All Industry News articles – Page 232

  • News

    SSMG wins first order from Middle East


    The Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) has won its first export order from the Middle East.

  • News

    New trawl to reduce discards


    A European scientific fisheries and technical committee has approved an innovative new trawl design developed by the Scottish fishing industry for reducing discards.

  • Salmon farms in Nova Scotia – a tricky issue Photo: Zureks/Wiki

    Fishy goings on in Canada


    There are concerns over the “cozy relationship” between the Novia Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NSDFA) and the aquaculture industry over a review process underway for new industrial salmon farms in Jordan Bay.

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    Scots welcome support for sanctions


    The Scottish fishing industry has welcomed the unanimous vote by the European Parliament Fisheries Committee in support of trade sanctions against countries that engage in unsustainable fishing practices.

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    Minister calls for radical change to CFP


    UK Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon will call for countries in Europe to be given more say in the way their fisheries are managed, when he attends the EU Fisheries Council in Luxembourg today.

  • News

    Fisheries ministers gather in Luxembourg


    Today EU fisheries ministers will gather in Luxembourg to come to a political agreement on the Commission’s proposal for a system of mandatory transferable fishing rights (concessions).

  • OCEAN2012 warns: ‘It’s fish captain, but not as we know it.’

    Report reveals fraudulent fish labelling


    A report released today by the OCEAN2012 ocean alliance reveals that inferior fish are being marketed and mislabelled as more expensive species - due to stock depletion by overfishing.

  • Karviari’s En K de Caviar took two awards at this year’s European Seafood Exposition

    Seafood Prix d’Elite winners


    Kaviari and Prins & Dingemanse have been awarded the top prizes in the 12th annual Seafood Prix d’Elite new products competition at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels.

  • Blue crab Photo: John Starmer/Marine Photobank

    Blue crab population booming


    Data from the 2011-12 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey show that the Chesapeake Bay’s blue crab population is booming, fueled by a large increase in juvenile crab abundance.

  • News

    Over 2,000 scientists urge protection of fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean


    More than 2,000 scientists from 67 countries have urged Arctic leaders to develop an international fisheries accord that would protect the unregulated waters of the Central Arctic Ocean.

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    Chile plans to expand marine reserves


    The Chilean Government has announced its intention to expand the Salas y Gómez marine reserve and to create a smaller reserve in Hanga Roa Bay, the harbor right off the main town and capital of historic Easter Island.

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    Canadian longline swordfish fishery certified


    The North West Atlantic Canada swordfish pelagic longline fishery has been awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

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    French cod and haddock fishery obtains MSC certification


    After 20 months of assessment, the North-East Arctic cod and haddock fishery becomes the fifth French fishery to be certified to the MSC standard for sustainable fishing.

  • News

    SNP welcomes strong message on mackerel


    SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has welcomed a unanimous vote today (Tuesday) in the European Parliament''s Fisheries Committee backing possible EU sanctions against countries embarking on non-sustainable fishing.


    Faeroes saithe fishery enters assessment


    The Faroe Island saithe fishery has been entered for full assessment for MSC certification by client group JFK/Kosin and Faroe Origin.

  • News

    Maria Damanaki launches EU-Morocco fisheries negotiations


    Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries visited Rabat, Morocco, on 20-21 April to launch the process of negotiations for a new EU-Morocco fisheries agreement protocol.

  • News

    Oceana expedition promotes new MPAs


    The Oceana-chartered research vessel, Hanse Explorer, set sail from Copenhagen on Monday on a two-month expedition, covering 7,000 miles through the waters of the nine countries bordering the Baltic Sea.

  • Herring catch

    Scottish herring fishery MSC certified


    The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group’s (SPSG) West of Scotland herring fishery will be MSC certified at a ceremony in Brussels tomorrow (25 April).

  • Sea lice on farmed salmon

    Scottish sea loch pollution exposed


    The Salmon & Trout Association (S&TA) has published a report into official data on sea lice treatment chemical residues in Scottish sea lochs associated with Scottish salmon farms.

  • Oceana wants the tax exemption on fuel cut for fishing vessels

    Oceana criticises vessel tax exemption vote


    Environmental group, Oceana, has criticised the European Parliament’s recent vote to keep European fishing vessel''s tax exemption on fuel – which it says promotes overfishing.