All Industry News articles – Page 211

  • More than half of fishing fleets are not collecting information about bycatch. Photo: NOAA

    NMFS report details millions of wasted fish


    NMFS has issued a report this week detailing the catch and bycatch of fisheries in the Northeast of the US from July 2010 to June 2011 - during this period approximately 156 million pounds of fish were wasted.

  • AIS signals from all fishing vessels in the WWF database over a period of 11 months

    WWF: new approach to IUU fishing


    WWF’s Smart Fishing Initiative has presented a new, simple, effective and inexpensive way to use satellite data to monitor global fisheries activities and curb illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

  • Atlantic mackerel. Credit: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center

    EU mackerel sanctions agreed


    The Scottish Government has confirmed that sanctions to penalise the “irresponsible mackerel fishing by Iceland and the Faroe Islands” were formally agreed in Brussels on Tuesday.

  • News

    NAFO moving forward


    NAFO’s 34th Annual Meeting concluded last week, making positive decisions regarding the management of fish stocks and protection of ecosystems in the Northwest Atlantic Area.

  • Albacore tuna is being overexploited in the region. Photo: Marco Carè/Marine Photobank

    Mozambique surveillance completed


    The Greenpeace flagship, ‘Rainbow Warrior’ recently finished its two week surveillance of Mozambique waters, as part of its cooperation with the Mozambican Ministry of Fisheries.

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    Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers conference to be held in October


    The Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers (ASSG) will be holding a two-day conference at the Corran Halls, Oban, Argyll, on 24 October, where Roddy McCuish from Argyll & Bute Council will welcome participants to the event.

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    Greenpeace protests against Dongwon


    This week activists from the Greenpeace ship ‘Esperanza’ have occupied the dry dock where one of Dongwon''s purse seine ships, MV ‘Granada’, is being repaired.

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    XyRex appoints Icelandic distributor


    XyRex Ltd, the supplier of hygiene treatment products for harvested seafood, has appointed SF Seafresh EFH as its agent and distributor in Iceland.

  • Participants at the first FISH Platform meeting

    FISH Platform to improve fishing industry health and safety


    The FISH Platform has been formed to improve the health and safety of fishermen, to reduce accidents in the industry, and to harmonise EU fishing training and certification.

  • Cod caught by trawling are slightly more exhausted than fish caught by autoline. © Nofima

    Nofima tests new catch handling methods


    Scientists at Nofima are testing new catch handling methods that can increase the value of the raw material from the trawler fleet, to equal the best fish caught by autoline.

  • Faroese cold water prawns. © Maresco A/S

    Prawn fishery enters MSC assessment


    Maresco A/S, a company specialising in shellfish, has entered the Faroe Islands North East Arctic cold water prawn fishery into assessment for MSC certification.

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    ProActive Vessel Register growing


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has confirmed that 38 vessels have signed up for its ProActive Vessel Register (PVR), a database of vessels that have committed to improve fishing practices.

  • Coral reef. Credit: MAREANO/Havforskningsinstituttet

    MAREANO survey underway


    Research vessel ‘G.O. Sars’ embarked upon the 2012 MAREANO (Marine AREA database for Norwegian coastal and sea areas) autumn survey in mid-September.

  • The pet food industry may come under scrutiny by conservationists

    Cats in the firing line of fishfood debate


    A paper which outlines the need for a proper investigation of the impact of the pet food industry points out that Australian cats eat 33,500 tonnes of seafood per annum – both imported and produced in Australia.

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    EC to host state of fish stocks seminar


    The European Commission will host a seminar on the state of fish stocks in European waters on 26 September.

  • Blue mussels (Mytilus sp.) under a wind generator, Lillgrund, Denmark.  © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez

    Oceana blasts Danish dredging approval


    Oceana has said that it is deeply disappointed by the Danish Government’s recent approval of blue mussel fisheries inside two Natura 2000 sites in the Limfjord, Denmark.

  • 'JANK'

    Accident onboard ‘JANK’ results in safety recommendations


    An accident where a fisherman’s foot was severely injured by a falling warp block has given the Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board reason to issue safety recommendations to the owners of the fishing vessel.

  • News

    Lochhead hits back at misleading headlines


    Scottish Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead has responded to media reports that imply fish stocks are collapsing, calling them a distraction from Scottish efforts to fish sustainably.

  • Fisherman measuring a thornback ray

    EFF grant for shark and ray research


    A grant from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) of almost £200,000 is helping to empower commercial fishermen to research the inshore shark and ray fisheries of the southern North Sea (ICES division IVc).

  • The 'CCGS S Dudka' was unveiled last week

    Canada names another Coast Guard vessel


    Another new vessel in the Canadian Coast Guard fleet was named last week by the Honourable Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.