All Industry News articles – Page 189

  • New Zealand has launched an action plan to protect seabirds

    NZ seabird protection plan launched


    New Zealand has launched the ‘National Plan of Action for Seabirds 2013’, setting out a firm commitment to protect seabirds from fishing incidents.

  • News

    UK safety meeting


    A top-level meeting on fishing vessel safety is being held in London today.

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    ICES advises on bycatch


    ICES, global organisation for enhanced ocean sustainability, has released advice on the bycatch of cetaceans and other protected species after a request from the EU.

  • ASL has received interest in its Scottish shellfish and smoked salmon. Photo: Morpol

    ASL receives interest from Far East


    Scottish seafood supplier, Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL), says it has received a huge amount of interest from international customers at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels last week.

  • WESMAR's sonar will improve the efficiency of the 'FV Raw Spirit'

    WESMAR sonar for BC fishing vessel


    US based Western Marine Electronics (WESMAR) has received an order for its Model HD860 sonar for installation on the second largest fishing vessel in British Columbia (BC), the ‘FV Raw Spirit’.

  • News

    New fund for more responsible shrimp


    The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) has launched the Farmers in Transition (FIT) Fund at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels.

  • L-R: Esther Luiten, Senior Program Manager Aquaculture, IDH; Chris Ninnes, CEO, ASC; and Cui He, Vice Executive President and Secretary-General, CAPPMA

    ASC hosts update meeting


    The latest Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Update meeting was held during the European Seafood Exposition 2013.

  • Coldwater hopes the new packaging will provide the product some justice

    Coldwater Prawns launches new packaging


    Norwegian prawn supplier, Coldwater Prawns of Norway, has developed new packaging for its exclusive Pandalus borealis (Northern Shrimp) – one of the purest and healthiest products in the world.

  • The Rolls-Royce NVC 386 fish carrier

    Repeat order for fish transporter


    Rolls-Royce has signed a repeat order from Norwegian shipping company Sølvtrans AS for a second live fish transport vessel - on the strength of the first one.

  • News

    EFF funding for 78 Scottish projects


    During a Scottish reception held at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels this week, Scottish Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead announced funding for 78 projects across the sea fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing sectors.

  • Commissioner Maria Damanaki launched EUMOFA in Brussels © EC

    EC launches new market Observatory


    At the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels this week, EU Commissioner Maria Damanaki launched the new online European Market Observatory for Fishery and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA).

  • The CFO has received certification for its cod, turbot, birll and sole

    CFO gains Friend of the Sea certification


    Dutch Cooperative Fishery Organization (CFO) has gained Friend of the Sea certification for its sole, turbot, dab, cod and brill which are fished in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) areas IV b and c and in Dutch coastal waters.

  • Kaufland has donated €100,000 to the Gambian artisanal tonguesole fishery

    Kaufland donates €100,000 to Gambian fishery


    During the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels, German retailer Kaufland presented the Gambian artisanal tonguesole fishery with a cheque worth €100,000 to improve the situation of Gambian fishers and to help finance their upcoming MSC assessment.

  • Seafish wants to educate early year’s children on the benefits of eating seafood

    First Seafish schools’ education programme


    UK seafood authority, Seafish, has launched a new schools’ programme to reinforce its work to educate children on the benefits of eating seafood and to address the "lack of a formal framework for nutrition education within schools."

  • The study looks at the hearing sensitivty of larval cobia. Photo: NOAA

    New ocean acidification study


    A new study published in the ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA’ has revealed a new insight into the potential effects of ocean acidification on the sensory function of larval tropical cobia.

  • The need to allocate days at sea comes from the EU’s Cod Recovery Plan (CRP)

    Scottish days at sea allocation


    Marine Scotland has announced this year''s days at sea allocations for West Coast fishermen and a new opportunity that it says will help to keep the fleet at sea throughout the whole year.

  • Greenpeace wants tuna fishing in the Indian Ocean to be managed sustainably. Photo: NOAA/Marine Photobank

    Mauritius urged to deny vessel entry


    Greenpeace has urged the Mauritian government to refuse port clearance for a South Korean vessel accused of illegal fishing in order to protect the Indian Ocean.

  • The US Coast Guard discovered yellow tail snapper and Wahoo fish aboard the vessel Photo: US Coast Guard

    US Coast Guard intercepts illegal trawler


    Law enforcement crews from US Coast Guard Station Islamorada intercepted a fishing vessel fishing illegally in American waters this week.

  • Skretting looked at thje effects of low and variable oxygen levels on large Atlantic salmon

    Skretting investigates low oxygen levels


    The UK branch of Skretting, a leading supplier of feed for farmed fish and shrimp, is carrying out trials to identify the effects of low levels of dissolved oxygen in seawater at its Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC).

  • The EU and Seychelles have concluded the second round of negotiations to agree a new FPA. Credit:Hansueli Krapf/CC-by-sa-2.5

    Progress on EU-Seychelles FPA


    The second round of negotiations between the EU and the Seychelles to agree a new Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement took place this week.