All Industry News articles – Page 201

  • The new salmon farms mark another step in Nova Scotia's Aquaculture Strategy. Photo: Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture

    New salmon farms approved for Nova Scotia


    According to the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association (ACFFA), two new salmon farms have been approved for Jordan Bay, Nova Scotia, to help develop the fishing industry and economy in Southwest Nova Scotia.

  • Fishtrader Peter with a matjes herring ready for consumption. Credit: Jon-Are Berg-Jacobsen © Nofima

    Matjes herring in iPhone app


    Nofima’s iPhone app ‘How fresh is your fish’ has been updated to include matjes herring.

  • Brown crab. Credit: Hans Hillewaert, CC BY-SA 3.0

    Brown crab project work continues


    BIM is continuing work on a €2.2m project which aims to stabilise the market price of brown crab in the short term and to establish a European quality standard for the species.

  • £5.8m has been allocated to 121 Scottish projects. Credit: Iolaire

    £5.8m for Scottish fishing projects


    The Scottish fishing industry is to benefit from £5.8m allocated to 121 projects from the latest round of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF).

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    Protests over Irish fish farm proposals


    Environmental groups are insisting that the planned expansion of the fish farming industry along the west coast of Ireland will lead to diminishing wild stocks and be detrimental for the local community and businesses.

  • WWF has described the outcome as “true progress and a complete victory”. Credit: Axel Rouvin

    EP votes in favour of sustainability


    WWF reports that the European Parliament has voted 13 to 10 in favour of the draft report by Ulrike Rodust on the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Basic Regulation.

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    NZ fishers fined for false statements


    According to New Zealand''s Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI), a Tauranga based commercial fishing company, Fine O Muir Limited, has been fined for making false statements on fishing returns and fishing inside prohibited areas.

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    Oceana urges member states to follow scientific advice


    The Council of European Fisheries Ministers are meeting in Brussels on 18 and 19 December to agree on the 2013 catch limits for the main commercial species in the North East Atlantic.

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    Elaine Hayes new Seafish chair


    Elaine Hayes has been announced as the new chair of Seafish for three years, as of 1 January 2013.

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    Faroes: Concern for shared stocks


    Consultations regarding the management and conservation of shared stocks of Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting held last week were inconclusive.

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    Ireland to export Boarfish to China


    Chinese authorities have announced that commercial exports of Boarfish from Ireland may now be imported to China – news welcomed by Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Simon Coveney.

  • Group shot of delegates on the visit to the exposed fish farm sites

    OSM papers now available


    All papers and presentations given at the 2012 Offshore Mariculture Conference are now available to download online.

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    Skippers fined £1m for black fish scam


    The latest ‘black scam’ fishers to fall prey to ''Operation Trawler'' are four skippers from Fraserbugh based Klondyke Fishing Company who have been fined £1m for taking part in an illegal mackerel and herring scam.

  • Carly Fields, Editor, Port Strategy was presented the award for International Editor of the Year, by Caroline Creeve, PSA HNN

    Double journalism award for Port Strategy


    Port Strategy editor, Carly Fields, has won the 2012 Seahorse Journalist Award for International Editor of the Year, and one of its regular contributors, Felicity Landon, also received the Award for Supply Chain Journalist of the Year.

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    Salmon netting reduced in North Sea


    UK fisheries minister Richard Benyon has decided to significantly reduce the netting of salmon and sea trout off the North East Coast, a decision welcomed by the Angling Trust.

  • Congelados Pacifico produces around 10,000 tonnes of Atlantic salmon per year. Photo: Salmon Farm Protest Group/Marine Photobank

    Chilean salmon company achieves BAP


    Chilean salmon farming company, Congelados Pacifico SA Group, has achieved three-star BAP certification from the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA).

  • The next EFF deadline is 14 January 2013. Credit: Philippe Alès

    EFF application deadline approaching


    The Marine Management Organisation is reminding those seeking grants for large or technical projects from European Fisheries Fund (EFF) that the deadline for applications is 14 January 2013.

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    Dyhrberg shrimp FOS certified


    Krista Top Seafood Black Tiger Shrimps (Penaeus monodon) from Swiss Dyhrberg have been certified by Friend of the Sea.

  • Jane Lubchenco will leave NOAA in February

    NOAA administrator to leave in Feb


    Dr Jane Lubchenco, NOAA administrator, has written a letter to NOAA staff announcing that she will be leaving the organisation in February.

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    Tassal gets BAP certification


    Tassal has become the first salmon producer in Australia to achieve full Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification at farm level.