All Industry News articles – Page 255

  • News

    NZ smart fishing solution praised


    Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown has congratulated the NZ Ministry of Fisheries, MAF and the developers of a new smartphone fishing app, which has won the Wireless Government Award.

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    Impact of increased demand for pole-and-line caught tuna


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has published a new technical resource paper on pole and line caught tuna.

  • Snow crab. Credit: NOAA

    Canadian snow crab landings top $250m


    Fisheries and Oceans Canada has reported that the value of snow crab landings for the 2011 fishing season in Newfoundland and Labrador surpassed $250 million, the highest recorded landed value since 2004.

  • Bluefin tuna

    Tuna trading exceeds official quota


    A new analysis commissioned by the Pew Environment Group has found that the amount of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna traded on the global market in 2010 exceeded the official quota by 141%.

  • News

    Greenpeace: How subsidies are destroying oceans


    Greenpeace has released a new report “Until the Last Fish – the Absurd Model of Deep Sea Fisheries” outlining how the EU Common Fisheries Policy subsidies allow the continuation of bottom trawling.

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    Encouraging interests to work together


    Scotland''s salmon farming industry and wild fish organisations have agreed to enter a facilitated discussion process to support the development of a positive way ahead for both sectors.

  • Minister of National Revenue and Member of Parliament for Egmont , the honourable Gail Shea at the new location of the Catch Certification Program Operations Centre in Tignish, Prince Edward Island with fishery officers Louis Richard (centre), a...

    Canada opens Catch Certification Program Operations Centre


    Gail Shea, on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, attended the official opening of the new location of the Catch Certification Program Operations Centre (CCPOC) in Tignish, Prince Edward Island.

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    Scotland: 2012 a pivotal year for fishing


    Scotland is about to enter a crunch and potentially historic year for its fishing industry, Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said recently.

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    Handbook on gender needs released


    Women play a significant role in fisheries, yet lack of attention to gender roles and relations can result in policies or programmes failing to improve livelihoods or reduce vulnerability of fishing communities.

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    Sri Lanka hands over safety equipment


    FAO’s Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and South East Asia (RFLP) handed over safety equipment to more than 200 small-scale fishers in the Chilaw Fisheries District in October.

  • Samurai skipper Nick Williams has collaborated on several at-sea gear trials with AFMA and other agencies. Photo: Steve Hall, AFMA

    Gear trials good news for sea birds


    Over the last six years, AFMA observers have been involved in a number of at-sea gear trials.

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    Fisheries Committee calls for international action to fight illegal fishing


    Illegal fishing not only seriously distorts markets for EU fishermen and consumers, but threatens to destroy the biodiversity of the world''s oceans, warned the EP Fisheries Committee on Tuesday.

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    Indonesian fishers face heavy penalties


    Six men who were apprehended in an Indonesian fishing vessel, the ‘KMN Aldi Mal 01’, in August for fishing illegally in the Australian Fishing Zone were sentenced in the Darwin Magistrates Court in September.

  • Commercial fishing operators on Thursday Island have been informed of new management arrangements in Torres Strait Fisheries. Photo: Bec Williams, AFMA

    New arrangements for Torres Strait


    New management arrangements introduced to the Torres Strait Fisheries will regulate catches and ensure consistency in the way fisheries are managed for Torres Strait communities and Papua New Guinean fishers.

  • News

    Senegal tuna fleets become FoS


    The Tunasen Senegal fleet for skipjack tuna has been audited and approved according to Friend of the Sea’s criteria.

  • A fisherman prepares his boat for the sea

    Treaty to save lives from next September


    A United Nations-backed treaty that seeks to slash the 24,000 lives estimated to be lost each year during fishing operations around the world will come into force next September.

  • The MSC has welcomed the move by the UK Government to only buy fish from sustainable fisheries.

    UK commits to sustainable sourcing


    New buying standards coming into force this autumn mean that all UK Government catering departments will need to source fish from sustainable fisheries.

  • Plans for an international non government agency to combat illegal fishing has received a mixed response

    Illegal fishing NGO proposed


    Plans by international environmental NGOs to form an international non government agency to combat IUU fishing has received a mixed response from industry figures, reports Pieter Tesch.

  • 2011 fishermen's rally in Washington, DC against NOAA’s  quota systems

    Between Lubchenco and Damanaki


    On 5 October, Mayor Scott Lang called on President Obama "to replace NOAA Administrator Dr Jane Lubchenco with an individual who will work with fishing communities around the country.”

  • Much can be learned from Shetland, where there is community and stakeholder involvement in inshore shellfish resource management.

    Shellfish innovation in Shetland


    Shetland continues to be at the forefront of inshore shellfishery management as demonstrated by its recent involvement in a recent European Forum event.