All Industry News articles – Page 259

  • News

    Direct Seafoods launches coastal fish campaign to Britain’s top chefs


    Direct Seafoods, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bidvest Group, has launched the ‘Coastal Fish’ campaign to help Britain’s troubled local fishermen and save endangered fish stocks.

  • Oceana says that taxpayers are paying for fishermen to overfish

    Taxpayer handouts keep fishing afloat


    Oceana has reported that taxpayer handouts totaling EUR3.3bn are keeping the European Union’s fishing industry afloat, which is more than three times greater than the amount typically quoted in public figures.

  • Spiny dogfish. Credit: NOAA

    First spiny dogfish fishery certified


    The British Columbia, Canada, spiny dogfish fishery has received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification as a sustainable fishery.

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    Black Sea: new fisheries strategy


    To protect Black Sea fish stocks and the livelihoods of local fishermen, all Black Sea coastal states should back and enforce a new joint fisheries policy, says a resolution passed by the European Parliament.

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    NZ invests in sustainable fisheries


    New Zealand will increase investment in Pacific Ocean fisheries to lift the level of returns from this vital resource to Pacific nations, says Prime Minister John Key.

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    Norway: August sees historically high codfish exports


    In August, exports of codfish, including clipfish, salted fish and dried cod, totalled NOK915.7m, representing an increase of NOK182m, or 25%, on August last year, according to figures from the NSEC.

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    Mariscos Linamar S.L. launches Friend of the Sea mussels from Galicia


    Galician mussels from Mariscos Linamar S.L. have been certified Friend of the Sea.

  • News

    NFI top 10 list reveals white fish gains


    Americans ate 20% more tilapia in 2010 than they did in 2009, propelling it from the number five spot to number four, with the single largest gain in consumption on the NFI’s latest Top 10 Seafood List.

  • News

    CFCA coordinates plan for pelagics


    The Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) has started a joint deployment plan (JDP) for pelagic fisheries in Western Waters of the North East Atlantic.

  • Fin whale. Credit: NOAA

    Iceland criticises US for inconsistency


    Representatives of the Icelandic Government recently had meetings on whaling in Washington DC with the US State Department and the offices of Alaskan Senators, Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich.

  • Signature of the EU-US statement pledging bilateral cooperation to combat IUU fishing. From left to right: Commissioner Maria Damanaki, Dr Jane Lubchenco and Senators Mark Begich and Daniel Inouye. ©NOAA

    EU and US pledge to combat IUU fishing


    The EU and US have signed a statement pledging bilateral cooperation to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

  • "The main reason for the decrease in value is a lower price for salmon resulting from a fall in demand.  At the same time, we are seeing an increase in sales of frozen cod and haddock," says Egil Ove Sundheim, Market Information Director at the NSEC.

    Salmon reduces seafood export value


    Total seafood exports for August ended at NOK3.5bn, decreasing by NOK120m compared with August last year.

  • News

    Skretting invests $36m in Tasmania


    The Tasmanian Premier, Lara Giddings, has officially opened Skretting Australia’s $36 million fish feed plant expansion in Cambridge.

  • News

    US seafood landings and values increase


    US commercial fishermen landed 8.2bn pounds of seafood in 2010, valued at $4.5bn, an increase of 200m pounds and more than $600m in value over 2009, according to a new report released by NOAA.

  • News

    Bioprocessing plant for Nofima


    The government is funding Nofima’s bioprocessing pilot plant at a value of NOK3.5m, which establishes that the new plant will be a national facility for marine bioprocessing.

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    Dutch fishery strives for certification


    The Dutch hand-raked cockle fishery has entered full assessment against the MSC standard for sustainable fishing.

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    New MSC Russian appointment


    Dr Vassily Spiridonov has joined the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as its contract representative for the Russian Federation.

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    MSC awareness in Netherlands and Sweden


    New figures released this week show that, when shown an unbranded logo, 34% and 28% of fish consumers in the Netherlands and in Sweden respectively are aware of the MSC ecolabel.

  • The Kermadec marine reserve is New Zealand’s largest marine reserve

    Five marine reserves announced for NZ


    Five new marine reserves, including the two largest in mainland New Zealand, are to be established on the South Island''s West Coast.

  • Seafish’s Industry Project Fund (SIPF) is open for new applications

    Applications invited for new round of Industry Project Funding


    Seafish has announced that its Industry Project Fund (SIPF), worth up to £1 million, is once again open for new applications from those with innovative ideas benefiting the seafood industry.