All Industry News articles – Page 190

  • News

    SEAFARE addresses the future of European smelt


    The SEAFARE project held a two-day workshop on the status of the European smelt on 26 March 2013 in Bangor University, Wales.

  • The design for the boardwalk upgrade. Credit: Morris Bray Martin Ollmann Architects

    Sydney Fish Market upgrade


    Sydney Fish Market (SFM) has lodged a development application for an AUS$3.8 million boardwalk upgrade, due to commence in August this year.

  • Greenpeace has asked retailers to stock only pole-and-line caught canned tuna

    NFI wants answers from Greenpeace


    The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) has come up with a set of 10 questions which it believes reporters should ask Greenpeace before publishing its impending press release about American retailers'' seafood sustainability practices.

  • Use of bottom towed fishing gear is prohibited in the purple areas

    Solent bylaw to protect seagrass


    The UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has announced an emergency bylaw prohibiting the use of bottom towed fishing gear within the Solent European Marine Site (EMS).

  • All this fish goes to waste, fertiliser or landfill after processing for human consumption

    Harnessing the power of fish by-products


    Bryan Gibson looks into the issue of fish waste and alternative uses for fish by-products.

  • New regulations governing the management of the northern subpopulation of northern anchovy are illegal

    NMFS anchovy regulations illegal


    A federal judge has ruled in favour of international advocacy group, Oceana’s, claims that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) illegally adopted new regulations governing the management of the northern subpopulation of northern anchovy.

  • This year's EAFE conference is taking place in Scotland for the first time

    EAFE Conference 2013


    This week sees the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE) conference visit Scotland for the first time, bringing together over 80 delegates travelling from as far afield as Japan and Alaska.

  • MEPs have voted to adopt a ban on discarding in the Skagerrak. Credit: S.McGowan/AMC 2008/Marine Photobank

    MEPs vote in favour of Skagerrak discard ban


    MEPs have voted to adopt a ban on discarding unwanted fish of 35 species caught in the Skagerrak (between the North Sea and the Baltic), that will take effect gradually between 2014-2016.

  • News

    Illegal fishing threatens South Korea


    Illegal fishing scandals and human rights abuses linked to South Korea’s fishing industry have earned the country a bad reputation that is jeopardising its fish trade with the US and the EU, says Greenpeace East Asia.

  • Analyses found that there was a sharp increase in cod in local Greenland stock during the boom

    DNA tests of Greenland cod change history


    New genetic analyses of fish samples from an old collection in Nuuk have revealed that the fish in Greenland’s ‘great cod boom’ in the 1960s did not come from Iceland but were as a result of a sharp increase in a local Greenland stock.

  • Korea's fleet has been linked to illegal fishing scandals. Photo: Mike Markovina/Marine Photobank

    Greenpeace urges South Korea to control fish trade


    The South Korean government should “prioritise stopping illegal fishing activities” to rescue its fish trade with the US and the EU, says Jiehyun Park, Greenpeace East Asia Oceans campaigner.

  • Agriculture and Fisheries Council © European Union

    Ministers urged to end overfishing


    More than 217 civil society groups have written to EU Fisheries Ministers urging them to support the European Parliament’s aim to restore fish stocks by 2020 and end overfishing by 2015.

  • The Triton pens have been delivered to the SCC's new Gometra site

    Fusion Marine fish farm pens for SCC


    Scottish aquaculture equipment manufacturer, Fusion Marine Ltd, has delivered 16 fish farm pens to The Scottish Salmon Company’s (SSC) new site at Gometra, Mull.

  • The purpose of the dolphin-safe label is to assure consumers that no dolphins were harmed in the capture of tuna

    NOAA tuna label misleads consumers


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) dolphin-safe label on tuna products fails to adequately ensure consumers that no dolphins were harmed in the capture of tuna, says international effort, Campaign for Eco-Safe Tuna.

  • News

    NFFO voices concerns over e-logs


    The UK’s National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) held a meeting recently to discuss a range of problems with introducing electronic logbooks.

  • A marine protected area (MPA) around Prince Edward Islands will help protect a suite of spectacular wildlife, including albatrosses, penguins and killer whales © Samantha Petersen/WWF South Africa

    Prince Edward Islands declared a marine protected area


    South Africa’s Prince Edward Islands have been declared a marine protected area (MPA) by Minister Edna Molewa, making them Africa’s first offshore MPA.

  • News

    Pacific Council adopts Ecosystem Plan


    This week the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) voted to adopt its first ever Fishery Ecosystem Plan, a plan to successfully manage West Coast fisheries while maintaining the health of the ocean ecosystem.

  • A minke whale and her one-year-old calf are dragged aboard the Nisshin Maru, a Japanese whaling vessel, in 2008. Credit: Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

    Norway exports whale products to Japan


    The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has discovered that a Norwegian company has exported more than four metric tons of whale products to Japan – despite international trade of whale products being banned.

  • Charles Millar (inset) has said that the stock recovery reported by the NAFC Marine Centre is no justification for relaxation in quota levels

    Stock ‘recovery’ not enough for quota increase


    In response to the article ‘Scottish fish stocks increasing’ published on last week, Charles Millar, director of the Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT) has said that any ‘recovery’ must be put into context.

  • Oceana will promote the enlargement of the Cabrera National Park. Photo: Oceana/Juan Cuetos

    Oceana joins Cabrera National Park Board


    Global conservation organisation, Oceana, has been chosen to represent Spanish conversationalist organisations on the Board of Trustees of Spain’s Cabrera Maritime Terrestrial National Park by Greenpeace, WWF, Amigo de la Tierra and Ecologistas en Acción.