All Industry News articles – Page 244

  • PEI Mussel King Inc. has received an additional $450,000 towards its mussel processing equipment project

    Canadian government funds PEI aquaculture projects


    Gail Shea, Regional Minister for Prince Edward Island (PEI) and Keith Ashfield, Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, have announced almost $970,000 of funding for three aquaculture projects in PEI.

  • Norway’s coastal fleet prioritises cod. Credit: Frank Gregersen © Nofima

    Norway’s coastal fleet prioritises cod


    A Nofima research programme, ‘Market-based harvesting strategies’, has found that most of Norway’s coastal fleet’s cod quota is caught in the first half of the year, providing fishermen with a good annual salary.

  • Wayne McNee, MAF Director-General

    NZ recognised for fisheries monitoring


    The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has welcomed the news that New Zealand was acknowledged as the leading country among 41 surveyed for the quality of its fisheries monitoring control and surveillance (MCS) work.

  • Sainsbury's fish counter

    Sainsbury’s launches 100th MSC product


    Sainsbury’s has announced the launch of its 100th MSC certified product, leading the way as the largest UK retailer of sustainably sourced seafood.

  • Map of the EU fleet in 2006

    WWF report on ‘wild west’ fishing


    A new WWF commissioned study strongly suggests that fisheries access agreements with developing countries and fuel subsidies have led to a ‘slash and burn’ attitude by European Union vessels fishing overseas.

  • Russian Sea-Aquaculture LLC has ordered an AKVA Cage Farm © AKVA Group 2010

    New contract for AKVA group


    AKVA group ASA and OJSC Russian Sea Group have signed a contract for an AKVA Cage Farm to be installed for Russian Sea-Aquaculture LLC in the Murmansk region of Russia.

  • Fusion Marine has supplied a small fish farm system in Tahiti

    Fusion Marine supplies system in Tahiti


    Following a successful pilot project, Fusion Marine Ltd has supplied and is helping to install a small fish farm system in Tahiti.

  • Jamie Oliver has launched a new British television advertising campaign

    Jamie Oliver promotes fish range on TV


    TV chef Jamie Oliver launched a new British television advertising campaign with Young’s Seafood Limited yesterday.

  • News

    Seafish seeking vessels for gear trials


    Seafish is seeking three charter vessels to trial five different highly selective TR2 gears operating on Irish Sea nephrops grounds, out of a port in Northern Ireland.

  • News

    DAG calls for clarity on CFP proposals


    The Discard Action Group (DAG) has written to Maria Damanaki to emphasise the importance of discard reduction, within long-term management plans, as a tool for achieving sustainable fishing.

  • The Stabicraft 659 Wheel House destined for fishery monitoring duties in Alaska

    Fishery monitoring vessels for Alaska


    New Zealand’s Stabicraft Marine has delivered nine custom 659 Wheel House vessels to Alaska where they will be used to monitor the gill net fishery and the fishery’s interaction with sea mammals and sea birds.

  • News

    Scots fishermen call for government support on fishing days


    The SFF will underline today at the first 2012 FMAC meeting of the in Edinburgh that no stone must left unturned in finding ways to ensure that Scotland’s fishing fleet has enough fishing days in 2012 to remain viable.

  • News

    American Seafoods buys Good Harbor


    American Seafoods Group has acquired Good Harbor Fillet LLC from private equity group Creo Capital Partners LLC.

  • Kefalonia Fisheries has received Friend of the Sea sustainability certification

    First Greek FoS aquaculture farm


    Kefalonia Fisheries, a major Greek producer of Mediterranean sea bream, sea bass and meagre, has received Friend of the Sea sustainability certification.

  • News

    Spanish offshore aquaculture project


    The Spanish Association of Marine Aquaculture Producers (APROMAR) has begun working on a project to develop a technology capable of measuring fish biomass levels in offshore aquaculture cages.

  • Alaska is North America's largest source of wild-caught salmon, which includes chinook. Credit: Zureks/Wiki

    Alaska salmon industry pulls out of MSC


    The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) has announced that eight major primary salmon processors are backing out of the Marine Stewardship Council certification programme in October.

  • Richard Lochhead MSP wants Scottish fishing communities to prosper

    Scottish funding for fishing communities


    The European Fisheries Fund (EFF) has made £4.2m of funding available to help fragile fishing communities across Scotland.

  • Blue shark. © Fian Arroyo

    EU project to protect threatened sharks


    Open-ocean shark populations throughout the world are dropping, not only due to overfishing but also from inadvertent captures by fishermen in search of tuna.

  • EFSA recommends that the focus should be on preventing norovirus contamination, instead of attempting to remove the virus from contaminated foods. Credit: Chris 73/Wiki

    EFSA assesses norovirus in oysters


    The European Food Safety Authority’s Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ Panel) has completed a risk assessment on norovirus in oysters.

  • Brothers Alastair and Dominic Horabin, winners of the Independent Takeaway Fish & Chip Shop of the Year 2012

    Seniors named UK’s best fish & chip shop


    Seniors in Thornton, Lancashire, has been named the best British fish and chip shop after beating rivals in the National Fish and Chip Awards 2012 on 17 January 2012.