All Industry News articles – Page 260

  • Workers at the Frigrove processing plant

    FOS tuna now traded in Spain


    Comercial Pernas S.L. is now trading yellowfin and albacore tuna from approved Friend of the Sea vessels.

  • News

    Chinese fish deaths investigated


    An investigation has been launched to determine why a large number of fish were recently found dead in the Minjiang River in East China’s Fujian province.

  • Toxic algae

    Further algal biotoxin testing from Cefas


    Cefas has announced that it plans to extend its shellfish testing services to cover algal biotoxins.

  • News

    Crab farm seeks compensation


    Bundaberg Port is facing a compensation claim from an aquaculture company that asserts that it “wasted” hundreds of thousands of dollars to delays, blocks and obstacles when trying to set up a business on port grounds.

  • Cod Plan control measures could be bettered

    Cod plan based on a "flawed assumption"


    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has said that the strategy underpinning attempts to rebuild cod stocks around the North Sea has been fundamentally challenged.

  • Mwai Kibaki: measures are needed to boost the growth and ensure food security in the country

    Kenya gains aquaculture funding boost


    The Kenyan Government has increased its agricultural budget and it seems that the aquaculture sector will benefit from a KES121m (US$1.28655m) share.

  • There may be targeted fishing of orange roughy in Australia’s eastern stock. Photo: S McGowan/ MPB

    Australia’s orange roughy stock considered


    A recent report into Australia’s eastern orange roughy stock may pave the way for a targeted quota, Simon Boag of South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association told World Fishing.

  • News

    Salmon company delays floatation


    A salmon company with interests abroad has decided to delay its stock market debut onto the Santiago Stock Exchange, due to the extreme volatility of both domestic and world markets.

  • Juvenile salmon are benefitting from the Nisqually river restoration

    Nisqually restoration boosts salmon


    A newly restored estuary is giving juvenile salmon from throughout Puget Sound a place to feed and grow before they migrate to the open ocean.

  • Whelks may create a much needed diversification for Labrador’s fishing communities. Photo: Jessica King, MPB

    Whelk harvests may save the day


    Labrador has no less than three economic development organisations conducting separate surveys of offshore whelk populations to determine the viability of having local fishermen harvest the species.

  • Greenpeace dressed the Three Kings water reservoir to look like a Sealord tuna tin

    Sealord considers action against Greenpeace


    Sealord is considering legal action against Greenpeace after Auckland was flooded with posters and banners that condemned the company for “unsustainable” tuna fishing methods, something which Sealord denies.

  • Farmed sea trout and other salmonids from Tasmania help boost Australian aquaculture figures. Photo: S McGowan/MPB

    Australian salmonids see values rise


    The value of farmed salmonids rose by 13% to AU$369.1m (US$393.4m) in 2009-10, to make it Australia’s most valuable fisheries product.

  • News

    Mackerel quota decisions


    HB Grandi says there are still some decisions to be taken on the last of this season’s mackerel quotas: according to the company’s pelagic division, there remains only around 2,000 tonnes to be caught.

  • News

    Fishermen play host to parliamentary delegates


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation is playing host to delegates from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICE), so as to enhance their understanding of the key issues facing the fishing industry.

  • News

    Chinese fishermen suing oil company


    Oil firms will be facing legal action by Chinese fishermen who say that that a spill from a ConocoPhillips platform caused the scallop population in Bohai Bay to be devastated.

  • The inquiry on the fire that caused three deaths onboard the Vision II talks of calamitous modifications

    Fan heater caused fatal trawler blaze


    A combination of “calamitous” modifications came together to cause the fire onboard Vision II which resulted in the deaths of three fishermen who were living onboard while the vessel was in port.

  • The new industrial classification will take in all vessels over 12 metres, and so will harm boats of 14 metres which will lose European support.

    CFP would make fishermen “endangered species”


    Spanish fishermen have warned that under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) they would become "an endangered species", and that the proposed changes would decimate the smaller sized operations.

  • The MSC will investigate the claim that Chilean sea bass (Dissostichus eleginoides) samples have been mislabelled as sustainable.

    MSC launches mislabelling investigation


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has responded to the claim, outlined in a Current Biology article, that fish had been mislabelled as being from certified sustainable stock.

  • News

    Quantity and value of UK landings increase


    New statistics published by the UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) show an increase in the quantity and value of fish landed by the UK fleet in 2010 compared with 2009.

  • The loss of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River, British Columbia has sparked a controversial inquiry. Photo  Lloyd Guenther/MPB

    Hearing homes in on lost salmon


    British Columbia''s Cohen Commission has sparked controversy as it tries to determine if aquaculture may have had a hand in the depletion of Fraser River sockeye salmon.