All Industry News articles – Page 221

  • Marine debris is a part of everyday life, but not in tsunami sized quantities Photo: NOAA

    NOAA announces marine debris cleanup funding


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced that US$250,000 in grants is being made available to five states being impacted by Japanese tsunami debris.

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    Saithe fishery seeks MSC re-assessment


    The Norwegian saithe fishery is seeking re-assessment under the MSC’s program for well-managed and sustainable fisheries.

  • The consultation process for PGI registration of Irish Salmon has been launched. Credit: Salmon Ireland

    Consultation begins for Irish Salmon PGI


    The consultation process was launched this week for the application of ‘Irish Salmon’ for registration as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).

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    Vessel terminated for safety violations


    A Coast Guard Station Ketchikan (Alaska) law enforcement team directed the operator of a commercial fishing vessel to return to port after several safety violations were discovered onboard on 17 July.

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    South African hake fishery retains MSC cert


    The release of the independent certifier’s annual surveillance report for South Africa’s hake trawl fishery has confirmed that it will retain its Marine Stewardship (MSC) certificate in sustainability.

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    Increasing support for MSC ecolabel


    An independent survey commissioned by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) shows that 30% of consumers who buy fish at least once every two months, are aware of the MSC ecolabel – up from 23% in 2010.

  • Which? says that some labels on fish sold in UK supermarkets are misleading

    Some fish labels misleading, says Which?


    UK consumer magazine Which? has said that some of the labels on fish sold in supermarkets are misleading and shoppers often aren''t given the information they need to buy sustainably.

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    BC: Salmon disease surveillance underway


    The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is testing wild salmon off the coast of British Columbia to determine the status of infectious haematopoietic necrosis, infectious pancreatic necrosis and infectious salmon anaemia.

  • The yellowtail flounder Photo: NOAA

    NOAA adjusts yellowtail flounder quotas


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced it will adjust the 2012 Georges Bank yellowtail flounder quota to protect the commercial scallop and groundfish fishery industries.

  • The Solomon Islands has introduced a new longline policy. © SPTO

    First catch under new policy offloaded


    Following the introduction of a new longline policy in the Solomon Islands, the first offload of longline catch by Southern Sea Investment in the country’s capital, Honiara, took place at the beginning of July.

  • Acoustic echogram from the moored echosounder on Morgue, showing the diving response of fish when lights came on at 18:00 NZST on 17 July. Inset shows frame grab from top camera showing orange roughy at 990m depth. Credit: NIWA, Peter Marriott

    The secret lives of orange roughy


    Moored underwater cameras have exposed the secret lives of orange roughy nearly 900m below the ocean surface.

  • Clearwater’s Arctic surf clams are MSC certified

    Clearwater achieves MSC certification


    Clearwater Seafoods Inc. has achieved MSC certification of its Arctic surf clam fishery.

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    Harvesters fined for shrimp misreporting


    Four commercial harvesters who misreported shrimp catches have been fined more than $35,000.

  • Canada is investing in its harbours to support the commercial fishing industry

    Canadian government invests in fishing harbours


    The Canadian government has announced this week that it will make significant investments to repair, construct and maintain harbours across Canada – vital to support the country’s commercial fishing industry.

  • The European has proposed to cut the Bay of Biscay anchovy TAC by 30%

    Commission proposes 30% anchovy TAC cut


    The European Commission has proposed to cut the TAC for anchovy in the Bay of Biscay by 30% for the 1 July 2012 - 30 June 2013 fishing season.

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    Fish auction edges nearer in Viet Nam


    The launch of Viet Nam’s first ever fish auction system is getting closer, following discussions between authorities, fishers and traders in Hue City, held 6 June.

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    Oceana welcomes Danish HELCOM chair


    Oceana has welcomed the new chairwoman of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM), Helle Pilsgaard, in her new position, and looks forward to the two-year Danish Chairmanship of HELCOM.

  • Crown Prince Seafood exclusive tuna supplier, MMP, has joined the ISSF

    Crown Prince confirms sustainable sourcing


    Crown Prince Seafood has confirmed its commitment to more responsible fishing practices for all of the tuna it sources for its Crown Prince Natural line of products.

  • The Moira Elizabeth correctly using seabird mitigation devices as viewed from surveillance plane. Credit: AFMA

    Oz fishers compliant with seabird rules


    A series of surveillance flights over waters off New South Wales and Victoria has shown all boats following rules for compulsory usage of seabird mitigation devices in the Commonwealth South East Trawl Fishery.

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    Call for shark management measures


    Oceana has agreed with scientists of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), who have called for caution in Atlantic fisheries for shortfin mako sharks.