All Industry News articles – Page 209

  • News

    Safety of fishing vessels conference this week in South Africa


    A diplomatic conference to consider a new agreement aimed at implementing the provisions of an international treaty on fishing vessel safety has opened in Cape Town, South Africa.

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    Norway study trip for award finalists


    The top 10 finalists of the Independent Takeaway Fish & Chip Shop of the Year Award at this year’s National Fish & Chip Awards 2013 were invited to take part in an educational trip to Norway (1-3 October), hosted by the Norwegian Seafood Council.

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    New UK net tagging scheme


    Commercial fishermen in England are being encouraged to volunteer for a new net tagging scheme which may reduce the length of inspections.

  • Europe's fishing nations will retain control of their coastal waters. Credit: Stephen McKay/Wiki

    Inshore waters stay under national control


    This week the European Parliament has voted to keep resources within each 12-mile coastal zone as the responsibility of each fishing nation.

  • Ballan wrasse

    SSC transfers first ballan wrasse


    The first sea transfer of commercially grown ballan wrasse in Scotland has been successfully completed by the Scottish Salmon Company, with Viking Fish Farms at Ardtoe Marine Laboratory.

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    Oceana: Commission ignored advice


    Oceana believes that the European Commission’s proposal on deep sea fishing opportunities for 2013 and 2014 is insufficient to guarantee the responsible exploitation of these species.

  • Black scabbard fish TACs are proposed to be either cut or unchanged. Credit: Kogo. License: GFDL

    Deep-sea fishing opportunities proposed


    The European Commission has proposed its fishing opportunities for the deep-sea fish stocks in EU and international waters of the North-East Atlantic for 2013-2014.

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    Lochhead looks to the future


    Scotland’s Environment Secretary, Richard Lochhead, has called on the European Union to deliver the reforms needed to ensure a viable future for Scotland’s fisheries.

  • Carál Ní Chuilín

    Work to combat IUU fishing applauded


    Northern Ireland’s Minister of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL), Carál Ní Chuilín, has praised those involved in the ongoing efforts to combat illegal fishing activities across the north.

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    Whale salami seized at border


    A Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) quarantine inspector confiscated salami produced from whale meat at Auckland Airport last week.

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    CFP reform - an opportunity not to be wasted


    Alan Coghill, president of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, told guests attending the SFF’s annual dinner in Edinburgh last week that the continuing annual cuts in the number of days that fishing vessels can put to sea must be brought to an end.

  • Industry warning over prawn treatment interdict

    Industry warned over prawn treatment interdict


    The prawn industry is being urged to take heed of the terms of a recent Court Order granted in favour of Xyrex Ltd prohibiting Shellfish Treatments Ltd from manufacturing, distributing or selling the prawn treatment ST500.

  • Finalists have been challenged to create an innovative recipe for the seafood industry

    Amanda Roe challenges award finalists


    Danish seafood company, Amanda Seafoods, has challenged the finalists of the National Fish & Chip Awards 2013 to partake in the ‘Amanda Roe Challenge’ to create new recipes using Amanda Roe products.

  • The ICCAT assessment has revealed positive signs of bluefin tuna stock increase. Photo: Marco Carè/Marine Photobank

    WWF welcomes increase in bluefin tuna stock


    WWF has welcomed signs of stock increase in the East Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna stock as assessed by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), but warns that more efforts are still needed.

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    AIPCE-CEP FinFish Study 2012 published


    The latest version of the AIPCE-CEP FinFish Study, highlighting the activity of the European processing industry and its reliance on imported raw materials, has been made public.

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    Seafish presents latest consumer trends


    Tomorrow (9 October) in Birmingham more than 150 delegates are expected to attend a one-day consumer insight event, organised by Seafish.

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    Nutreco shares in Gisis S.A.


    Nutreco has signed an agreement to acquire 75% of the shares in Gisis S.A., the fish feed subsidiary of the Expalsa group.

  • Don Staniford

    Court finds activist claims to be malicious


    The Supreme Court of British Columbia has come to a decision in the defamation trial brought by Mainstream Canada against an anti-salmon farm activist, believing Mr Don Staniford’s claims to be defamatory.

  • News

    Oleosea Omega-3 supplement Friend of the Sea


    Swiss company Oleosea''s VitalSea omega-3 supplements have obtained from Friend of the Sea sustainability certification.

  • The new gloabl partnership will aim to understand the role of aquaculture in food security. Photo: FAO/Adek Berry

    Aquaculture project to fight hunger


    The European Union (EU) has launched an international initiative to better understand the role of aquaculture in food security in developing countries.