All Industry News articles – Page 239

  • An escaped salmon caught here may be able to be traced back to its owner. Scientists are now testing out various traceability methods. Credit: Frank Gregersen, Nofima

    Tracing escaped farmed salmon


    Physical marking of farmed salmon and DNA tracing will now be tested as methods of finding out if a salmon in the sea or river is an escaped farmed salmon and, if so, which farm it comes from.

  • Fish around a FAD. Photo: Heath Folpp

    New funding for bycatch projects


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has announced new contributions from three organisations that will support at-sea science projects with the goal of reducing bycatch in tuna fisheries.

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    Skipper Expo the most successful to date


    Skipper Expo International Galway 2012, held 24-25 February, came to an end with satisfied customers, new contacts and excellent business being done over the two days of the event.

  • A moderate level of fishing – spread across a wide range of species, stocks and sizes – can achieve high catch levels while conserving biodiversity. Credit: CSIRO

    Diverse catch is better for ecosystems


    Fishing for a ‘balanced harvest’ can achieve productive fisheries as well as environmental conservation, an international scientific team reports in the journal ‘Science’.

  • AFMA works hard to ensure fishing operations do not harm the environment including Australian sea lions. Photo: J. Brook

    AFMA closes second area in scalefish and shark fishery following sea lion deaths


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority has closed zone B of the Australian Sea Lion Management Zone following confirmation that three Australian sea lions died there when they were caught in gillnets in February.

  • Fishermen arriving at Mpende Fisheries on the shores of Lake Tanganyika to sell their fish to the company

    New Zambian fish farm development project


    Fusion Marine Ltd has won a £0.5m contract to supply fish farm pens and associated aquaculture equipment for a new tilapia farming venture in Zambia.

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    WFC lands sixth keynote speaker


    The World Fisheries Congress (WFC) has announced that James L. Anderson, The World Bank’s leader of Global Program on Fisheries and Aquaculture (PROFISH) will speak at the Congress in May 2012.

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    NFI Crab Council welcomes new member


    Mobile Alabama-based Carrington Foods has joined the National Fisheries Institute’s Crab Council.

  • Morrisons plans to launch its own seafood processing business

    Morrisons to process seafood


    UK supermarket Morrisons has announced plans to launch its own seafood processing business to deliver quality fish into its stores.

  • Fresh Skrei loins will be also available on trays

    Spain sells MSC certified fresh fish


    Eroski has become the first Spanish retailer to carry fresh fish certified by the Marine Stewardship Council.

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    New appointment to regional council


    NOAA has announced the appointment of Francis D. “Dewey” Hemilright Jr. of North Carolina to the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, who will serve on the council until 10 August 2014.

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    Roach: Salmon situation handled well


    The Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture associate deputy minister, Greg Roach, has released a statement on the ISA scare at Cooke Aquaculture.

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    EC gets tough on unsustainable fishing


    The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Regulation which would authorise the Commission to impose a range of measures against third countries that allow unsustainable fishing.

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    Show attendance signals recovery of Japan’s seafood industry


    The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) has announced that it will be sponsoring its Japan Pavilion at the upcoming International Boston Seafood Show 2012 (IBSS),

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    New shark-resistant aquaculture net


    A shark-resistant net for open-ocean, warm-water fish farming is being introduced and is the result of a collaboration among NET Systems, Inc., DSM Dyneema and the Cape Eleuthera Institute.

  • Rolls-Royce's Environship

    Second Environship order for Rolls-Royce


    Rolls-Royce has announced a second contract for a vessel to one of its Environship designs, a 75m LNG-powered vessel for Norway''s Eidsvaag for fish farm supply along the Norwegian coast.

  • The Velella project raised fish in a drifter pen far offshore the Big Island of Hawaii. Credit: PRNewsFoto/Kampachi Farms, Bryce Groark

    First farmed fish harvest in US waters


    Marine biologists at Kampachi Farms have announced the successful final harvest from the Velella Research Project, which raised fish for the first time in US Federal waters.

  • New Faroese Minister of Fisheries, Jacob Vestergaard, has announced the 2012 total catch limit for mackerel fisheries in Faroese waters.  Photo:

    Faroese mackerel catch limit set


    Faroese Minister of Fisheries, Jacob Vestergaard, has announced a total catch limit for mackerel fisheries in Faroese waters in 2012 of 148,375 tonnes.

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    ISSF calls for “complete closure” of purse seine fishery


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its position statement for the upcoming 8th Regular Session of the WCPFC to be held this month in Guam.

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    Government supports biodiesel research


    Newfoundland’s Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development plans to establish a demonstration bio-refinery that will convert fish oils into biodiesel, with support from the Provincial Government.