All Industry News articles – Page 226

  • News

    EC: Improvements for some fish stocks


    The European Commission has set out its intentions for fixing fishing opportunities for 2013, which it says shows that improvements made to end overfishing are working.

  • News

    Scots to benefit from new Omega 3 testing


    SNP MEP Alyn Smith has called for greater awareness of the benefits of Omega 3 after receiving his own test results at Stirling University''s world-leading Institute for Aquaculture.

  • Close up of the towed camer sled

    Seafish trials automated system to monitor environmental conditions in MPAs


    A new underwater video system has been trialled by Seafish to see whether fishermen themselves can monitor environmental conditions in marine protected areas (MPAs).

  • News

    European Fish Weeks raise awareness


    Today is World Oceans Day and OCEAN2012 is launching the third European Fish Weeks, when European citizens will organise public events to raise awareness of overfishing and of decision-makers’ responsibility to end it.

  • The EU-Norway fishing agreement for 2013 is up for discussion this week

    EU-Norway fish talks in Orkney


    Representatives from the European Commission and Norway will be discussing the EU-Norway fishing agreement for 2013 and beyond in Orkney this week.

  • Icebergs in Disko Bay. Credit: Algkalv (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)

    Maria Damanaki visits Greenland


    European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, is visiting Greenland on 7-9 June 2012.

  • Cheap, sustainable, house roof fish ‘tanks’ in Xiangjiaba village above the Jinsha river, Sichuan Province, China. © TW : EEC Photos

    Rio+20 - Turn off the lights?


    Fish, the oceans and secure jobs are core to a new ‘sustainable world’ plan, but there are worrying questions about the bill and cash to fund it.

  • News

    Supply growth of farmed salmon in 2012


    The latest FAO May 2012 Food Outlook publication shows that the supply of farmed salmon is projected to grow around 12% in 2012, with exporters looking to new markets such as Brazil, Russia, China and India.

  • Iceland is determined to reach an agreement

    Iceland appoints mackerel negotiators


    The Icelandic Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture has appointed Sigurgeir Þorgeirsson, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, to head Iceland''s team of negotiators during mackerel talks.

  • L-R: Darryl Gerrity, Mayor, West Coast Council; Les Scott, Petuna Seafoods; Davey Whyte, Huon Aquaculture; Bryan Green; and Mark Ryan, Tassal

    Tasmania's biggest fish farm


    Tasmania''s salmon industry is on the verge of a major expansion worth tens of millions of dollars in Macquarie Harbour on the West Coast which will create over 200 jobs.

  • News

    Pressure on Thailand to export more tuna


    Thailand, the world''s largest tuna exporter, is coming under pressure to export more this year, although most are cautious about the prospect.

  • Lidl Netherlands have achieved the MSC ecolabel. Photo: Marine Stewardship Council/Marine Photobank

    Lidl achieve sustainability milestone


    Supermarket chain Lidl and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) have announced that all wild-caught fresh and frozen fin fish products sold by Lidl in The Netherlands will now be labelled with the MSC ecolabel.

  • Icelandic fishing vessels are protesting about the government’s fishing quota bill

    Icelandic vessels strike in bill protest


    Icelandic vessels belonging to member organisations of The Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners (LÍÚ) are currently on strike, and plan to remain so until the end of the week.

  • Anglo-German cod, haddock and saithe fisheries have achieved MSC certification

    Anglo-German fisheries MSC certified


    The North East Arctic cod, haddock and saithe fisheries fished by UK Fisheries Ltd and the German companies DFFU and Doggerbank, have been MSC certified.

  • Maria Damanaki says that the EC is on alert against illegal fishing. © European Union, 2010

    EC on illegal fishing alert


    Reports about a number of vessels allegedly fishing illegally for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean have propelled the European Commission into action.

  • The new study considers four commercial fish species, including cod. © David Harding/Fotolia

    Study on genetics for fish traceability


    A recent scientific paper published in Nature Communications demonstrates that it is possible to determine with high accuracy from which particular local population a fish comes from.

  • News

    Wellington men caught with illegal Paua


    Two Porirua men were caught by fisheries officers late last week at Titahi Bay Beach, New Zealand, with an illegal haul of 364 paua.

  • Yellowfin tuna. Credit: NOAA

    PNG fisher recovers 50,000th tuna tag


    A Papua New Guinean fisher has won US$500 for recovering a plastic tag that was attached to the back of a yellowfin tuna.

  • Aquaculture in Nova Scotia. Credit: Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture

    Nova Scotia launches aquaculture strategy


    Nova Scotia has a new strategy for aquaculture development that the government says will help efforts to grow a sustainable industry and create wealth in rural and coastal communities.

  • News

    New Protocol to the EU-Kiribati FPA


    The European Commission initialled a new Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) in Nadi, Fiji on 3 June.