All Industry News articles – Page 193

  • Humphead wrasse. Credit: © Robert Delfs / WWF-Canon

    Illegal trade of threatened reef fish


    The valuable humphead wrasse is still being traded illegally, despite being listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), reports WWF.

  • Aerial photography shows a subtidal bed in Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand

    NIWA looks at fish nursery hotspots


    In order to provide detailed information on New Zealand’s largest harbour and its fishery hotspots, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is carrying out studies on subtidal seagrass meadows in the southern Kaipara Harbour.

  • Maine lobster. Credit: NOAA/OAR/National Undersea Research Program (NURP)

    Maine lobster fishery MSC certified


    During the Boston Seafood Show it was announced that the Maine lobster fishery has achieved MSC certification.

  • US economic impact trends of commercial fisheries. Credit: NOAA

    US fishing generated $199 billion in 2011


    NOAA’s Fisheries Service has released a report that has found that US fishing generated more than $199 billion in sales and supported 1.7 million jobs in the nation’s economy in 2011.

  • News

    New app for accessible marine information


    A new mobile app has been developed by the iMarine consortium to make marine information instantly accessible.

  • New Zealand sea lion

    MPI “regrets” sea lion deaths


    The recent capture of two sea lions near the Auckland Islands is “regrettable”, says Scott Gallacher, deputy director-general of New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

  • The aim of the council is to promote the US salmon market

    NFI launches Salmon Council


    The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) has launched the Salmon Council which has been set up to promote all salmon in the US market.

  • Tom Doman, Innovations Manager at Ecover on a bale of plastic waste

    Ecover announces world-first in plastic packaging


    Ecological company, Ecover, has unveiled plans to launch an entirely new form of fully sustainable and recyclable plastic incorporating post-consumer recyclables (PCR).

  • Michael Tait, the new SSMG chairman

    Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group appoints new chairman


    The Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) has appointed Michael Tait as its new chairman.

  • The Myfish partnership at the Charlottenlund meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2013

    Myfish project presents first year results


    The Myfish project – an EU project that aims to define an operational framework for the implementation of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) concept in European – has held its second project meeting.

  • Porbeagle shark is one of five species under consideration. Photo: NOAA

    Shark protection under consideration


    At the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) this week, governments are considering proposals to offer better protection for three species of sharks as populations are rapidly decreasing worldwide.

  • England’s under-10 metre fishermen have received quota donations

    England’s under-10’s receive extra quota


    England’s under-10 metre and non-sector fleets have received quota donations worth almost £600,000.

  • World Fishing & Aquaculture is now on Facebook

    World Fishing extends its footprint


    World Fishing & Aquaculture has recently added the social media platform Facebook to the various ways in which its content is being distributed.

  • Greenpeace has responded to criticism  from the NFI

    Letter to the editor


    In response to a recent article published regarding the National Fisheries Institute''s (NFI) criticism of Greenpeace’s annual sustainability survey and ranking of US grocers, ''Carting Away the Oceans'', World Fishing & Aquaculture has received the following letter from Greenpeace USA’s Oceans Campaign Director, John Hocevar.

  • Fishing mortality for cod declined by 43% between 2000 and 2011

    Scientific evidence backs North Sea cod abundance


    According to the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF), reports of a huge cod abundance in the North Sea is a direct result of a dramatic decline in fishing effort and the introduction of conservation initiatives by the Scottish fishing fleet.

  • Doug Gregory has been appointed as the new executive director

    Mexico FMC appoints new executive director


    The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (FMC) has appointed Doug Gregory as its new executive director.

  • News

    NFI informs retailers of Greenpeace hypocrisy


    Greenpeace’s annual sustainability survey and ranking of US grocers, ''Carting Away the Oceans'', has been criticised by the National Fisheries Institute (NFI).

  • Árni Vilhjálmsson passed away on Tuesday

    HB Grandi chairman passes away


    Árni Vilhjálmsson, Chairman of the Board of HB Grandi passed away on 5 March at the age of 80.

  • The Real Fish Fight hopes to create a group that has the strength to tackle the issues that fishermen face

    New group reports healthy fish stocks


    A group of Scottish fishermen have formed a new pressure group to convince the public that North Sea fish stocks are very healthy, reports John Kinsman.

  • The 8m oil filled array can be deployed to depths of 100m

    Studying fish reaction to sound


    The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has been working with the UK’s marine sensor manufacturer, Chelsea Technologies Group (CTG), to design an acoustic hydrophone array in order to study the impact of human noise on fish and other aquatic organisms.