All Industry News articles – Page 257

  • News

    Organised crime at sea exposed


    In a new report, Greenpeace has revealed how Spain is “repeatedly and systematically overlooking illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing by its huge fleet throughout European waters and beyond”.

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    FOS certification for Sri Lankan tuna and swordfish


    Alex Seafood (PVT) Ltd yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) have been certified Friend of the Sea.

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    German mussel fisheries apply for MSC ecolabel


    Four mussel fisheries that joined forces to form Niedersächsische Muschelfischer GbR are being assessed against the internationally recognised MSC standard for their harvesting of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis).

  • News

    UK fishing industry report published


    The annual ‘UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2010’ report, published by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), shows an increase in both the quantity and value of fish landed by the UK fleet.

  • Scottish trawler. Credit: Iolaire

    Commission publishes 2012 TAC proposals


    The European Commission has published its first proposal for 2012 fishing opportunities for certain stocks in the Atlantic and the North Sea.

  • Sea turtle. Credit: NOAA

    TDDs expected to reduce turtle deaths


    The New England Fishery Management Council has approved regulations for the Atlantic scallop fishery that will require modified fishing gear in specified areas and during times when sea turtles are present.

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    Lack of evidence blocks toothfish mislabelling investigation


    The MSC says it has not been able to pursue its investigation into Dr Peter Marko’s allegations of supply chain breaches for certified South Georgia toothfish products.

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    Woolworths launches four new MSC products


    Shoppers in Australia can now choose MSC certified Select-branded sustainable fish from the freezer of their local Woolworths supermarkets.

  • New Zealand fishing boats

    Changes to NZ fishing catch limits


    New Zealand Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister, Phil Heatley, has announced changes to fishing catch limits and other management controls in a range of fish stocks managed under the Quota Management System.

  • Caviar Nacarii has been certified as sustainable by Friend of the Sea

    Caviar Nacarii certified FOS sustainable


    While sturgeon is an endangered species in the wild, farming it has been widely accepted as a valid sustainable alternative to obtain high quality caviar.

  • L-R: Bruno Magallo Huesa, Miroslav Maziarka, Fons Schmid, Nick Ball, Aldin Hilbrands

    GLOBALG.A.P. welcomes Integrity Surveillance Committee member


    GLOBALG.A.P. has appointed a new Integrity Surveillance Committee member, Miroslav Maziarka the Quality Manager of Tesco Polska/Poland.

  • The wheelhouse of Saga K

    Saga K on display at Icefish


    Seigla displayed the wheelhouse of newbuild ‘”Saga K” at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition.

  • News

    NAFO performance assessed


    An independent review by an international panel of experts recently assessed the performance of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO).

  • News

    Seafish awards funding to Cefas


    Seafish has awarded £23,750 from its Industry Project Fund (IPF) to Cefas for trials on the purification of oysters to identify ways of reducing the norovirus content of live bivalve molluscs.

  • News

    Seafish announces dates for discussions with UK fishing industry


    Seafish has announced autumn dates for landmark discussions about the future of Seafish, in support of the four Fisheries Administrations.

  • AFMA’s vessel monitoring system (VMS) is used to track the activities of commercial fishers in Commonwealth waters. Photo: AFMA

    Australia: VMS crackdown


    From 1 November 2011, AFMA will be taking a zero tolerance approach to Commonwealth-endorsed commercial fishing vessel operators who fail to have a properly maintained VMS unit operating at all times.

  • Four MLT 625’s were sold during Icefish 2011

    Five forklifts sold during Icefish


    Pon Pétur O. Nikulásson says that it is very pleased with the sale of five forklifts at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 2011.

  • PV300 fish pump sold to Rammi

    Two Iras machines sold at Icefish


    During the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Danish company Iras, in cooperation with Icelandic distributor Varma & Vélaverk ehf, sold two machines to the fishing industry.

  • Markus

    Trawl door contract signed at Icefish


    On the first day of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Faroese company Rock Trawl Doors signed a contract with Qajaq Trawl from Greenland, for a pair of trawl doors.

  • The Icelandic Fisheries Awards Winners 2011

    Icelandic Fisheries Awards Winners 2011


    The 2011 Icelandic Fisheries Awards were presented at a reception last night (22 September 2011) at the Gerdasafn Art Museum in Kópavogur.