All Industry News articles – Page 231

  • Climate change has an impact on fish stocks

    Climate change affects fish stocks


    The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) launched its latest report at the World Fisheries Congress in Scotland today - it focuses on the impact of climate change on the marine environment.

  • Yellowfin tuna. Credit: NOAA

    First yellowfin tuna fishery certified


    The Mexico Baja California pole and line yellowfin and skipjack tuna fishery has been awarded MSC certification.

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    Fishing boats break seabird rules


    Four South East Trawl vessels have been caught out not using mandatory devices to prevent seabirds becoming caught, injured or killed in fishing gear.

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    EU funds could secure seafood supply


    The future of seafood supply was at the centre of a debate held last week at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels.

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    Crab pot trials to help sustainability


    Fisheries Queensland observers are helping commercial mud crabbers trial a new device that aims to reduce bycatch of under-sized mud crabs and potentially increase catch rates of legal-sized mud crabs.

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    Recirculating technology aquaculture key


    Technology that reduces water consumption by around 98% is a key feature of new recirculating systems now available to the global aquaculture industry.

  • The ASC logo

    ASC launches pangasius accreditation


    The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has launched its second standard into the market with the opening of its accreditation process for pangasius.

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    Australasian Aquaculture Awards winners


    The inaugural Australasian Aquaculture Awards recognised individuals and businesses that apply innovative and sustainable practices that will have lasting impacts on Australasian aquaculture over the next 10 years.

  • Celtic Explorer

    ‘Celtic Explorer’ sets sail again


    The Marine Institute is once again chartering the RV ‘Celtic Explorer’ from the Irish Marine Institute in Galway, for research that will be conducted by MI''s Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research.

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    NZ blue whiting fishery MSC certified


    The New Zealand Southern blue whiting trawl fishery has been certified as sustainable against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard for a sustainable and well managed fishery.

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    Damanaki presents CFP reform in Estonia


    Maria Damanaki, will be in Tallin, Estonia, today to discuss the ongoing reform of the Common Fisheries Policy with the Estonian government.

  • The Elgin platform gas leak has not contaminated fish. © Total E&P UK

    Fish not contaminated by gas leak


    There is no hydrocarbon contamination in fish samples chemically analysed from close to TOTAL’s Elgin platform gas leak in the North Sea.

  • The QR code will lead to

    GLOBALG.A.P.’s new traceability code


    GLOBALG.A.P. has developed a new branded traceability code, which it hopes will appeal to younger consumers and meet growing seafood buyer’s demands.

  • Maria Damanaki presented the MSC certificate to the SPSG during the ESE in Brussels

    Brussels celebrates certified fisheries


    Three MSC certified fisheries were celebrated in Brussels last week during the European Seafood Exposition.

  • The Purse Seine Vessel Owners Association (PSVOA) will serve as the new MSC client. Credit: Zureks/Wiki

    Group resumes Alaska salmon certification


    A Seattle based fishing organisation will resume certification of the Alaska salmon fishery under the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard for sustainable fisheries.

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    Icelandic Group awarded MSC certification for cod and haddock


    Icelandic Group PLC has achieved Marine Stewardship Council certification for all its cod and haddock originating from Iceland.

  • Now 100% of Danish mussel exports can carry the MSC ecolabel

    Denmark: 100% certified mussel exports


    The Vilsund Blue Limfjord rope-grown mussel fishery has secured MSC certification, meaning that 100% of Danish mussel exports are now eligible to carry the MSC ecolabel.

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    US North Atlantic swordfish fishery enters full assessment for MSC certification


    Day Boat Seafood LLC of Lake Park, Florida has entered the US North Atlantic swordfish longline and buoy gear fishery into full Marine Stewardship Council assessment.

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    Closure of the Mauritania pelagic fishery


    The European Commission has decided to close the pelagic fishery to EU vessels in the waters of Mauritania, as the annual EU quota set at 252,654 tonnes is nearly exhausted.

  • Skipjack tuna. Credit: NOAA

    IOTC: Towards sustainable fishing


    The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), the RFMO responsible for managing tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean, concluded its annual plenary session last week in Australia.