    Rolls-Royce equips new research vessel


    Rolls-Royce has delivered an advanced deck machinery system for a new WesterGeco specialised amazon class seismic research vessel – currently under construction at Flensburger Shipyard in Germany.

  • The CFP reform - it’s not all about discards

    NFFO welcomes CFP compromise


    The new mandate for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) announced this week has not fallen short of the mark for all.

  • News

    Russian salmon fishery enters assessment


    The Narody Severa and Bolsheretsk salmon fishery operating in the Sea of Okhotsk and Western Kamchatka, Russia has entered into full assessment in the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) certification program.

  • Two incidental captures of Hector’s dolphins were recorded. Credit: James Shook/ CC BY 2.5

    NZ trials electronic monitoring


    New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and the Department of Conservation (DOC) have recently trialled an electronic monitoring programme in the Timaru set net fishery, in partnership with the fishing industry.

  • Research at Nofima indicates that removal of the farmed salmon’s adipose fin can be the easiest and cheapest method. Photo: Velmurugu Puvanendran © Nofima

    Fin removal for better traceability


    Research conducted by Nofima indicates that visible marking of farmed salmon will make it easier to differentiate escaped farmed salmon from wild salmon - with removal of the adipose fin in farmed salmon being the easiest and cheapest method.

  • Hokkaido's scallop fishery with hanging cultivation (Suika-shiki)

    Hokkaido scallop fishery MSC certified


    The Hokkaido Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Association’s scallop fishery has achieved MSC certification.

  • The new study reports that more birds are killed in gillnets than in longline fisheries

    Gillnets fatal for seabirds


    A study published today reveals that 400,000 birds are killed each year in gillnet fisheries, exceeding the estimated toll of bird deaths documented in longline fisheries.

  • European and Norwegian mackerel have been classified as a yellow three, while mackerel caught by Icelandic and Faroese trawlers has been classified as a red four

    Mackerel back on the Fish to Eat list


    The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has upgraded European and Norwegian mackerel to a yellow ‘three’ rating on its Fish to Eat List, meaning people can eat it occasionally without endangering the species.

  • Kilic Group were keen to be tested against the new ASC Trout standard

    FCI conducts first pilot ASC trout audit


    Scottish independent certification and inspection body, Food Certification International (FCI), is in the process of carrying out its first Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) pilot trout audit for Turkish fish farm company, Kilic Group.

  • Delegates will share ideas on how the Convention can address major challenges in the industry

    Forum to discuss working conditions


    Government, employer and worker delegates are meeting at International Labour Organization (ILO) headquarters to consider ways to promote decent work in the fishing industry through the implementation and ratification of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188).

  • News

    Iceland responds to call for sanctions


    This week Scottish fishermen and politicians have called for sanctions to resolve the ongoing mackerel dispute.

  • The Irish EU presidency has said it would aim secure a final agreement on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy by June this year. Credit: Calcineur/ CC BY-SA 3.0

    CFP compromise offered to European Parliament


    Fisheries ministers have agreed on a new mandate for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, following 36 hours of negotiations.

  • The SPFA believes sanctions could also resolve the issue of the over fishing of mackerel. Photo: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Centre

    Sanctions imposed against the Faroes


    The European Commission (EC) has outlined a scheme to impose sanctions against the Faroe Islands for its over fishing of herring, but the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA) says this needs to be applied to mackerel as well to ensure the future of vital fishing stocks.

  • News

    FAO launches Fishing Vessels Finder


    The FAO has launched its Fishing Vessels Finder (FVF) - a one-stop site to search for detailed information on individual fishing vessels.

  • Image of the modified net and video camera taken aboard  F/V Justice prior to the survey's departure. Photo courtesy of SMAST

    Groundbreaking video technology to improve stock surveys


    A new method of using video data collection to improve groundfish and flat fish stock surveys has been developed, which is showing promise to improve accuracy by increasing spatial coverage and to allow the conducting of surveys without fish mortality.

  • Greenpeace's 'Esperanza' headed to Mauritius to persuade the IOTC to address unsustainable fishing practices in the Indian Ocean Photo: Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace

    Greenpeace attacks IOTC efforts


    Greenpeace International has accused the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) of lacking in action to halt the decline of the region’s vulnerable tuna and taking measures to protect sharks.

  • WWF says EU fish stocks will take more than 100 years to recover. Photo: NEF

    EU fish stocks continue to suffer


    The World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) new scientific analysis has revealed that the recovery of overfished European fish stocks could take more than 100 years under the current EU proposals.

  • The last remaining males of the Mangarahara cichlid are on the brink of extinction. Photo: ZSL London Zoo

    Mangarahara cichlid facing extinction


    An urgent worldwide appeal has been launched by aquarists at ZSL London Zoo to find a female mate for the last remaining males of a critically endangered fish species, the Mangarahara cichlid (Ptychochromis Insolitus).

  • News

    Seafish new corporate plan


    UK pan industry body, Seafish, has announced that its new corporate plan has been signed by the four UK fisheries administrations, demonstrating their support for the organisation’s new strategic direction.