All Industry News articles – Page 233

  • Northern right whale. Credit: NMFS

    Recovery plans for endangered whales


    Following the Center for Biological Diversity’s notice of intent to sue, the National Marine Fisheries Service has announced that it has begun preparing a recovery plan for the endangered North Pacific right whale.

  • Scottish salmon – export levels are at record levels Photo: SSPO

    Scottish seafood aims to smash sales


    The Scottish seafood sector is aiming to top sales of £30m made at the 2011 European Seafood Exposition (ESE) at next week’s 2012 show.

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    MPs demand an end to mackerel war


    Today senior members of the European Parliament''s Fisheries Committee called on Štefan Füle to block Iceland''s accession to the EU until it agrees to a fair settlement of the dispute over mackerel.

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    Management of England's inshore fisheries


    People with a background in commercial fisheries are being sought to help with the management of inshore fisheries in five areas around England’s coastline.

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    Portuguese Sardine fishery: Corrective action plan approved


    The current suspension of the Portuguese sardine fishery MSC certificate will remain in place after independent certifier, Intertek Moody Marine, accepted an action plan to address the current sardine stock issue.

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    Canada’s advances fisheries issues


    Keith Ashfield, Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, met with US Administration officials in Washington, DC this week to discuss bilateral and multilateral fisheries management and related issues.

  • Mackerel - a winner for Scotland Photo: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center

    Value of Scottish catch at 10 year high


    Provisional statistics published this week reveal that landings by Scottish fishermen last year were worth £500 million, 15% on 2010.

  • The Elgin G4 wellhead assembly with a view of the source of the gas leak. Credit: Total E&P UK Ltd

    No contamination from Elgin incident


    Chemical testing of water and sediment samples gathered two miles from the Elgin platform gas leak indicate there has been no direct marine contamination from the incident.

  • Morpol processing plant in Ustka, Poland. Credit: Morpol

    Piotr Kapinos appointed Morpol CFO


    Piotr Kapinos has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer of Morpol, effective from 16 April 2012.

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    Durham Uni achieves MSC standard


    Durham University has become the first independent catered academic institution in the UK to achieve the MSC Chain of Custody Standard following an assessment by Food Certification International (FCI).

  • FDA advice: When it doubt, don’t eat it Photo: FDA/Flickr

    Tuna product linked to salmonella


    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned of a voluntary recall on a frozen raw yellowfin tuna product called Nakaochi Scrape AA or AAA from Moon Marine USA Corporation (MMI).

  • The high-tech and eco-friendly Model Trout Farms use water from boreholes rather than from watercourses. Consequently, the watercourse is free from obstacles such as dams and sluices, and wild fish can move freely to and from their breeding grou...

    DTU Aqua to host AQUABEST meeting


    DTU Aqua in Hirtshals is hosting an international AQUABEST meeting on sustainable fish farming in the Baltic Sea region.

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    Oceana investigation finds widespread seafood mislabelling in LA


    Oceana has found widespread seafood mislabelling in the Los Angeles-area, according to a new report.

  • The MSC has launched its mobile app to help shoppers search for certified sustainable seafood on the go

    MSC launches mobile app


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has launched its first mobile app to help shoppers search for certified sustainable seafood on the go.

  • L-R: Lars Peter Jensen, Strandby Net and Hjalmar Petersen, Vónin

    Vónin takes foothold in Denmark


    Fishing gear company Vónin has taken over three-quarters of Strandby Net, in a deal expected to expand and consolidate the company’s international position.

  • Neil Sims has been confirmed as the Chairman of the Offshore Mariculture Conference 2012

    Offshore Mariculture chair announced


    Co-founder and co-CEO of Kampachi Farms, Neil Sims, has been confirmed as the Chairman of the 2012 Offshore Mariculture Conference.

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    Seafish publishes feed fish stocks review


    Seafish just published its annual dossier on the status and management of the 10 feed grade fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil for the UK market.

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    Nordic Naturals “not for sale”


    Nordic Naturals, manufacturer of omega-3 supplements, has announced it has no plans to sell, despite recent acquisitions in the natural products industry.

  • The new trawler Herøyhav will benefit from a Scana Propulsion hybrid ACG 1080

    New contracts for Scana Propulsion


    Scana Industrier ASA subsidiary, Scana Propulsion AS, has signed a new contract with MAN Diesel AS for the delivery of new propulsion equipment to equip a new Norwegian fishing vessel.

  • Illustration of the inside of a Sea Urchin. Photo: Vidar Mortensen/Oddvar Dahl. Copyright: Nofima

    Sea urchin reproduction


    Scientists at Nofima have created a manual that provides a thorough introduction to the reproductive cycle of sea urchins.