All Industry News articles – Page 206

  • News

    Marine zoning to benefit tuna?


    A fish modelling study has found that marine zoning in the Pacific Ocean, in combination with other measures, could significantly improve dwindling numbers of heavily overfished bigeye tuna and improve local economies.

  • Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks are beginning to make a recovery

    Atlantic bluefin tuna population recovery


    According to a stock assessment by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the population of Atlantic bluefin tuna is recovering.

  • The new label recognises fishermen who have made a commitment to sustainable fishing

    New US accountability label


    A new seafood label has been developed by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Central Coast Seafood in California in the US with the aim of assuring 100% catch accountability.

  • The 'CCGS Vladykov' will be used for scientific research in Newfoundland and Labrador. Photo: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    Research vessel for Canada


    The Canadian Coast Guard recently received the first of three new near shore fisheries research vessels, the ‘CCGS Vladykov’ built by Meridien Maritime Inc in Matane, Quebec.

  • Dan Watson’s SafetyNet system – what a simple solution...

    Dyson Award goes to fishing net


    The winner of the 2012 James Dyson Award has just been announced as Britain''s Dan Watson, who will receive £10,000 (US$6,260) for his innovative SafetyNet system idea.

  • The frozen fish were disposed of to ensure they didn't enter the human food chain

    Aberdeen Council orders disposal of fish


    The Aberdeen Sheriff Court in Scotland has granted the City Council a Condemnation Order to dispose of more than 200 tonnes of fish being exported.

  • Jon Mitchell. ©City of New Bedford

    No confidence in groundfish assessments


    New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell has written to NOAA''s Northeast Fisheries Science Center Science and Research Director Bill Karp regarding anticipated cuts in 2013 Annual Catch Limits.

  • News

    First Amercias tilapia farm ASC certified


    Tropical Aquaculture’s Aquamar S.A farm has become the first tilapia farming operation in the Americas to achieve the ASC Certification for Responsible Tilapia Farming (ISRTA).

  • News

    Friend of the Sea scores best


    Friend of the Sea has come out on top in an assessment of fisheries and aquaculture eco certification programs.

  • Fusion Marine’s production raft

    New IMTA shellfish culture system


    Jersey shellfish farmer Tony Legg has developed an innovative new abalone (ormer) culture system which could pay an important role in the expansion of mollusc farming in the UK.

  • 39% of salmon in the northeast Atlantic are killed by sea lice. Photo: Alex Morton/Marine Photobank

    Lice affecting salmon mortality levels


    According to a recent study carried out in part by the Scottish Oceans Institute, parasitic lice are killing a large number of free ranging salmon in European waters every year.

  • NPF-caught prawns, including the brown tiger prawn (pictured), will now be MSC certified. Credit: Tamorlan, CC BY 3.0

    Largest Oz prawn fishery MSC certified


    Australia’s largest prawn fishery, the Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF), has gained MSC certification and products from this fishery will now be eligible to carry the blue ecolabel.

  • All year round DTU Aqua collects samples and information about the composition of fish catches on vessels and in harbours. Photo: Line Reeh.

    ICES to use Danish database for fish data


    Biologists and administrators throughout Europe will soon be using a new shared database, developed by DTU Aqua, to process data from the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the North Atlantic.

  • News

    Seafish chairman to retire


    Seafish chairman, John S. Whitehead, is to retire from the role after 10 years when his current term of appointment expires at the end of December.

  • Roberto Ferrigno from WWF handing over the 150,000 fisheries petition to Ulrike Rodust, MEP and Rapporteur for the Common Fisheries Policy. © WWF/E.Scagnetti

    WWF petition to the EU Parliament


    The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has presented a petition containing 150,000 signatures to the European Parliament demanding more sustainable fishing practices.

  • A new study has uncovered unreported tuna trade through Panama. Credit: Marco Care/Marine Photobank

    WWF uncovers unreported tuna trade


    A new study commissioned by WWF states that between 2000 and 2010, the equivalent of 18,704 tonnes of live bluefin tuna were traded via Panama without being reported to ICCAT.

  • News

    GAA gives Lifetime Achievement Award


    During the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s GOAL 2012 conference, Dr Chingchai Lohawatanakul, president of Charoen Pokphand Foods PLC, was given a Lifetime Achievement Award.

  • Maërl. © OCEANA Juan Cuetos

    Oceana reports illegal trawling


    Oceana has warned Spanish authorities about the continued illegal trawling activities in the coralligenous and maërl areas around Cabrera, off the southern coast of Majorca.

  • News

    Packaging company becomes NFI Crab Council member


    Alabama-based Gilpin and Company, Inc. has become the first associate member of the National Fisheries Institute’s Crab Council.

  • News

    Baja Marine first Mexican FoS


    Mexican Baja Marine Foods, a Tri Marine Group company, has successfully undergone a Friend of the Sea audit and its squid and sardine products can now carry the international sustainability seal of approval.