All Industry News articles – Page 223

  • The current Cabrera boundaries and Oceana's proposal for enlargement

    Oceana calls for Cabrera enlargement


    Oceana has raised concerns that more than half of fish species in Spain’s Cabrera National Park are not sufficiently protected against poachers and it wants an enlargement of the reserve.

  • Southern blue whiting stocks are at a historic high in NZ

    Report reveals NZ stock status


    The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand has reported positive trends in fish stocks, especially the Southern blue whiting which is now at a historic high.

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    Mussel fishery earns MSC certification


    Seafood Shetland and the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group Limited (SSMG) have achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for the Shetland and Scottish Mainland rope grown mussel enhanced fishery.

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    Canada takes steps to protect fisheries


    It has been announced that Fisheries and Oceans Canada is taking the next steps in its new approach to protect recreational, commercial and Aboriginal fisheries and the fish habitat on which they depend.

  • The Plan review will reassess natural and man-made risks facing Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins. Credit: NABU International

    NZ sets restrictions to protect dolphins


    New Zealand Primary Industries Minister David Carter has announced measures to protect Maui’s dolphins.

  • The newly discovered amphipod species. Photo: Nelson Boustead, NIWA

    Divers discover new marine species in NZ


    In a recent diving expedition to one of the world’s deepest underwater caves near Nelson in New Zealand, Australian cave divers discovered three new marine species – a transparent amphipod, a worm, and a small snail.

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    Faroese queen scallops enter assessment


    The M/V Nordheim fishing vessel, sole license holder for the Faroese queen scallop fishery, has entered the full assessment process within the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification program.

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    Scottish haddock on top according to consumer tests


    Consumer testing carried out by Consumer Panel Elite and England Marketing on behalf of Seafood Scotland has compared haddock from Scotland, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Iceland – with Scotland coming out on top.

  • Blue swimming crab. © State of New South Wales through Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services

    Philippines adopt crab management plan


    The final version of a Philippine Blue Swimming Crab Management Plan has been agreed.

  • Atlantic mackerel. Credit: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center

    Mackerel action plan welcomed


    The MSC has welcomed an action plan that is aimed at solving the ongoing mackerel dispute in the North East Atlantic.

  • Ivan Vindheim - the new CFO at Marine Harvest ASA

    New CFO for Marine Harvest


    Ivan Vindheim has been appointed as new CFO at Norway’s Marine Harvest ASA. He will take up the position from 1 August 2012, when current CFO, Jørgen Kristian Andersen steps down at the end of July.

  • Japanese supermarkets and stores have been selling octopuses and whelks caught off Fukushima for the first time since March 2011. Credit: NOAA

    First Fukushima seafood sold


    Supermarkets and stores in the city of Soma, Japan, have showcased octopuses and whelks caught off Fukushima on Monday.

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    Venezuela ends shark finning


    Venezuela has prohibited commercial shark fishing throughout the 2,211 square kilometers of the Caribbean Sea that make up the popular Los Roques Archipelago.

  • CCGS Vladykov

    ‘CCGS Vladykov’ arrives at its homeport


    The Canadian Coast Guard Ship Vladykov has arrived at its homeport in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

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    Oceana: Rio +20 makes no real progress


    Oceana says that it finds the final Rio +20 declaration to be a weak statement of intent, with no legally binding commitment that fails to respond to the urgent conservation and management needs of the world''s oceans.

  • The 2010 Offshore Mariculture Conference

    Offshore Mariculture programme announced


    The provisional programme has been released for the Offshore Mariculture Conference 2012, organised by Mercator Media Ltd, which will take place from 17-19 October in Izmir, Turkey.

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    Australia’s gemfish plan working


    Australia’s Harvest Strategy for protecting eastern gemfish is working, says the South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA).

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    New Canadian organic aquaculture standard


    Canada launched its own organic aquaculture standard in May, giving Canadians the opportunity to choose certified organic farmed seafood including finfish, shellfish and aquatic plants.

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    AIPCE-CEP welcomes EP vote on CFP


    The EU Fish Processors and Traders Association and Federation of National Organisations of Importers and Exporters of Fish (AIPCE-CEP) have welcomed the EP Fisheries Committee vote on its CFP proposals.

  • Stars are launching a campaign to save the Arctic. Credit: NOAAStars are launching a campaign to save the Arctic. Credit: NOAA

    Stars demand Arctic sanctuary


    Famous faces including Sir Paul McCartney, Penelope Cruz, Robert Redford, One Direction, and Sir Richard Branson are demanding that oil drilling and unsustainable fishing are banned in Arctic waters.